Middle-Earth/Arda Map 224*108


Jul 19, 2008
Hi there civfanatics, for my first post im announcing a work in progress, a ginormous map of Arda for all those fantasy battles :D

At the moment I just have to finish laying out Middle-Earth. Im hoping to have a basic playable version out by the end of next week :)
Welcome to the Forums. :)

You might want to head over to the Arda Mod in the Project & Mod Development section and let them know. They may be very interested in your map, if it is really good. Though, they'll probably want a smaller version so more people can play.

Also, I look forward to your map eagerly. I am a big LOTR's fan.
I'll have to look into that, but im not sure how much smaller i could make the map without losing details, but maybe I can see about that when the maps done.

I'm sort of doing a mix of ages on the map, I've got Valinor, Númenor, Beleriand and Middle-Earth all on one map. I've been using Karen Fonstad's Atlas to lay everything out.
I should be starting to put the map into civ tomorrow :D
Hey, i'm glad that you are still working on this magnificent project! I'm really looking forward to it....Good luck with it, I hope that you finish it soon! Thank you a lot!!
It would have been out already, but the beach has been calling me of late. But the map is going well and will hopefully play as well as it looks :)
chop chop. sounds good.
Do you have a screenshot? It would be nice to have a map with more than just the LOTR Middle-Earth region... include more distant parts of Rhun & Haradwaith, Morrenor (the Dark Continent further south), and Aman in the west.
Sorry its been like forever since I last posted here, I was going through my computer and I found the map, the terrain is all nicely laid out but I never got round to doing the resources or much else. Thought I'd post it here in the hope that some less lazy person that me would finish the map lol.

I just had a look at it ingame and this things is so HUGE.

If I get time I am going to check over things and do some tweaking of terrain, add the rivers and floodplains

EDIT* Looking over all of this and finding a new version of mapview I'm gonna get back to work on this map and hopefully finish this time.


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Tolkien's earliest maps of Arda, drawn when he was composing the legends of the First Age and the classic LOTR geography didn't yet exist, were like this:

Many fans have mapped out the further south and east of Middle-Earth, and included the southern Dark Continent (Morrennor):

Iron Crown Enterprises came up with a detailed "whole continent" map in the early 1990s:

This has been further developed by the online MERP (Middle-Earth Role Playing) geek community and the Guild Companion Gazetter of Endor, to include all the detail you could wish for!


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I attach a zipped screen shot of my own Civ 2 Arda map, from the Tolkien Modpack. It is a composite map, including both Beleriand (1st Age) and Numenor (2nd Age), as well as Aman in the west and an eastern landmass to equate to the Gates of Morning.


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Glad you like it; is it accurate enough to be adapted for the Civ 4 Arda Mod?
Here's another version I rather like:

It's got the proportions of the lands much as I always imagined them. Of course, it needs more forests, particularly in the east and south, and we would still have to add Numenor & Aman, plus the polar regions. The equator ought to be further north, or else most of the Southern Hemisphere is wasted space.

There should be ample room for that on a Civ 4 huge-Terra size map, which is 14592 tiles (152x96).
@ Johninfron,

Could you use either the Iron Crown Enterprises map (the "whole continent" one) or one of the others that Pariah posted? Or maybe you could make those seperately?

Your map looks great nonetheless. In fact it is one of the best that I've seen. But that's not saying much since it is the only one to go beyond the land that the Lord of the Rings takes place that I've seen.
Here's a screenshot of the 2nd Age version.

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