Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (Private Beta I)


Pacific Coast Highway
Feb 4, 2002
The LotM Thread Archives:
LotR Thread I:
LotR Modders UNITE!!!
LotR Thread II:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?postid=1015305#post1015305
LotR Thread III:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (cont)
LotR thread IV:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (4)
LotR thread V:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (5)
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=60650 Half-way-point
LotR thread VI:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (part-hex)
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63116 Half-way-point
LotR thread VII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (septa)
LotR thread VIII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (octa)
LotR thread IX:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (nona)
LotR thread X:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (deca)
LotR thread XI:
Middle-Earth:Lord of the Mods (Undecim)
LotR thread XII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (XII)
LotR thread XIII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (XIII)
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=96409&page=1&pp=40 [latest]
1/4 point - 3/4 point
The MSN Beta site (located here) is an information page, a place to go to see what's going on. A different website host will be used for the actual beta.

The LotM team is looking for active posters to help beta test with us. If you aren't active, we don't want you . It sound harsh, but we are looking for people who can give us good feedback on gameplay and/or LotR history. If you can't download 100MB, play the MOD, then type up a bug report every week, don't apply. You'll enjoy the Public Beta much more than the private .

If you can beta test, and be active, we can get you into the private beta forum.
You can contact me via PM on the forum. Some other ways to contact me via direct e-mail: pchighway@msn.com

There and Back Again.

Well, the day is finally here. As of Friday February 18th, 2005 the private beta for the Lord of the Mods has begun. It has taken a long while for us to come to this point, but I feel we've made a lasting dent in the Civ3 Mod community as a whole. When a collection of similar-minded Lord of the Rings and novice Civ3 modders banded together one year and nine months ago to the day, few could have thought the project would see completion. The climate was ripe for just such a project, however. In many respects you could call LotM the first 'grassroots' MOD team to be created.

Over the months we've certainly had our fair share of naysayers, especially during the last cycle of the MOD. I can't help but get nostalgic about what the MOD has gone through, and hopefully what it has inspired in other modders. In 2003, a time when few continually updated MODS were in the works, LotM was born. Since that time the various contributors to LotM have made over 3950 posts to the cause. Indeed, the posts and threads of LotM almost read like a novel. Like any novel, LotM has had highs and lows.

Back then LotM was just various different posters offering their insight into the MOD and voicing opinions. As time went by, two of the key members of the team gained access to the C3C public beta, and brought a lot of their understanding of Conquests into the MOD as a whole. LotM was proposing ideas that wasn't possible at the time, but would be in the future. Fortunately for us, none of those ideas violated the Non-disclosure agreement. ;)

After LotM remained consistent in its brainstorming and idea-creation, similar 'grassroots' MOD teams popped up. I'm sorry to say that none of these teams have progressed their projects to the testing phase, but hopefully LotM will simply be the first in a storm of MODs to reach this point. I personally feel that the scores of contributors LotM has had, has helped to make something lasting. I hope that other MODs and scenarios that have been released and those that will be released have taken some of LotMs concepts with them.

The road to the public beta, and indeed, to the alpha version will be a rough one. LotM has continually reshaped and remolded it's concepts to conform to the times, and I don't see that stopping in the public beta. When someone takes something out of the idea realm and lays it into the more practical physical realm, it is bound to need fixing. Please be patient with the material we are dealing with, it won't be perfect the first time out. I ask this not of the public, but of the Mod team. It will take hard work and good suggestions to take the mod to the next level.

I'd like to give a nod to everyone who has devoted their time to bring the MOD to this phase. The people that devoted hours, days, and in multiple cases even months of their lives to helping LotM become what it is and will ultimately end up being. As The Grateful Dead once said, what a long strange trip it's been.

But enough with that sentimental 'hooey,' let's get to the practical side of things. Mrtn and I will be rearing our ugly heads, popping in and out asking questions. Questions like: "Do you prefer this," "can someone locate these files in the old thread," and "are Cheetos and water enough to sustain life?"

