Master of Myrror Fantasy Mod 2.0

Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to leave Civ Fanatics. I love this site too much myself, but since I doubt Thunderfall will want a mod the size of mine, then I will use CDG to host it, and set up a link here. Since registration is free at CDG, I don't see that it's much problem for civfanatic fans to download from them as well. That's more what I was implying. :)

EDIT: Well, I'm not enjoying this 3DD thing, but I'm 133rd in line and I have 34 minutes to wait. If it stays on schedule then I will have the mod this morning. I was hoping for the numbers to dwindle, but it just keeps going up so I will try to get it now anyway. I only have 50 minutes though. Once it starts a download it only takes a minute since I use cable, but getting it to download is what is frustrating to me. Your mod looks worth the wait though.
The estimated time is taking longer than it claimed. I now have 9 minutes to go before download, but I have to head to work in 5 minutes. :hmm: If it wasn't so bad outside with the weather, I would just wait. Currently 33rd. :aargh: Well, you might get to move forward a little I may have to bail before it gets to me. Oh well, maybe later then.
I'm really sorry for you guys. Hope you get the download eventually. :(
Looks Great, waiting to download it now :thumbsup:
Started up a game as the Draloc, and has essentially just been fooling around. Couple comments:

There doesn't seem to be any early culture-producing building for Chaos?

Am I supposed to start in Anarchy? I was able to switch to Chaos on turn two, but it was a bit confusing.

Please do something about the Barbarian names! Uzbek wolves is only funny once.
Life mages are at an advantage culturewise. They are one step closer to Life Magic II and Shrines. If it's too crippling to other mages, I can do something about it, but I don't want to jump into conclusions. :)

You are supposed to start in anarchy. It's the same system WH-Mod uses. Only way of having just one useable government for each faction.

Barbarian names are naturally on the to-do-list. :) I just didn't bother with them as I didn't yet touch labels.txt. I hope they are not too distracting. (and I laughed at them more than once. :lol: )

Keep the feedback coming. :)
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
So I have to research the Life techs as a Chaos mage? I was sorta assuming I should be sticking to "my" techs.

You do know that the barbarian tribe names are on the Civilizations tab, not in labels.txt, do you?

You have to research everything. :D You just start with the level 1 tech from your own branch of magic. After that, all techs are equal. You don't unfortunately research your own magic faster or anything.

"Chaos Races I, Chaos Races II, Life Races I..." unlock new units and the unique building of each race resource. They are not required for era advancement. (First large set of bugs found. They seem to be required at the moment.) Idea is that you can research just the race techs that you need.

And I do know about the barbarian names. The other part of the message shown when barbarians appear or attack is in labels.txt though. I didn't really look into it. Maybe simply changing barbarian names would've given ok results. :)

I'll upload a new .biq with the race techs not being required for era advancement. (I usually got them all by bargaining or from Spell of Knowledge so I didn't notice the problem.)
For barbarian names:
I advise editing of both the list in BIQ and labels.txt. Labels.txt allow to change all the messages and get rid of the name variables completly, but they will still appear when you right-click on a unit (ie. Uzbek Conscript (2/2) Something).

After several hours of waiting and downloading I finally got the mod, I'll post my comments after I play a bit.

I've kinda stayed away from labels.txt and scripts.txt until Firaxis releases next official patch. My solution ws to remove barbarian tribe names completely. There are still the required 76 of them, but they are just blank entries. In game it reads for example "We have disturbed an angry Wolf Pack." Do you think this will cause any problems? The few situations I tested worked alright.
I left my PC for a while, only to come back to it saying this:

"Key is Invalid

The unique key you are using has expired.

There are a few explanations for why. One reason is that you have cookies in your browser. Another possibility is that the queue window has gone too long without refreshing."

And now I can't download it at all.
Beta patch 1 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Extract to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\ and overwrite existing files.

- Race techs are not required for era advancement
- Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
- Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
- New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
- Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
- White Rider pedia entry is fixed.

- -

@ Raw is War?

That sucks. Have you tried closing the browser and trying again? I've contacted Thunderfall about the problems people are having with 3DD. It's a difficult situation for everyone. :(
Right, I closed my browser and tried again, but it didn't work. However, I use opera, so I tried it with internet explorer and i'm back in the queue, so fingers crossed.

Edit: It's just come up with "Cannot find server", so i'm having to rejoin the queue :(
I'll have to download the mod again as winrar said the files were corrupt, but as embryodead seems to have got it to work I assume I just have to try again... And now I don't have to get that first bug. ;)
You've got the latest winrar?
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