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Ministry of Defense, Omega Term

Hopefully I will have C3C installed on my work computer shortly. Wish me luck!

Just in time for the end of the game...

Let me know when you get it up. We should set up a PBEM - but not starting until after Thanksgiving. School is crazy busy right now.
Good luck!

Let me know what our priorities are as far as what to bomb. Do we sink boats when possible, or just ignore them and kill the land units? If there are no units visible, any particular towns you want to work over first? Any opinion on ratio of bombers Nuts:KISS? Do you want more fighters?
Bahhh!! The guy brought in the Vanilla disk... He doesn't know if he will be able to find the right one, so I will still be blind for the time being :mad:

1. We should not ignore the boats, but boats should be overlooked in favor of bombing towns (can we bomb infrastucture? I forget.)

2. The towns to bomb are any towns we would expect to move into on 208 (at least those in range). Don't bomb in a regular pattern - hit one town really hard one turn, then hit a different town really hard the following turn. Once we have a town hit, we should hit it again every turn after, with at least one successful bomber, to make sure they can't build back up.

3. Leave the land units for all other bombers that don't need to bomb towns or infrastructure. If they really are thinking about a second invasion (I doubt it), they won't put units missing HP onto a boat.

4. Ratio of bombers NUTs : KISS should be something around 5 : 3 When KISS and Nuts share notes, we want them to not be able to detect much of a disparity in our runs. We want to make each of them weak enough to invade, so we come from the north and the south.

Please use the above as a launch pad for discussion - even down to particulars like which towns to bomb on which turns. I hope everyone contributes, as this is the last bit of fun we'll all get to have before the end of the game.
What about bombing KISS' Fur Colony ???

I will really pi ... ummm ... make them angry :mischief:

EDIT ... just noticed that they have at some stage, bombed one of ours near April Fool
:eek: Are you certain, Fe? Can anyone else confirm this? I find it super-duper hard to believe that KISS already has Flight.
They hit it with a frigate a while ago.

I agree that we should look to bomb luxuries at some point, but I think it makes sense to wait until we have enough bombers to be certain we can hit all 4 sources of furs at once. Can we bomb a colony directly, or do we have to take out all the roads leading to the colony?
I agree with waiting till we can get all the furs at once, but I think this should be a high-priority target.

With our regular pounding and bleeding of their units, a denial of a luxury has the potential to REALLY make the Dnuts spend heavily on luxuries, further crippling their economy – as their unhappy people spiral out of control. We may even force them into anarchy to get their costs under control.

So, while we should wait till we can get it all in one turn, I think we should keep a close eye on how quickly we can do this to leverage maximum impact out of our bombers.

And maybe consider prioritizing some Aircraft carriers to allow our bombers to strike at the Gems and Spices on the Battle Island?
If the game goes longer than turn 208, then I agree with trying to hit the silks and gems. Considering that there are 4 sources of each and assuming they are railroaded, I think that means we need 8 successful bombing runs to disconnect one of them (4 to destroy railroads on 4 tiles, then 4 to destroy roads). To do that, I’m sure we would want at least 3 carriers filled with bombers for each luxury (maybe more, but I don’t remember the probability of destroying terrain improvements). By the time we built 3 carriers and moved all of them close enough for bombers to reach a luxury, it will probably be 208 anyway.

However, given how quickly the Nuts rose back to average, I’m not as confident as I was that the game will end on 208. If we can’t accomplish our fast domination, then I think carriers may be called for.
Are barricades treated like any other tile improvement? I really hope we can bomb them away.

There's no way they can barricade every tile around every city, so we might just have to land in a different spot.

If they are smart, they will barricade the eight tiles around their largest production centers.

Artillery will be essential in our landing forces.
Barricades can definitely be bombed - we destroyed a KISS barricade with a cannon during the Two Turn Massacre. We may just have to delay our attack for a few turns until we get more bombers, but we will have to see how things develop over the next four turns.
Do we have a vague plan of landing yet?

Will it be one pronged or two, which will hit KISS as well as Nuts?
Will we use all transports or have some as decoys?
Do we have a landing area picked yet?
What are we going to do if we can't knock them out in one turn? Hit their most important cities or just try to hit everything we can?
What does Defense think of leaving boats in the "open"? By that I mean they will be close to our shores but not in port. Frigates will be stacked so they can defensive bombard for each other.

The reason for considering this is that way the frigates can join in the bombardment and to improve visibility so I can see more tiles for our bombers to pick targets.
We really should be using fighters ofr visibility. They can go farther into the land than what ships ever can. Also are we not going to go to destroyers and/or cruisers for this taks since they will be less likely to be sunk since they are much stronger defenders.
We could certainly build fighters or destroyers or carriers (cruisers are probably overkill at this stage) if we wanted to. The main advantage of using frigates/transports is that we already have them built - we are not taking shields away from our bomber builds by using them.

Whatever Defense wants to do is fine.
The difference between Crusiers and destroyers is that cruisers can see two tiles regardless of terrain whereas destroyers can't, so that is one advantage that is useful for our purpose.
i think Cruisers are more useful than frigates, and we should be using them as our transport defenders instead of archaic frigates. cruisers have a solid attack and defense, plus can keep up with transports in movement, as opposed to frigates, which would slow our invasion fleet down.
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