Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (Private Beta I)

Heck, it'll be easy to play a bunged-up hack job of a .biq and then tell somebody else to fix it! ;)

Ooh ooh, and will this be my opportunity to whine about all the graphics? :D
Test it aggressively guys. The problems you find now the sooner they're fixed and the sooner I get to stop waiting for this. Civ IV is nearly on it's way, heehee. Let's make Civ3 last a while longer after it's release. ;)

Seriously though, good work even getting to this stage. I know many of many big ideas failing to get off their feet. *cries at the India mod*
Is there any chance you'd be willing to throw out a rough estimation on when it might be available? I assume that will be hard to do, but a range of some sort would be great. I'm VERY excited you guys have done this! It looks like a lot of work went into it.
Tom Bombadil I. said:
put in screenshots!!! pleaaaase!!
Ok, but this is the last one before bed time. :nono:

This is what I spent the weekend on:
I too looked at that screenie for half a second before "TATERS!"

Can the civilopedia entry for pipeweed though include "Finest weed in all the shire"? Not funny to anybody but me, but that line always draws a smirk
That Dwarf Archer is sweet cans, good aaglo.

By the way team, I suggest we use aaglo's Dwarf Miner for one of our Third Age (fourth era) Dwarvish units, because that pickaxe is just what the Professor ordered. The Dwarves of the Iron Hills who came to fight in the Battle of the Five Armies (end of the Hobbit) carried "mattocks" (Chapter 17), which is basically a cross between an adze and a pickaxe.

(Whoops, looks like the Dwarf Archer has already been released. I should'ave known, aaglo being Mr. Speedy and everything!)
Mithadan said:
...By the way team, I suggest we use aaglo's Dwarf Miner for one of our Third Age (fourth era) Dwarvish units, because that pickaxe is just what the Professor ordered. The Dwarves of the Iron Hills who came to fight in the Battle of the Five Armies (end of the Hobbit) carried "mattocks" (Chapter 17), which is basically a cross between an adze and a pickaxe...
Of course we should use it. :)
But I must say my English mining vocabulary leaves something to be desired...
Adze, pickaxe, mattock? As long as it's not a power drill (or whatever slagborr is called in English) it's ok with me.
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