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[MoO] Master of Orion 2 unofficial patch

Thanks for responding Rocco! I don't have any third-party AV installed, just the built-in Windows Defender stuff. I suppose I could try disabling the Real-time protection in Windows Security settings.
you can try, but it shouldn't be needed normally...
That's what I thought. I had no trouble installing previous patches in Win10. I'll try it, of course; can't hurt. Any other suggestions?
not atm, sadly, except something maybe changed on your system configuration?
nothing major changed from patch 1.50.19 thru 1.50.21.
if .19 or .20 worked, can't see why .21 would be different.
Absolutely excellent mod! I especially love the custom build queues, they are great :) Thank you for contributing so much to the MoO2 community.

I have a couple of questions, if anyone can answer them.

1) When I set colonies to housing, the new population sometimes show up as farmers, even if the colony has no farmers. This causes me a lot of micro-management issues where later where I might have many colonies set to housing, I always have to scroll through and move over any farmers to production or science. It seems this doesn't always happen, I don't know what it's based on.

I don't suppose there's any way using this mod, to change this? Where the new population from housing is distributed based on the existing population's jobs, rather than going to farming, when there are no farmers.

2) Is there any way to alter the Auto Build? The build queues are limited by the number of slots, I was wondering if there way a way to alter the default Auto Build, which doesn't seem very good IMO. And thus create a longer queue.

Also, I think the AI Auto Build supposedly takes some colony specific factors into account? Someone on this thread says:
Autobuild is a function used by AI to build stuff according to AI ideas about it (even if used by human player: it will act as if AI player is playing for this faction (ofc only regarding managing of stuff to build on planets)); it take some odd factors into consideration for decisions to make, and its absolutely not a some simple "list".
Also this thread:
That's all in Assembly-CSharp.dll in MasterOfOrion_Data\Managed. It's not just a simple list; it's a complex algorithm. It's the sort of thing WhatIsSol could improve in his unofficial patch if he wants to.
Is there any way to make colony specific build queues, like for instance not building Robotic Factories on poor/ultra poor planets, or only building Recyclotron on 6+ population planets? I don't know if this mod can be made to do anything like that or not.
I'm in my second game now, and I've noticed that the Orion Senate never convenes. Is there something I need to select or enable?
1.50 didn't change anything in that department. So mebbe there's just 1 opponent left or 1v1 game? In that case there's no more council (need at least 3 players to happen).
I don't think that's it. I played a full game with 5 opponents and never saw the Senate. I was almost to the point of researching Advanced Technologies, so it's not like the game just ended too soon to see it, and I had more than one opponent well into the game. I thought maybe there was a setting in an .ini file somewhere that toggles the Senate on/off, and my file got changed somewhere along the way.
It's a Large galaxy, so I'd say so.

In my current game, also a Large galaxy, it's year 3532 and I have two opponents left, and have yet to see the Senate convene. My empire has 9 star systems, and this is the galaxy as I know it.


  • MoO.png
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ok, that map explains it i think, being in contact is not sufficient condition, in addition a certain % of the galaxy needs to be discorvered (2/3 probably?), so do explore some more stars and your council should be triggered.
/edit - rule is that 1/2 stars in galaxy must be colonized before council can happen. exploration is not a factor.
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OK, my experience.

Technically mod is outstanding - no bugs, great UI, many options included.

Haven't played MOO2 this century, so was kinda rusty, played several games on just hard, decided than with better micro, shipbuilding and custom races at impossible there will be the same results. Stock races (Humans, Sakkra, Klackons, Silicoids), pre-warp, average age, 8 players, 1,5 improved and ICE map script.

Tried different map settings, medium 1,5 improved was best for me - ICE map feels just too prosperous, too many big habitable planets all around. Small size is too crowded, large too annoying at the later stages. Middle size map provide enough space for early expansion, couple of systems to settle, and then conflict with aliens with scrapbuided fleet, then grand finale in a reasonable timeframe.

