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Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (nona)

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This scenario sounds great and I can't wait to play it. One suggestion: perhaps you should rename the tech 'provinces' to Bureaucracy. That sounds more like a social advance to me.

Eagerly awaiting,
My sincere apologies. I just posted this to the wrong thread. I am, however, also eagerly awaiting this mod.
Sorry to interupt,
@ PCH:
All the links are on a different machine(my mom's) while I am using this one(My dad's). I'll get it up when I get a ful day over there.
I think we were going to decide that when we started work on the scenario, so no. Right now we are just working on the mod.
These are the civ leaders I would like, some I haven't had an opinion on yet.

The Dwarves- Durin the Deathless
Leader: Ciryaher Hyarmendacil
Title: King

Leader: Théoden
Title: King of the Mark

Southrons- undecided
Easterlings- Ulfang the Black
The Shire- Samwise
Scientific Great Leaders
Tobold Hornblower
Bilbo Baggins
Frodo Baggins

Military Great Leaders
Bandobras ‘Bullroarer’ Took
Meriadoc Brandybuck
Peregrin Took

There is really no better candidate than Sam Gamgee, after him it could just as easily be the Isengrim II, Bandobras Took, or the Old Took with the unpronounceable name. Or alternatively we could go with the founders of the Shire, Marcho and\or Blanco
Noldor- Gil-Galad
Embryodeads High Elf.
Mordor- Sauron
Angmar- The Witch King
Isengard- Saruman

Sarevok, I don't want to sound stiff here, but we get this question quite often. We have 'seriously' been working on the mod for 2 months (bix-biq wise), and in theory for 7 months. Either I or you could probably make this mod in half that time, but that is not the object of our design here.

What we have here is a fine line. We want to make ours both enticing to the practical gamer, and the scholar. Do you really want a mod out that expects you to know what the hell the Grond is? Well if you answered no, we can easily find someone who would say 'of course' and visa versa.
We are trying to find a balance here. It will take time, what else can I say? If you don't want to read the overview (understandable) I can send you a PM when the beta is out. If you don’t want to wait, there are two mods out there already, and IIRC someone was updating one of them to the current standard, with c3c (and units?).

Aside from this we are approaching the finale of 'tabs'. After we work on the units\civilizations\buildings harmony, the beta should be out. Since we have already discussed these three things and it is mainly up to me add them.
More or less it relies on me to add the art to the game, and this is what will be preoccupying me these days. I find it slightly irksome of posting some small things (especially when not answered) such as what graphics to use for certain buildings. I won’t do anything drastic however, if we have not discussed it.

We have two tabs left, this is "Eras". And "Difficulty Levels". These are small fries, I recommend no changes in the difficulty levels, other than names. Instead of -


We will need some different ones.

And we already know the era names, we just need titles for the scientists.
How about:


I am aware that the Istari were incarnate Maia. The first three are still pretty iffy, but see what you think.
I am almost done with the leaderhead graphics list. I shall post it today or tomorrow, If I don't get stuck on the other machine. (perhaps I should email them to myself).

As for dificulty levels how about this:


I was also thinking about the eras the other day. I feel they need refining. As it stand right now the ages we have are:

First Age
Age of the Numenoreans
Age of the Rings
Third Age

But when play ing some of the Conquests in C3C, I noticed that some of them only had one or two eras, and after that had "The Unknown Future -> The Distant Future -> The Far Distant Future".
So I propose that we recombine the second age and have the eras be like this:

First Age
Second Age
Third Age
The Dominion of Man

I was also thinking we could give a special victory condition to the manish civs called "The Dominion of Man". I have no idea how it would work though.

Just got back from a camping trip over the weekend and:

Re: difficulty levels. SoCalians list is nice -- just change regent to steward.

Re: Scientist titles, I have no idea. its not really important.

Re: Eras. I think that youse' all already debated the eras back in hmm. thread 4? I think that I don't want the dominion of man, just because we don't know anything about it. it would all be fictional, and not really tolkein.

Re: Units. I have another week of vacation. How about I go through and try making a complete unit listing proprosal, with all lines, empire lines, unique units, for all civs, so that we can just have something to go on. This would allow us to see what unit graphics we still need, make a unit request thread, and everything.

Re: what else do we need to work on?? What else is there??

When I said Dominion of Man, I ment it to be a filler name, so we would only have to have three eras. I just thought that it sounded more Tolkieneque than say The Unknown Future.
Originally posted by PCHighway
Sarevok, I don't want to sound stiff here, but we get this question quite often. We have 'seriously' been working on the mod for 2 months (bix-biq wise), and in theory for 7 months. Either I or you could probably make this mod in half that time, but that is not the object of our design here.

What we have here is a fine line. We want to make ours both enticing to the practical gamer, and the scholar. Do you really want a mod out that expects you to know what the hell the Grond is? Well if you answered no, we can easily find someone who would say 'of course' and visa versa.
We are trying to find a balance here. It will take time, what else can I say? If you don't want to read the overview (understandable) I can send you a PM when the beta is out. If you don’t want to wait, there are two mods out there already, and IIRC someone was updating one of them to the current standard, with c3c (and units?).

