Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (Private Beta I)

I didn't know that I did enough to help this mod to be worthy of being a part of the private beta! However, I don't have enough time to be a part of it. I like the screenshots so far, though :goodjob:
mrtn said:
I must say my English mining vocabulary leaves something to be desired...
Adze, pickaxe, mattock? As long as it's not a power drill (or whatever slagborr is called in English) it's ok with me.
I think slagborr would translate as "hammer drill" in English. That's what we use for going through masonry, anyway.

Here's a pic of a Dwarf using weilding a mattock as a weapon (by Alan Lee):


It's basically an axe with the blade turned ninety-degrees, for digging rather than chopping. An adze is the same idea, but it's for wood-working (like making a "dug-out" canoe). A pickaxe is an axe with a pick instead of a blade. I think my pickaxe at home is double-bitted: a pick at one end, and a mattock at the other. The pick loosens up hardened dirt, and then the mattock digs in nicely. Whatever! :crazyeye:
The Last Conformist said:
How is work progressing on the private beta?
I still don't have it, and I don't think anyone else does either.
Thank you very much for that unit Aaglo!

Noldodan and zxe, no I haven't forgot you. I'll update that private beta list later.

TLC, and co., I'll throw you a bone ;). Do you have any opinions on these MGLs and SGLs. Namely, do you have a problem with the Istari as SGLs. Especially Pallando and Alatar.

As you can see I put "II" and "III" markers in places where I couldn't find another leader to fit the bill. This looks especially foolish in the Easterlings and Harad SGL spots. Should I just eliminate the "II" and "III" markers? Are they ok normally, but shouldn't be used in the case of Elves and Istari?

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Isildur			Atanatar II	
Rómendacil I		Tarannon Falastur
Eldacar			Meneldil	
Aragorn Elessar				

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Tar-Minyatur		Tar-Elendil	
Tar-Aldarion		Meneldur Elentirmo
Tar-Minastir		Hatholdir	

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Elendil			Tarondor	
Amlaith of Fornost	Mallor		
Araphor			Celebrindor	

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Eorl the Young		Fréawine	
Aldor the Old		Brytta Léofa	
Helm Hammerhand		Thengel		
Éomer Éadig				

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Girion			Radagast	
Beorn			Grimbeorn the Old
Bard			Bain		
Bard II					

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Ulwarth			Alatar		
Ulfast			Alatar II	
Uldor the Accursed	Alatar III	
Ulwarth II				
Uldor II				

[i]MGLs			SGLs[/i]
Herumor			Pallando	
Fuinur			Pallando II	
Castamir		Pallando III	
Herumor II
aaglo said:
Beorn for northmen? Really :D (I know, I haven't been following much of the LotM threads, but it seems a bit surprising choise)
The Northmen are an amalgamation of the real Northmen (grand uncles to the Rohirrim) and "all humans east of the Misty Mountains" (including the Beornings and Lake Town/Dale). :)
PCHighway said:
Noldodan and zxe, no I haven't forgot you. I'll update that private beta list later.
Thanks PCH. And the beta delay hasn't bothered me terribly as this is the busiest 2 weeks of my year. I'll be ready to go next week though. Besides, we haven't rushed this thing much so far, why rush it at the end and release an inferior product...right?

Are we planning on using aaglo's Dwarven miner unit. It is pretty cool. Perhaps it could make up for the slow dwarven units. One quick moving unit that tunnels underground....

Just an idea...
I saw that and thought "OH! I CAN BE USEFUL!" and immediately set out to find the translated names of Alatar and Pallando, in hopes that we could pull a Gandalf/Mithrandir/Olorin, but alas... *cries*

And for me as well these are the busiest 2 weeks of the year, but I'll be on break soon so this delay in beta distribution actually works to my benefit
I appreciate being able to be part of the Beta test, but I doubt I have time to test it and give productive input. Thank you very much though. I've waited this long, I can wait a little while longer. Good work guys.
AlcTrv said:
I saw that and thought "OH! I CAN BE USEFUL!" and immediately set out to find the translated names of Alatar and Pallando, in hopes that we could pull a Gandalf/Mithrandir/Olorin, but alas... *cries*

Weren't the names of these guys in Valinor mentioned somewhere in the lore? Either Silmarillion or UT? Don't have either with me... Probably in UT.
If I'm not mistaken, the only names we have for Alatar and Pallando come from UT, so we're not likely to find any more there. I could be wrong, though.

Yeah, drop the "II" business and if necessary, then, just repeat the name over and over again. Heck, the Istari don't get very old very quick, so having them pop up repeatedly as "scientific leaders" would be sort of like "Ah, so you're back, Gandalf Stormcrow? It's been so long since we've last seen you -- wasn't I but a boy back then? -- and as usual, your arrival comes at a bad time for us..."
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