Master of Myrror Fantasy Mod 2.0

That may be it... It says I've got corrupt headers (I'm currently unraring it, 209 errors, no 211 and rising) but it seems I get the files. We'll just have to see...
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
Can't you just leave you're computer on when you go to work? I do hope you're not on a modem considering the size of this thing ...

I'd rather not, and luckily I'm on a cable modem so it takes 1 minute to download anything, including the full War Hammer mod. I'm an energy conserver since I have to pay that bill. :nono: Computer drains too much juice as it is, but to leave it sitting for 9-10 hours before I can get back to it? It's also my baby, so I have a paranoid sense to watch over it constantly while it is running.

Back in line and it asays 34 minutes so that means about 1 hour 15 minutes I'm geussing. :hmm: ok, I'm for a while so that will be fine. Then I get to play it.
I found something that should be a bug. The Great Eagle has 4/1/1, but is flagged as both offensive and defensive.

And I'm sure embryodead is gonna tell you that it's silly that it upgrades to a Griffin, and he's gonna demand, in that deep scary voice of his, to remove the upgrade flag immediately. Or else...

The same with Griffin to Dragon, and so on...

I'm not sure I'll say this when all's said and done (balance?), but I'm sure he will. :D

And there was much rejoicing. :D

Thunderfall proved yet again what a nice guy he is and put the files on CivFanatics server also. First post has been updated.


Great Eagle is definitely a bug. Another patch it seems. Chaos mages had also free Trebuchets.

I've got a nifty explanation for upgrade chains: units are transmutated into other units. So it's perfectly logical that a powerful wizard can turn an eagle into a griffin with his/her great magic. :p
Beta patch 2 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Extract to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\ and overwrite existing files.

Fixes to base version: new fixes in italic
- Race techs are not required for era advancement
- Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
- Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
- New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
- Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
- White Rider pedia entry is fixed.
- Chaos mage Trebuchets cost 30 points instead of 0
- Great Eagles don't have defense AI strategy
- Sorcery Spellforge renamed Life Spellforge
Downloaded it and played a couple of brief games; a lot of fun, and it looks like a lot of effort went into this.
Found one minor bug - a typo in Pediaicons.txt. The splash for the Necromancy small wonder is listed as "#WON_SPLASH_BLDG_BLDG_Necromancy", it should be just "#WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Necromancy"; as it is, the game crashes if you try and build Necromancy.
Also, the 'Enchant Shrines' wonder is listed as having the effects of 'Sailing Magic' in the Civilopedia and on the splash screen - this confused me for some time... ;)
@4th of Eleven
That's definitely not a minor bug. Thanks for bringing it up. I can't belive I've missed it. :mad:

Here we go again: :rolleyes:

Beta patch 3 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Extract to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\ and overwrite existing files.

Fixes to base version: new fixes in italic
- Race techs are not required for era advancement
- Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
- Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
- New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
- Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
- White Rider pedia entry is fixed.
- Chaos mage Trebuchets cost 30 points instead of 0
- Great Eagles don't have defense AI strategy
- Sorcery Spellforge renamed Life Spellforge
- Casting Necromancy doesn't crash the game
- Enchant Shrines has correct pedia entry

Sorry about the patch barrage. Many of these are things I should've noticed myself before posting beta.
Originally posted by Drift
And there was much rejoicing. :D

Thunderfall proved yet again what a nice guy he is and put the files on CivFanatics server also. First post has been updated.

:rotfl: Cool, cause I got disconnected yesterday and decided I wasn't going to bother anymore, until now. Downloading as we speak, ETA 1 minute. Thank you Thunderfall.
Guess what? New patch.

Beta patch 4 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Extract to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\ and overwrite existing files.

