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Mind Worms


Jan 13, 2002
I`m wondering if there is anyone else who thinks mind worms are kinda stupid or at least the idea of them.

I mean if the worm is only 10 cm in size it would move so slowly how could a worm attack a person. It also said somewhere these worms could borrow through steel or something. Thats pretty foolish

I just sometimes think about that when play this game how really foolish the idea is. Worms are just not an effective way to attack snakes would be ineffective too they should have made it mind lions something Lol I`m just wondering if anyone has ever had this thought.

it doesn`t make any sense I guess because it is an alien planet
and they had to have somekind of wierd disgusting aliens.
Just because a single mind worm is only 10cm in size doesn't make it weak. In fact, it is quite tough fighting a mind worm, as they use psi attack. They fill the mind with hallucinations, which leave the target paralysed in fear. Then, when the target is immobilized, the worm crawls up through the nasal passages and lays its eggs in the brain of the target. Then, death is inevitable.

It takes the most disciplined minds to be able to squish a worm or trigger the flame guns to burn it.

Mind worms don't attack on their own. They band together into clusters known as 'boils'. These boils all act as one being with one mind. The larger the boil, the more worms there will be to fight.

Anyway, I like breeding my own mind worms for war. Until the enemy gets units with Hypnotic Trance, the mind worm can just about be unstoppable. Have the neural amplifier and dream twister secret projects, as well as the ones which increase lifecycle bonus and you're pretty much set. A demon boil (highest stage in the lifecycle of a boil) of mind worms is able to beat most trance units. Only the elite trance units stand a chance. Get high support in Social Engineering and breed hordes of worms and rely on numbers.

The concept isn't stupid. But there are some concepts for wildlife which Firaxis had made, but decided not to implement. Maybe those should've been used as well. But the mind worm is a brilliant idea, as these worms are all linked to the will of the Planetmind.
Of course it's only a game... mrider. Of course.

Why would we post to a forum though, if not to discuss our thoughts about it, and bandy about ideas based in it's world.

Mind lions... what a thought. Anyone read the Dune series of books? There's the cat-men things introduced in the last book that have the power of Voice in their hunting roar... the Voice paralyzes them and lets the cat-men kill them.
I see someone gets it. My whole point is that worms are an inefficent design, sort of impractical. I mean on this world you don`t see bands of worms roving around. Why is that?

Worms are sort of a poor design for a creature. Worms are meant to be in the ground otherwise instead of ants all over the place we would have worms not a pleasnant thought nature goes with the best design.

I think they picked worms because they have sort of a sci fi icky other worldly quality to them in other words more exotic.

but I think there would never be any mind worm type creature on another planet too inefficent. It would be more likely there would be an insect like an ant instead of worm a much better design for being above ground anyway.

Now does anyone care to agrue with this logic?

I see someone gets it. My whole point is that worms are an inefficent design, sort of impractical. I mean on this world you don`t see bands of worms roving around. Why is that?


1) Our planet does not appear to be sentient
2) Earthworms are not preadators.
3) Earthworms and Mindworms are different spiecies.

Worms are sort of a poor design for a creature. Worms are meant to be in the ground otherwise instead of ants all over the place we would have worms not a pleasnant thought nature goes with the best design.

Perhaps on Earth. Have you ever BEEN to Chiron? How do you know that sort of design isn't more efficient? Chiron has a poisonous atmosphere, is covered in fungus which assists the mindworms in travelling.

think they picked worms because they have sort of a sci fi icky other worldly quality to them in other words more exotic.

Quite possibly.

but I think there would never be any mind worm type creature on another planet too inefficent. It would be more likely there would be an insect like an ant instead of worm a much better design for being above ground anyway.

As above, you have never actually BEEN to another planet, have you? How do you know? On Chiron, the most inefficient animals are humans. They are inefficient to the point of choking to death. People can breathe here fine, but to say a human being is efficint on another planet is exactly the same as saying that worms are inefficient on other planets.

nature goes with the best design.

But the mindworm has been the dominant lifeform since the last awakening, during the lower pleozoic on Earth. It has no need to adapt to a better design.
Poor design? If the mindworms infest the whole planet - you can't get away from them, they are everywhere. So their size doesn't matter. It's much easier getting rid of something big that comes in lesser numbers. Just think about Earth. There many large (in size) species (dangerous or not) that are more or less exstinct, but insects, germs, viruses... We'll never get rid of those :rocket:
... maybe the worms are just the barbarians from Civ2 in alien disguise?

With a new ability: they fight by morale-level and not by weapons-power.

Always thought of the worms like some slime funghi or a 10 cm long single cell organism, like a giant amoebia.
if you had read Dune ,the worm there are enormose monster who can swalow a tank or small detachement of infantry this is a very dificult Monster to destroy . saw a horor picture were worm atack People in Large number this was terifing look so real .the size of 10 cm is aceptable at least you may see them.
do not forget that each turn reprensent a year .and your sloowest unit (infantry ) have a speed of 8km a hour .
normal person can walk 30 km a day or about 1000 km a year or about 1 and half meter per second suposed the worm make 1 cm per second and can move 10 hour per day he will make 1km in 3 day or 100km a year so in one year he have enaught time to mone inside the place you are and atack you ,that it is show in another square it is a problem of graphic .
BTW is they were smaller it was worse.
Originally posted by LordAzreal
... But there are some concepts for wildlife which Firaxis had made, but decided not to implement. Maybe those should've been used as well.

Yes? Which one were those?
hmm. I never thought of this...

But you do have a point, though it's not a worm that is the problem, but wormSSSSS. hope you got the point there...
"The lost creatures of Planet"

Thanks for the link.

But frankly, I feel it's a bit disappointing. All pictures and no game/unit concepts.
Re: worms being "inefficietly" designed:

The term "worms" refer to the members of several different phyla of animals, which each includes a huge number of species. In addition, quite a few other animals have the same basic body-shape; among just the vertebrates we find snakes, legless lizards and eels. Some of these have evolved into their current worm-like appearance from what might seem to be more efficient designs - snakes from lizard-like creatures, f'rinstance.

Given this, I find it hard to believe that being worm-shaped is "inefficient" on Earth.
mind worms are maybe more powerfull then soilders givin the time to make them demon boils!
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