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[MH2] - Monarchs take on Deity

yeah, i've got it.

my thoughts:
tiwa, oly and Che all seem to be production cities, so when they're done, i think they should focus on units.
cuzco should get a monastery
MP, once it finishes the spear, is a commerce/sci city so i think Lib>Mon (or vice versa)

we do need more cities for research. which blue circle do you want to settle first? we have one in our NW and one by the barb city. im not sure i want to divert protection to raze the barbs until i know who's coming for us and from where. my vote is the NW one.

we also have space for a fishing village west of Cuzco as a last city. this should help our commerce some.

also, trades for tech: obviously, i think we should hold until we can get both currency and CoL for Drama. After compass, i will put anoter turn or two into currency and see what we get for it. or maybe i'll stockpile gold and hope to grab it.

the GG ~ instructor for now?
we'll get a GP, too, in th enext few turns, 97% chance of a GS ~ acadmey in cuzco?

finally, after compass?? where to??

finally, we should decide WHO exactly we want on our side. imo we won't be getting very far without some sort of big dog protection for now. hatty seems to be the only choice, but i'm open to other ideas
yeah, i've got it.

my thoughts:
tiwa, oly and Che all seem to be production cities, so when they're done, i think they should focus on units.
cuzco should get a monastery
MP, once it finishes the spear, is a commerce/sci city so i think Lib>Mon (or vice versa)

Remember that Tiwa has the NE, so we'll actually want to farm the green grass in an attempt to boost its food and work some more specialists. And since it has the GLib a monastery would not be inappropriate there either. If we want either the Globe or Oxford (which we absolutely should) than we will need libraries and theaters in 6 cities, which basically means every one. While we don't need them all up now, Che could use a Theater to push Hatty's culture.
I see MP as a strange foodless hybrid, it could use a library (b/c of the university requirement) but it can probably hold off on the monastery to help produce units/work on the HE (destined for Olly I think) for failure gold.

we do need more cities for research. which blue circle do you want to settle first? we have one in our NW and one by the barb city. im not sure i want to divert protection to raze the barbs until i know who's coming for us and from where. my vote is the NW one.

we also have space for a fishing village west of Cuzco as a last city. this should help our commerce some.

Personally I'd much prefer the blue dot to the NE as it has a food resource, meaning it can actually be useful soonish. By fishing village W of Cuzco do you mean the white dot fish/marble? Because I think the plan is to settle there next turn, working the marble until the fish is usable, to get out a terrace and then a WB.

also, trades for tech: obviously, i think we should hold until we can get both currency and CoL for Drama. After compass, i will put anoter turn or two into currency and see what we get for it. or maybe i'll stockpile gold and hope to grab it.

the GG ~ instructor for now?
we'll get a GP, too, in th enext few turns, 97% chance of a GS ~ acadmey in cuzco?

finally, after compass?? where to??

Tech trades sound about right, the GS will bulb philo to help us get Civil Service and maybe machinery (windmills) too. We already have an academy in Cuzco.

I think the GG should join our current medic axe to make a super medic, that will help keep our defenses alive vs catapults as well as opening up the HE to build. I think it should go in Olly eventually, but whenever possible we should be building it in other cities for failure gold (IND+marble will make it way better than just building gold in the long run)

After compass and we've got currency+CoL+Civil+Philo from a combination of bulb and trade I was thinking that we should go for Nationalism. It looks like Pascal is going for Lib and if so we have no chance of catching him. Nat will open up the Taj and we will want it anyway to draft muskets in my currently hypothetical musket/cannon war vs Hatty.

finally, we should decide WHO exactly we want on our side. imo we won't be getting very far without some sort of big dog protection for now. hatty seems to be the only choice, but i'm open to other ideas

I think this is fairly straightforward because of religions. Surry and Pascal are both on our side (surry was plotting the war for more than 1000 years since before we were part of the Buddhist block and we should OB with him this turn to help relations get to Friendly) and our civics have been chosen to help boost relations further. Hatty should be ok as long as we stay in OR and have OB, Bismark is the most concerning leader on our border (Shaka is obviously in a league of his own), we should probably give him what ever he wants as long as it does not anger our religious block.
Agree with stochastic, except:

Must the scientist bulb Philo? Pacal already has it, so we won't get anything from him for it. Then again, what else to do with it now. Settling seems ok too, though not great for the immediate boost. Well, if we bulb, be sure to trade ONLY for stuff we actually need (wfyabta)! I'd rather trade philo for COL+diplo or COL+coins then for COL + HBR.

HE should go in Ivory city imo, Olly would be a great IW city. Ivory city hasn't got great production, but more then enough to produce about 1 unit/turn with HE later on. any excess hammers no longer convert to gold, so is essentially wasted.
the real question re: settling is whether or not we're going ot last long enough for the beakers from his settlement to outweigh that of philo.

if we can get philo AND make all the trades that Stoch wants, i think its worth it. the sucky thing will be if we bulb it, and cant get much for it.
OK, I just looked at the save, I'd say let's finish compass first, trade for currency and then see how far we get with trading and selling stuff. After that we'll be able to see if someone is willing to trade CS to us. If that's the case, bulbing Philo to trade for CS is certainly worth it.