Fixes to base version: new fixes in italic
- Race techs are not required for era advancement
- Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
- Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
- New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
- Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
- White Rider pedia entry is fixed.
- Chaos mage Trebuchets cost 30 points instead of 0
- Great Eagles don't have defense AI strategy
- Sorcery Spellforge renamed Life Spellforge
- Casting Necromancy doesn't crash the game
- Enchant Shrines has correct pedia entry
- Casting Sea Link doesn't crash the game

I tested all wonders and small wonders. This should be the end of Wonder splash crashes. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvinience.
I continue my patch-monologue:

Beta patch 5 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Fixes to base version: new fixes in italic
- Race techs are not required for era advancement
- Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
- Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
- New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
- Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
- White Rider pedia entry is fixed.
- Chaos mage Trebuchets cost 30 points instead of 0
- Great Eagles don't have defense AI strategy
- Sorcery Spellforge renamed Life Spellforge
- Casting Necromancy doesn't crash the game
- Enchant Shrines has correct pedia entry
- Casting Sea Link doesn't crash the game
- Techs are more expensive
- Some high-end wonders are more expensive
- Life mages maintain 6 units for metropolises instead of 8 and can use 1 unit as military police instead of 2.
- Nature mages maintain 8 units for metropolises instead of 6 and can use 2 units as military police instead of 1.
- Chaos has nuisance corruption and 150% worker rate
- Chaos Node comes with Chaos Magic IX instead of Chaos Magic VIII
- Techs that make wonders obsolete mention the wonders in question in their pedia entries
- Bombardment unit upgrades should work now. (not tested in game yet)

This is getting silly with multiple patches coming out during a same day, but I feel it's better to fix things right away when they are noticed. That way the version available is always the best possible one.
So far I like the Mod but have one question. I notice you have released five patches. Do I need to download them all or can I do the most recent?

PS - At about 8:30am today I got on right away. :D
I played with Oberic and Rjak so far. Was definetely more interesting with Rjak, mainly because of surrounding terrain and good resources (lizards and elves near capital, while with Oberic I still had Acolytes after 100 turns). It looks nice with all the wonder-spells and mage-oriented gameplay. I didn't play enough yet to find any serious bugs, so I will comment mostly on visual stuff.

Interface & Terrain - it's also too dark for me. Colours of grasslands, plains and forests is ok, but for example deserts don't look so good, and those blue stones are really weird. Bright resources (ie. ivory, sheep, wheat, dyes) and cities (life, nature) don't fit in the color scheme IMHO. I assume it was your intention to provide high contrast by brightness, but it looks strange. Raising brightness should go with raising contrast. Maybe you could pump up the contrast of everything, ie. keep dark terrain as is, but make mountains brighter and deserts more like deserts. Same with popfaces with high brightness and no contrast (ie. death citizens - btw are they supposed to be darkelves or undead? I can do skeletal popheads if needed).

I'd prefer to see different graphics for some race resources. Lizardmen look ok, but elves would look better with some sort of tree village (ie. from MoM).

I though Sss'ra was chaos mage (probably chaos + nature, don't remember, but he looked sort of evil :) )

Mark "ranged attack animation" for serpent maybe... it won't help much (still will move when fighting with non-ranged) but always a bit. Now it looks strange when the snake jumps on the enemy unit and tries to hit something a tile away.

OF COURSE I think beasts shouldn't upgrade. In MoM they didn't :p I demand... ;)

Are you gonna use railroads (that glowing roads from MoM)? Normally I detest this option, but here it has some sense.

Why are Settlers so cheap? They need stuff to settle, materials to build they new home etc. ;) I had to build mana crystals all the time, just to fill up the time.

Can I use your Breeding Pools for my Spawning Pools? Mine look more like muddy swimming pool right now :)
Originally posted by embryodead
I played with Oberic and Rjak so far. Was definetely more interesting with Rjak, mainly because of surrounding terrain and good resources (lizards and elves near capital, while with Oberic I still had Acolytes after 100 turns).

This is something I've been contemplating. Each mage's own higher units require his own type of mana. This is ok as long as there is a node of mage's own mana type around or the player has access to some race resources. If he has neither, he's kinda screwed. Maybe I should make sure each mage has one offensive unit without any resource requirements. Nodes are very common so your neighbour usually has what you are lacking. :)

Interface & Terrain - it's also too dark for me. Colours of grasslands, plains and forests is ok, but for example deserts don't look so good, and those blue stones are really weird. Bright resources (ie. ivory, sheep, wheat, dyes) and cities (life, nature) don't fit in the color scheme IMHO. I assume it was your intention to provide high contrast by brightness, but it looks strange. Raising brightness should go with raising contrast. Maybe you could pump up the contrast of everything, ie. keep dark terrain as is, but make mountains brighter and deserts more like deserts.