Aside from this we are approaching the finale of 'tabs'. After we work on the units\civilizations\buildings harmony, the beta should be out. Since we have already discussed these three things and it is mainly up to me add them.
More or less it relies on me to add the art to the game, and this is what will be preoccupying me these days. I find it slightly irksome of posting some small things (especially when not answered) such as what graphics to use for certain buildings. I won’t do anything drastic however, if we have not discussed it.

We have two tabs left, this is "Eras". And "Difficulty Levels". These are small fries, I recommend no changes in the difficulty levels, other than names. Instead of -


We will need some different ones.

And we already know the era names, we just need titles for the scientists.

I understand, I shall wait until then. I have been awaiting a good and correct LOTR mod for along time and a scenario to follow.
SoCalian: You shouldn't have the plural forms "Maiar", "Valar" in the names of the difficulty levels. Most people won't care, but it'll hurt the eyes of the true tolkienites.

The title "emperor" is unattested for Middle-earth, to my knowledge at least. How 'bout:

High King



Ok, I think I understand you. If you are thinking about an empty age, without any techs in it, then fine. If its a special age, with post tolkein techs, such as Imperial and Renissance age techs and units, such as gunpowder units, then never mind. But if you just want an empty age to fill up the requirement for 4 ages, then fine. Actually better. It would answer the posts above about having a unit an age. I say yes for that

Actually, I think before that we were going to use The Dominion of Man as Future Tech.

Saverok, I hope that this is a good LOTR mod. We have several maps that are on the forums. I even made one a while ago. however, the scenario is still coming up. Actually, depending on the level of scripting available with C3C, I was thinking that we could even do several representing the 3 divisions of the saga.

Re: Leaders. I posted my wishes above sometime. Just change the Northman leader to what PCH wanted. Actually, its not that much difference. I just would not really like Elrond, as he was never the real High King, and certainly not at the Golden Age of the Elves. After all, why take a leader from when the elves had already faded?

As far as the units, I got an alternate unit line for mannish units ready. am doing unique and empire units. might be able to post the mannish tonight, will do the others later. have noted wishes as far as general looks for each unit. will try to go through the unit forums again and find decent units for each one. When I post them, others that know the units available can give suggestions. Then we can figure out what we need and open an unit request thread.

Re: Difficulty levels, TLC's list is fine.

I know I haven't participated much in this discussion as I am not a LOTR guru, only a casual fan. But, I think for the casual fan who will be playing this (as most of us will be) you should use leaderheads that are more familiar to us, such as Aragorn, and Elrond, even if they are not the "best" choices. Also, a final list would be nice in case there are any people out there who are capable of creating nice animated leaderheads. ;)
Hi, :)

In one way I agree with you, Kindred, if I may butt into the conversation, but in anotherway I also think that you (generic) should be able to go deeper into the Tolkien world by playing this mod, seeing as it's so professional, and learn about new characters and so on through the civilopedia and main game. I mean you know alot about Elrond already if you've just seen the movies or read the book once, so maybe it would be interesting to add more ancient characters like Gil-Galad and Fëanor, of whom I for instance know next to nothing, into the game. Of course they should be described in connexion to the already known character like Elrond, Aragorn, Frodo etc. and not just mentioned as isoleted cases. In a way I think this would give the "fans" a deeper experience, as well as make the "pros" happy, but I am not a perfect knower of people, of course, and this is just a thought. Deal with it as such.

Anyway, this mod is evolving quite nicely! :) Keep up the good work, guys! :D
Originally posted by SoCalian
When I said Dominion of Man, I ment it to be a filler name, so we would only have to have three eras. I just thought that it sounded more Tolkieneque than say The Unknown Future.

Just use the term 'Fourth Age', that is quite Tolkien in nature and referred to as such in the works themselves. If you are THAT much of a Tolkien geek to know what the different ages are then 'Fourth Age' will easilly be recognizable as the one after the war of the ring and the passing of Aragorn, the age in which YOU create what happens in the future of Middle Earth.

Also a note on the maps. It is quite evident through research that the physical properties of Arda actually changed over the course of ages, would that mean different world maps for each age as appropriate? Also will the map be restricted to 'Middle Earth' or include the elven and high man home islands, the reaches of Forodwaith to the North and the far eastern and southern reaches of Rhun, Khand and Far Harad?

If you would like any tips or help with the very old maps or the typically forgotten regions of Arda (the one's always cropped off of 'Middle Earth' maps) just let me know!
An excellent example of the 'global' shape of Arda (the world which 'middle earth' is just a part) and how it changed over the ages can be found at this link with informative text...


Also if you really want some seriously in depth and exquisitely researched information about place names, lineage, historical locations and persons... far from what you may find in other places please check this link (if you haven't already stumbled upon it)...

Originally posted by TheRockit
An excellent example of the 'global' shape of Arda (the world which 'middle earth' is just a part) and how it changed over the ages can be found at this link with informative text...


Also if you really want some seriously in depth and exquisitely researched information about place names, lineage, historical locations and persons... far from what you may find in other places please check this link (if you haven't already stumbled upon it)...

We've stumbled upon it. ;)
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