If not, then re-evaluate things.

BTW We've already hit WFYABTA with Bismarck! :eek:
Good points about not having something to get for Philo, I thought Surry had CS, but I could easily be wrong as it has been a couple of days since I looked at the save.

Mike's wait and see approach sounds like the best one. Since we aren't in a terrible rush maybe we should take the specialist off and put it on the Tin mine in Tiwa to speed up a monastery? If I remember right the GS will only take one turn longer.
Good going guys. Ur shiny pics are getting less & less tho. Maybe one empire shot per round please. Keep up with the failure wonder cash. Good luck.
Good going guys. Ur shiny pics are getting less & less tho. Maybe one empire shot per round please. Keep up with the failure wonder cash. Good luck.

There's also the possibility of opening the save file if you want to check the game out :)
Admittedly the shiny pictures are much nicer for lurkers.

Re the Monasteries, I recently learned they provide just as big a % boost/:hammers: as libraries, so they are certainly legitimate choices in research cities, ie Cuzco and Tiwa.
cant remember my photobucket login, so here's the trade rundown:

from Maya: we can get CoL for Compass
from Hatty: we can get Currency for Drama/Lit
from Surya: we can get MC for Drama/Compass

and, we did get a GS and he can bulb philo, which about 3 people don't have ~ two of which may trade with us.

also, no one has CS on the market for us, but we may get it with Philo. then again, though...

personally, i can't see that Philo will be a good move for us, unless we want to try for liberalism. I don't think we'll get much in trade for it that would be useful, but I may be wrong.
Re the Monasteries, I recently learned they provide just as big a % boost/:hammers: as libraries, so they are certainly legitimate choices in research cities, ie Cuzco and Tiwa.

OMG I never realized that! :hammer2:

When I think of all the times I could've built multiple libraries in my cities... damn!

But wait, don't monasteries obsolete around sci. method or so?

Well, I'm still convinced now they are good enough to build then.
and don't forget the added culture bene they have ~ its good when needed
Admittedly the shiny pictures are much nicer for lurkers.

Re the Monasteries, I recently learned they provide just as big a % boost/:hammers: as libraries, so they are certainly legitimate choices in research cities, ie Cuzco and Tiwa.

Hey, this isn't true after all...

Libraries give +25% for 90h
Monasteries give +10% for 60h = 15% for 90h instead of 25%

Is this correct?
Hmm, looking at the Civilopeadia,

Libraries=25%/90:hammers: 0.278 %/:hammers:
Monasteries=10%/60:hammers: 1.67 %/:hammers:

So yes you are right, I guess they aren't quite as good as I was told, so I've learned that I shouldn't trust everything the internet says. :eek:

But they are certainly better than Unis (25%/200:hammers: =0.125%/:hammers:) and are the same as Observatories (25%/150:hammers: =0.167%/:hammers:). (on second thought, maybe I was told that they were equal to those...:blush:)
Asaf: Has been playing for the last 3 pages straight! :lol:

That's because I'm V-E-R-Y thorough :p

Good going guys. Ur shiny pics are getting less & less tho. Maybe one empire shot per round please.

My bad. As a long-time-lurker I should have though of that.

cant remember my photobucket login

try imageshack

also, no one has CS on the market for us, but we may get it with Philo. then again, though...

personally, i can't see that Philo will be a good move for us, unless we want to try for liberalism. I don't think we'll get much in trade for it that would be useful, but I may be wrong.

If I'm not mistaken, we won't see who has CS on the market until we have CoL, and even then we can't trade it for another turn.
Hmm, looking at the Civilopeadia,

Libraries=25%/90:hammers: 0.278 %/:hammers:
Monasteries=10%/60:hammers: 1.67 %/:hammers:

So yes you are right, I guess they aren't quite as good as I was told, so I've learned that I shouldn't trust everything the internet says. :eek:

But they are certainly better than Unis (25%/200:hammers: =0.125%/:hammers:) and are the same as Observatories (25%/150:hammers: =0.167%/:hammers:). (on second thought, maybe I was told that they were equal to those...:blush:)

Yes, Unis suck on a :science: / :hammer: basis, but they are prereq to the powerfull Oxford Uni. I usually keep Uni's to the minimum required though.

Observatories are prereq to laboratories which are almost mandatory for building a spaceship (and they provide 1-2 extra scientist slots if I'm not mistaken)

Back to the game, I'd rather trade for currency with sury (if possible), so that hated AI's can make trade's equal by compensating the difference in beakers with gold. This is important for not getting "worst enemy" trade penalties.

(As I said before, I recently learned that it isn't about "trading" with the worst enemy, it's about "giving something extra" to the worst enemy, like if you would trade mathematics to an ai for monotheism or so. Then again, I just learned that someone learned that we shouldn't trust everything we read on the internet :D . I havent really paid attention in other games how to experience how this worst enemy trading works)

Edit: Could you upload the save, pholkhero?

Edit2: Asaf, you can see if they have CS if it isn't listed anymore in the "can research" column
Edit2: Asaf, you can see if they have CS if it isn't listed anymore in the "can research" column

But not who has it "on the market" (a.k.a "Will Trade").
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