Ok. I'll experiment with terrain/resources/cities more. I guess I've been looking at it for so long that I've become blind to its lackings.

Same with popfaces with high brightness and no contrast (ie. death citizens - btw are they supposed to be darkelves or undead? I can do skeletal popheads if needed).

Confession: I hate the popfaces of the mod. Death citizens are supposed to be undead... Skeletal popheads would be most cool! :) Even more horrible are the chaos citizens who are the same as death citizens, but in bright red.

I got kinda fed up with making those popheads at one point and thought I'd revisit them later.

I'd prefer to see different graphics for some race resources. Lizardmen look ok, but elves would look better with some sort of tree village (ie. from MoM).

Yup, some of them are not very pretty. I originally had different settlements with small units outside for most races, but they didn't look good in game. Then when I started to make them as lone figures, I kinda wanted to keep the style consistant. But I can definitely redo some of them.

I though Sss'ra was chaos mage (probably chaos + nature, don't remember, but he looked sort of evil :) )

I remembered him to be nature + chaos, and placed him as a nature mage as I felt he was needed there (at the moment other nature mages were samwise and ariel so they kinda lacked some harshness) I was a bit surprised when I found out Sss'ra was actually chaos + life. Maybe he has changed sides?

Mark "ranged attack animation" for serpent maybe... it won't help much (still will move when fighting with non-ranged) but always a bit. Now it looks strange when the snake jumps on the enemy unit and tries to hit something a tile away.

Ok. I'll try it. I'm looking for replacements for serpents. I've been trying to stick to nature beasts as barbarians and there isn't anything very useful around. I had raptors in place of serpents for some time.

OF COURSE I think beasts shouldn't upgrade. In MoM they didn't :p I demand... ;)

I agree on a theoretical level. However, I hate units that don't upgrade and it keeps AI better in game.

Are you gonna use railroads (that glowing roads from MoM)? Normally I detest this option, but here it has some sense.

I had forgotten MoM had these. I did originally make graphics for silver roads, but then decided I didn't want to cover the whole landscape with them and give infinite movement to units of a fantasy mod. The magic thing would be naturally a good backstory, but I don't know.... Not at the moment at least.

Why are Settlers so cheap? They need stuff to settle, materials to build they new home etc. ;) I had to build mana crystals all the time, just to fill up the time.

They are a bit cheap but I haven't paid attention to it as I have them costing the same as they do in regular Civ3 (or do I? At least I haven't changed their cost intentionally.) Maybe I should give them a bit more cost.

Can I use your Breeding Pools for my Spawning Pools? Mine look more like muddy swimming pool right now :)

What kinda question is that? You can use anything from the mod. :) You don't know how much I've benefitted from WH-mod. If you find anything useful in MoM, you don't need to ask.
Originally posted by yaksack
So far I like the Mod but have one question. I notice you have released five patches. Do I need to download them all or can I do the most recent?

You always need just the latest patch. Patch 5 contains all the changes made in 1,2,3,4. :)
Well you certainly changed the cost of settlers... they cost 10 shields, which is little as worker's cost. Needed 2-5 turns to build a settler, if not the pop cost. Normally settlers cost 30.
Don't understand how I've done it, but you're right. Why haven't I suspected anything from the way they were built so quickly? :confused:

Oh well. I've been testing adding contrast to terrain and I have to admit that it looks a lot better. Resources and cities also blend in better. I've also made new resource icon for elves. Sorry, it's not a treehouse - I want to keep the icons consistent. :)
Beta patch 6 released

