Originally posted by embryodead
I played with Oberic and Rjak so far. Was definetely more interesting with Rjak, mainly because of surrounding terrain and good resources (lizards and elves near capital, while with Oberic I still had Acolytes after 100 turns).
This is something I've been contemplating. Each mage's own higher units require his own type of mana. This is ok as long as there is a node of mage's own mana type around or the player has access to some race resources. If he has neither, he's kinda screwed. Maybe I should make sure each mage has one offensive unit without any resource requirements. Nodes are very common so your neighbour usually has what you are lacking.
Interface & Terrain - it's also too dark for me. Colours of grasslands, plains and forests is ok, but for example deserts don't look so good, and those blue stones are really weird. Bright resources (ie. ivory, sheep, wheat, dyes) and cities (life, nature) don't fit in the color scheme IMHO. I assume it was your intention to provide high contrast by brightness, but it looks strange. Raising brightness should go with raising contrast. Maybe you could pump up the contrast of everything, ie. keep dark terrain as is, but make mountains brighter and deserts more like deserts.
Ok. I'll experiment with terrain/resources/cities more. I guess I've been looking at it for so long that I've become blind to its lackings.
Same with popfaces with high brightness and no contrast (ie. death citizens - btw are they supposed to be darkelves or undead? I can do skeletal popheads if needed).
Confession: I hate the popfaces of the mod. Death citizens are supposed to be undead... Skeletal popheads would be most cool!

Even more horrible are the chaos citizens who are the same as death citizens, but in bright red.
I got kinda fed up with making those popheads at one point and thought I'd revisit them later.
I'd prefer to see different graphics for some race resources. Lizardmen look ok, but elves would look better with some sort of tree village (ie. from MoM).
Yup, some of them are not very pretty. I originally had different settlements with small units outside for most races, but they didn't look good in game. Then when I started to make them as lone figures, I kinda wanted to keep the style consistant. But I can definitely redo some of them.
I though Sss'ra was chaos mage (probably chaos + nature, don't remember, but he looked sort of evil
I remembered him to be nature + chaos, and placed him as a nature mage as I felt he was needed there (at the moment other nature mages were samwise and ariel so they kinda lacked some harshness) I was a bit surprised when I found out Sss'ra was actually chaos + life. Maybe he has changed sides?
Mark "ranged attack animation" for serpent maybe... it won't help much (still will move when fighting with non-ranged) but always a bit. Now it looks strange when the snake jumps on the enemy unit and tries to hit something a tile away.
Ok. I'll try it. I'm looking for replacements for serpents. I've been trying to stick to nature beasts as barbarians and there isn't anything very useful around. I had raptors in place of serpents for some time.
OF COURSE I think beasts shouldn't upgrade. In MoM they didn't
I demand...
I agree on a theoretical level. However, I hate units that don't upgrade and it keeps AI better in game.
Are you gonna use railroads (that glowing roads from MoM)? Normally I detest this option, but here it has some sense.
I had forgotten MoM had these. I did originally make graphics for silver roads, but then decided I didn't want to cover the whole landscape with them and give infinite movement to units of a fantasy mod. The magic thing would be naturally a good backstory, but I don't know.... Not at the moment at least.
Why are Settlers so cheap? They need stuff to settle, materials to build they new home etc.
I had to build mana crystals all the time, just to fill up the time.
They are a bit cheap but I haven't paid attention to it as I have them costing the same as they do in regular Civ3 (or do I? At least I haven't changed their cost intentionally.) Maybe I should give them a bit more cost.
Can I use your Breeding Pools for my Spawning Pools? Mine look more like muddy swimming pool right now
What kinda question is that? You can use anything from the mod.

You don't know how much I've benefitted from WH-mod. If you find anything useful in MoM, you don't need to ask.