It will just be myself and Mrtn testing for now, trying to make the first private group test of LotM less painful to play.
Here is a list of the people who are guaranteed in the "group" private-beta, in alphabetical order. However it is important to remember, that there is no reason to be in the private beta unless you can contribute with feedback. If you don't have the time, or don't want to give feedback wait for the public beta. The private beta isn't for people who just want to play LotM. You won't enjoy it.

Weasel Op
Yoda Power

Here are honorary contributors to the MOD, who just have to ask (PM or e-mail is fine) and they will be included in the group private beta:

Fier Canadien

I realize there are others who have contributed to the MOD that are merely remaining inactive or haven't made many posts (Hamah, Olorin, Teabeard). Just post in the thread or e-mail to let me know you are active. But remember, you will be expected to help (give lots of input) if you sign up unless you are a special case. If you think you can do that, let me know. If you just want to play it for fun, wait for the public beta.
Going to take some screens, reserved.
I do feel dumb. My last post in the now-out-of-date thread was off colour, and as it turns out, out-of-date.

Okay, now I gotta read what I'm supposed to do as a private beta tester. I've never done anything of the sort.
It won't tell you what you have to do, but I'll post it here. You're supposed to play the game and offer feedback on; things that don't look right, make sense, or are just off somehow.
If you don't think you have the time, you don't have to play it, and we can remove you from "the list." ;)

You can just keep responding in the threads as you've been doing when an issue is raised.
Or, in other words, find the bugs.

[bad cop]But, I advise you not to back out, if you do I have to come round to your house, wearing my horned viking helmet, and lop your nose off. ;)[/bad cop]
I don't think I should be involved in the private beta. I don't have a whole lot of time to devote nor the experience to give the very in-depth comments you will be needing. I'll pop in and give my 2 cents on issues, but I think that will be all...

...because I found out yesterday that it is indeed possible to convert Battle For Middle-Earth units to a .3ds format....http://the3rdage.net/index.php

If anyone else here owns BFME, you can try it also, and we can try and knock this out quickly. I want to get this unit conversion pack done by the time PCH is ready to add the graphics to this mod.
Will there be also public beta ? :rolleyes: I just hate waiting for final release :rolleyes:
Wow!!! Finally!!!! And just when I started really getting assignments in school.... Oh well... And oh yes, and I doubt Cheetos will wok... :)

I didn't realize my ideas made enough impact on the mod to add me to the private beta list. :). Hopefully soon, I'll be able to use that invitation, so don't take me off thelist, but as of now, I'm "borrowing" internet for a week. I'll check back when I have my own again, and see how much time I will have. With my wife taking classes for her new job, I might have quite a bit of free time in March.
The Last Conformist said:
Very much looking forward to seeing the private beta.
I second that:)

Even though I haven't contributed that much to the mod.

Keep up the good work :goodjob:
Yoda, you put in a HELL of a lot more than me, despite my CT and location...I'm still trying to figure this out...

Did you only look at the first 2 or 3 threads where I actually, you know... tried to make meaningful posts? Even if they were useless?

hehe, I'm not complaining, just confused
I have? Well glad to hear that. Really, I almost never posted, the only thing I really did was annoying PCH on messenger when he should work on the biq:p
My input makes me worthy of the private beta? I feel... loved. :hug: I'll give it a try, I have some free time.
aaglo said:
My contributions? Are you sure you're not mixing me with someone else? Well, I think I should join and try to earn somehow my contributory title . . . :mischief:
You're very welcome in the team aaglo. :) I'm sure we can find loads of units we'd want ;), but that dwarven archer YP and me have been trying to push on you would be a nice start. :D Currently we only have the bab bowman shrunken to dwarf size... :sad:

Edit: aaglo, feel free to hit me or PCH up on MSN if it's something you're wondering about.
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