This patch is outdated. Download the latest patch from post #1

Fixes to base version: new fixes in italic
  • - Race techs are not required for era advancement
    - Race techs given more descriptive names ("Orcs & Trolls I" instead of "Chaos Races I")
    - Barbarian names replaced with blank entries to get rid of "Uzbek Wolf Packs".
    - New (empty) icon for techs that are not required for era advancement.
    - Sorcerers don't have "ranged attack animation" flag checked.
    - White Rider pedia entry is fixed.
    - Chaos mage Trebuchets cost 30 points instead of 0
    - Great Eagles don't have defense AI strategy
    - Sorcery Spellforge renamed Life Spellforge
    - Casting Necromancy doesn't crash the game
    - Enchant Shrines has correct pedia entry
    - Casting Sea Link doesn't crash the game
    - Techs are more expensive
    - Some high-end wonders are more expensive
    - Life mages maintain 6 units for metropolises instead of 8 and can use 1 unit as military police instead of 2.
    - Nature mages maintain 8 units for metropolises instead of 6 and can use 2 units as military police instead of 1.
    - Chaos has nuisance corruption and 150% worker rate
    - Chaos Node comes with Chaos Magic IX instead of Chaos Magic VIII
    - Techs that make wonders obsolete mention the wonders in question in their pedia entries
    - Bombardment unit upgrades should work now. (not tested in game yet)
    - Settlers cost 30 like they are supposed to
    - Chaos Warrior, Ent and Shadowman don't require any resources.
    - Some units were given ranged attack animations to make them behave correctly.
    - New, slightly better population heads for Chaos. Also modified the death mage population heads, but they are still ugly.
    - Fixed city graphics for several culture groups (had correct graphics for only one era). Aaglo's beautiful cities didn't fit in with the rest of the graphics after all so I had to replace them.
    - New resource icons for Trolls, Elves and Men

New terrain graphics released

Download part 1 (2.6MB)
Download part 2 (2.4MB)
Download part 3 (1.6MB)

Extract to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\ and overwrite existing files.

Old terrain graphics were too dark and had too little contrast. You may want to backup your Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios\MoM\Art\Terrain\ but I don't believe anyone prefers the old graphics over the new ones. This is purely aesthetic update and you don't have to download these if you don't want to.

Preview (old on the left, new on the right):

I had no time to play your mod yet but it indeed looks very nice!

Just about the railroads: Maybe you can make them somehow very expensive so that the whole land doesn't get covered with them so fast. Then you could only use them for some strategical important connections.

On the other hand probably AI couldn't handle it very well. Also I remember ED said they are not very customizable...
Also, in MoM, I think I remember that they couldn't be build by the player himself?

About Sss'ra: Yes, I remember him being life + chaos. Don't you remember this white uniform he was wearing (white =good/life per definition ;) )? I actually liked him very much, he was fierce, strange and good altogether :cool: ...

Thanks. Problem about railroads is that no matter how much they cost, eventually player and AI will cover the land with them. After that, warfare loses all resemblance to medieval warfare - reinforcements zoom from another side of the continent in one turn. I feel that while not having railroads slows down unit movement, it also allows overwhelming your enemy much more efficiently than it would be possible with railroads in play. I personally like much more the medieval wars of Civ than Industrial&Modern. Unit movement rates matter, unit deployment matters and so on.

If movement in late game becomes a problem, I'd much rather allow Chaos Gates or their equivalents to all mages so each mage could airlift his/her troops around.

Sss'ra isn't the only one who has changed camps. Ariel of original MoM was a full life mage - I have her as nature mage. Freya on the other hand was a full nature mage and I have her as life mage. :crazyeye:

Kali is a mage I might want to replace. Malekith doesn't fit very well with that skull on his helmet (and the fact that he is male while Kali is female. :lol: ). Sss'ra could replace him and then I would have to come up with a new nature mage (or make Freya a nature mage and come up with a new life mage)
Bright day

Good mod, though quite militaristic due to lack of buildings. Most things I found has already been adressed so I have nothing to grumble around:cry: . Well almost;)- few cosmetic complaints. First is it possible to get all that ugly extra air missions of undead? Skeletons have btw more air missions show than zombies- also it would be nice to see this special ability in civpedia? Ad Mages would not be there african leaderhead that could double for Tlaloc? He may could be used in both scenarios you spoke about (get rid of Kali, replace it with Sss'ra).

May all your days be bright.
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