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Military Mod


C2C Modder
Feb 27, 2008
California, USA
The planning thread for the military mod.

Military Mod

Flint Knapper (Req Stone Tools)
Cost: 40
Requires: Obsidian
Obsolete: Bronze Working

Special Abilities
  • 10% Faster Construction of Warrior
  • 10% Faster Construction of Javelineer
  • 10% Faster Construction of Archer
  • 10% Faster Construction of Spearman


Fletcher (Req Archery)
Cost: 25
Obsolete: Riffling

Special Abilities
  • New Archery Units Receive +2 Experience
  • Double Production for Aggressive Leaders
  • Required to Build Archery Range


Riding School (Req Horseback Riding)
Cost: 80
Requires: Horse
Obsolete: Vertical Flight

Special Abilities
  • +1 Culture
  • New Mounted Units get +2 XP
  • Free Speed Promotion for Mounted Units
  • 50% Faster Construction of Chariot
  • 50% Faster Construction of Horseman
  • 50% Faster Construction of Horse Archer
  • 50% Faster Construction of Mounted Infantry
  • 50% Faster Construction of Light Calvary
  • 50% Faster Construction of Heavy Calvary
  • 50% Faster Construction of Knight
  • 50% Faster Construction of Mailed Knight
  • 50% Faster Construction of Cuirassier
  • 50% Faster Construction of Calvary


Ideas for Military Mod v2

Zen Archery School (Req Archery)
Cost: ?
Requires: Buddhism
Obsolete: Riffling

Special Abilities
  • +1 Culture
  • New Archery Units Receive +2 Experience
  • Turn 1 Citizen into a Priest


Garland Wars (Req Combat Sports)
Cost: ?
Requires: Nagualism
Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +1 Culture
  • +4 XP for Melee Units


Mahout Trainers (Req Elephant Training)
Cost: ?
Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +2 XP for Elephant Units


More ideas later ...
hmm...maybe some kind of gladiator arena that requires two units to fight. one dies, but the other gains several promotions? I'm only throwing out ideas so it's fine to disregard them.
hmm...maybe some kind of gladiator arena that requires two units to fight. one dies, but the other gains several promotions? I'm only throwing out ideas so it's fine to disregard them.

How would you even code for that? I am still a programming n00b. The most I have learned is how to make new buildings, civics and I think I could make promotions.
How would you even code for that? I am still a programming n00b. The most I have learned is how to make new buildings, civics and I think I could make promotions.

lol i have no idea. i wish i could mod, but i haven't the slightest idea. i'd ask afforess. he knows all, he's a wizard anyway ;)

EDIT: but couldn't it be like unit a and unit b both move onto city 1 with the gladiatorial arena. a new button appears that says fight or something, and then they fight and one loses and the other wins. and then instead of having to get the correct amount of experience to get a new promotion it automatically appears and you get 1 or 2 promotions for that unit.
I saw this in Fall From Erebus (Ffh2 modmod) where you have an arena building where you can make units fight in the arena for experience but it has a 50-50 winning shot. So the code exists, you can implement it.
You can code an action for a unit which is only active in a city with a particular building (I think). That action would then calculate what happens. Nothing, gains exp or dies. This is doable. There is s tutorial on how somewhere. You would need graphics for a button and a bit more detail on which units do what with which buildings.

One mod, Total Realism, I think had a building (Drill Instructor or some such) which enabled you to set a unit to train which would eventually give them 2 exp however they lost their defense bonus while training. Which is another option. There was a limit on how much training a unit could get. In TR I think you could only train units with less than 2 exp and only train them up to 2 exp ie one level.
I think it would be great to have(along with great military instructors) regular military instructors, allowing Drill promotions(or even a new promo line called trained), exp, or allowing units in a city to be trained. There should be a down-side to the Military Instructor... Ex: -1(or 2) food; +x(4 or 5) gold per turn; units take longer to build; any other ideas...

I like the gladiator battle type idea, but I'm not sure about any more buildings(never liked to many buildings in Civ to begin with[Ironically I play RoM, which adds the most buildings/units]).
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