mb1 20K double whammy


GOTM Staff
Jan 24, 2003
This is my first attempt at running an SG.

The game will have the followin requirement for victory. On the last turn it must be possible to win by the following methods.

1. 2 cities must reach the 20K cultural limit
2. 100K culture
3. Space race
4. Diplomatic

CIV: China
Difficulty: Regent
Map Type: Pangea (randomly generated), 4 Billion years, temperate, 60% water.
Map size: Large
Opponents: Russia, America, Germany, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Rome, England, India, Babylon, France, Persia.
Barb setting: Roaming
Software: Vanilla Civ III (1.29)


TedJackson (UP for the last time)

Each session will be 10 turns in length to be played within 72 hours of the save being made available.

The start is now fixed as shown below



Here is the save.
Looks like an interesting challenge. :)

Count me in.


Welcome Ted. It's great to have someone of your calibre in the game. I wasn't sure if this idea would generate much interest.

I thought I was joining to inprove my game skills :)


Hhmm, I may be overdoing things here, but I've recently developed an interest for 20k victories... And so have you, mad-bax, isn't it? Looks like this SG is a spillover from your GOTM21 experience... ;)

Anyway, with the rest of the world going on holiday and myself left all alone in the office, I should have enough time to play another one. Can I sign in?
Oh my god! Now I'm nervous. Of course you are in Karasu.

At the moment I am thinking we could play as the Chinese on a fairly crowded map.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.

BTW - How is GOTM 21 going for you? You haven't been posting and I'm dying to know how your game went.
What civ...
Chinese are Ok. I think Militaristic + Industrious is a good combination for the game target. I would go with it.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's think of possible alternatives...
If you want to stick to militaristic, I would consider are Japan and Germany -I like worse or have recently played the other civs.

Or, if we want to use the Religious / Scientific bonus, then Persia or Egypt may be interesting.

"Fairly crowded map" also sounds interesting. I only hope you are not thinking of 15 opponents à la GOTM21... ;)

Talking about that, I have posted a boring recap in the Spoiler 1 thread.
Right now, I am in the limbo between spoiler 1 and spoiler 2, having almost reached the end of the Middle Ages (which I was trying to delay as much as I could).

My 20k city looks fine, I am finally building up culture points. Of course, the main worry is preventing all those civs from launching their StupidSpaceShip...

I should be able to post something in the Spoiler 2 thread in a couple of days, anyway.

EDIT: I had missed the Civ version in the first post...
As we're in Civ 1.29 if we choose industrious as our primary trait then we have the choice of:

China - Militaristic - always a good choice and a useful UU
Egypt - Religious - good if we envisage a lot of revolution but UU is perhaps too early for a large map
America - Expansionist - Good choice if there's a lot of GH but poor UU
France - Commercial - benefits from large map plus we start with Alphabet, but an unpopular UU
Persia - Scientific - another good choice with a good UU

I think, on the whole, I'd favour China or France mainly because of their later UUs. Of course I'll happily play with whatever is the most popular choice.

I think Regent would be preferable to Warlord as theis would have us on an even footing with the AI as far as production goes.

Just my initial musings :)


Ted: Thanks for your comments.

So far I think I will probably post a choice of 5 starts. 1 of each of


I have edited the first post for the various settings that are open to a vote.
Ok, then. I shall cast my vote... (you can tell I'm not too busy today! ;) )

- Regent
- Roaming
- Location: an earthly paradise with lush green countryside, gently rolling hills covered with vineyards... ehmm, maybe I got carried away.
I have no real preference, but I would not suggest too difficult a starting position, as we must find *two* 20k city sites in a relatively short time.
I never tried this thing, and I don't think it will be too easy. Shall we say "River" as a reasonable minimum?
Originally posted by Karasu
- Regent
- Roaming

Originally posted by Karasu
- Location: an earthly paradise with lush green countryside, gently rolling hills covered with vineyards... ehmm, maybe I got carried away.
I have no real preference, but I would not suggest too difficult a starting position, as we must find *two* 20k city sites in a relatively short time.
I never tried this thing, and I don't think it will be too easy. Shall we say "River" as a reasonable minimum?
And not too far from the coast :)

My best guess, so far, is that an inland river site and a coastal river site would be perfection. That would seem to give us the best spread of Ancient Wonder possibilities.


Hi Andvruss: You're in. Please vote for what you want. I'll add you to the roster.
Regent is fine for me. I feel pretty comfortable at that level. I personally would like Egypt as our civ. Even thought there UU sucks, there traits are awesome. We could always jumpstart a GA with wonders, and we will need alot if this game is goning to be a 20,000 culture victory in 2 city at the same time. I could live with another civ though.
Thinking a little more about the start...

The most effective Ancient Age Wonders are the Colossus and the Great Library (both coming in at 66.6 shields per culture point generated per turn) so coastal is pretty important if we want to get off to a good start :)

Nice to see we've already picked up 4 players.


A question for you. Are you planning on playing this as a 2 City Challenge? Because let me tell you, that is a hell of a fun game. I had this same idea a few months ago and I played it with Russia as a 2CC and was about 30 turns from victory (if my memory serves me) when the AI built spaceships and I lost. Pretty important for a 20k city is getting that temple built as quickly as possible, so you will probably want to build a settler for the second city without building a granary.

This is not a sign up by the way, but good luck!
Speaker: The only condition for the game is as stated in the first post. The way we get there will be up to the team. If they want a 2CC then fine. Without wanting to sway the decision making process too much I would say that a 2CC attempt would need the roster to be filled by elite players only, and I was rather hoping that we would have a mix of abilities in the game.

I found myself rolling starts last night. So what the hell, I decided to post them and fix the difficulty level at regent with roaming barbs. I have absolutely no knowledge of the maps other than what you see, with the exception of the German start where I checked to make sure that the river delta was into coast rather than lake.

I hope all the starts are reasonable without being perfect. I think there is something to be said for each of them. Remember to take the CIV into account when deciding :)
On first inspection Egypt looks the strongest. If we move the Settler East then we'll have a coastal city with Game, Wheat and Cattle at the first cultural expansion.

Of course, judgement is coloured by the fact we can see more of our surroundings.

To even out the view of the starts perhaps you could move the Chinese worker SW, the Japanese worker S, the German worker N or S and the French worker SE.


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