Ok, so first of all, yes I read the manual: "Warning: due to the immense size of this map, it is not recommended that you try to run it on anything but modern powerful PCs and only on a 64-bit OS. In the late game, it will run very slowly even on those and can start crashing due to memory allocation problems. If you are not prepared for long waits between turns (several minutes in the late game!), you should probably select a smaller map instead. If you have a 32-bit OS, you may not even be able to start this map." That is for the hugest Earth map. So I am playing the Europe map, which is compared to the second biggest earth map. Turns even in like 1600AD are very quick, my PC has not trouble. The issue is now I get memory allocation crashes. It happens every 10-20 turns now. I have never seen it "just happen" it usually happens when opening up a window like diplomacy etc. I am just in the habit of saving often now, it's manageable because my PC loads the game quickly. My stats are: CPU: 10700k overclocked (well cooled) 4090 GPU, 32 GB of ram 2TB SSD. Windows 10 64bit most up to date version. I wanted to build a new PC last year, but I didn't because it handles anything, Cyberpunk etc included without issue. I have the 4090 because I couldn't get a 3080 when I built the PC in 2020 and 4090 was my pain and suffering pay back. Anyway, can anything be done? For another game I might edit the map myself, maybe make more wasteland in the East and get rid of some barb cities and block more of the map off with the mountain roadblocks. That's my only real idea. Again, the turns go very quickly, and the game is "snappy" it's just the crashing is getting worse as time moves on. I am assuming IF I had 64 GB of ram that wouldn't help? I assume its like Fallout New Vegas and can only use 4 GB of ram, and player made patches to make it use more "sort of" help.