Somehow on the fence with ICE(m) vs 1,5 improved. In general tech tree changes in ICE feels right, but I got problems with Robotic Factory and Subterranean farms being too early in the tree - Robo-miners and Soil Enrichment are kinda dedicated techs for production and populous worlds, but factory and farms I was building all over the place. Maybe it's balanced, so with 6 free food on each planet non Lithovore races can compete, but feels kinda boring. Research Lab as a singleton is fine for AI, but my uncreative klackons got it also, which kinda kills the point of disadvantage. +/-20 picks at race customization is too much, IMO.

Find pattern in all games on both 1,5 and ice - early game is quite tense and packed with decisions, as AI is quite fast with first colony ship and early military. I'm trying, if not repulsive, to sign as much research/trade agreements as I can, to get positive relationships and sign nonaggression pacts. Usually this plan fail with at least one neighbor, it leads to war when AI got superioor fleet, but AI blokade with destroyers-cruisers I can beat, with lone battleship they like to attack starbases and are usually failing terribly. Then with optimizing race bonuses and available technologies nearest AI can be beaten, somewhere at this time I'm managing fleet to beat nearby monster with juicy planet and make production hub there stacking as much production bonuses and corresponding leader. Maybe one more such hub on the other side of my territory, every other planets go into science, than I can spam battleships and later titans and roll over the galaxy.

Until the last game. Hard difficulty, medium 1,5 map, ICE M, stock Klackons. Uncreative rolls was quite interesting - I was actively tech trading, but got Automated Factories very late, cannot get Spaceport, Merculites, Fusion beam, Type 3 shield, so was struggling both economically and militarily. I've managed to get Stock Exchange, got my Battleship spamming factory working and managed to hire "android leader", so it seems that I will start to roll, but it was quite challenging finally.

So it seems to me that too make AI competitive best way to go is not singleton techs and moving them up-down the tree, and even not AI bonuses, but just serious nerf to production and science buildings. For a player it should be serious struggle when and where build each of this buildings, not just spam most of them to get good results all over the map (or not spam and get mediocre results even with Klackon economy bonuses).

PS: Will play ICE from now on even if I'm not sure about some tech changes - I got my usual "final horde" but Psylons managed to tech enough stuff so my spam of mass-driver titans work not so great and after them there is big Mrshan empire on far part of the map. So I will finally need to produce a proper end game fleet. Good stuff!
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I see the 1.50.24 patch came out yesterday! I'm always excited to see a new patch for this old favorite. Thanks for keeping up the good work!

By the way, I'm not sure I've mentioned this before, but I have to commend you folks for your Linux installer. Linux installers for software you download on the Internet are so problematic most of the time - they don't actually install, or you have to do some kind of workaround to get it done, or installing requires compiling them and they fail to compile even though you followed the instructions, or what have you. But the Linux installer for this fan patch just works as intended. I even get to use the icon on the Desktop with game options, and launch the game nice and slick same as Windows users.
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I see the 1.50.24 patch came out yesterday! I'm always excited to see a new patch for this old favorite. Thanks for keeping up the good work!

By the way, I'm not sure I've mentioned this before, but I have to commend you folks for your Linux installer. Linux installers for software you download on the Internet are so problematic most of the time - they don't actually install, or you have to do some kind of workaround to get it done, or installing requires compiling them and they fail to compile even though you followed the instructions, or what have you. But the Linux installer for this fan patch just works as intended. I even get to use the icon on the Desktop with game options, and launch the game nice and slick same as Windows users.
Is the new patch in the 1st post link? or on some other site like ModDb?
Never mind I found it! Thanks for your post here! Old MoO player here that Modded MoO 3 And Finished the Game by conquering the whole Galaxy multiple times. 1st time took 620+ turns with the tin men the last to succumb to my Human forces. Made the Random Gov't Mod listed on the Old MoO Universe site. Was in the Process of making a new race mod that included all of bhruic's Patches & patcher. Otsego's beta mod some of gerra's work and more. But old age and life got in the way. :P I will be 73 this Feb. :P :P
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