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MOD: Alien Legacy


Dec 27, 2001
Aliens legacy


Here I testing a new concept: middle game difficalty increase.
I hope to defeat late-game-boredom problem, then you are winning game in the middle-age and have nothing to do aftewards.

If you want to play increased difficalty setting you should coose scenario with the name of the country you want to play.
(for example If you want play America choose ALmodAmerica.bic)
Increased difficalty: there are building, tech and resuorce available only to AI in the middle of the game.
Tech Lucky and resource Luck for AI only.
AI only buildings/wonder : Treasure (feodalism), Alien Temple(feodalism), Entreprise (Magnetism)

New units in v0.4:
Dragoon (Dark Sheer animation)
landmine (pesoloco animation, one-shot unit, like cruise missile)

Amfibious warfare now require replacable part
Great library give 2 free techs instead of previous function

English UU now longbowman. Common unit instead of longbowman is Crossbowman.
Man-o-War is a common unit now.
Fregate now require Astronomy

Mounted_marksman now require

because patch is more then 2 mb I put it on my cite:
patch v0.0->v0.4

changes in v0.03:

version v0.03 some rebalansing was made
changed stat for high-tech units, Brain dissassembling have now required more prerequisites.

United Nation require nuclear power instead of fission
Pentagon require 3 army, reduce corruption (like forbidden palace and expansionist/military)
Alatr of Blood now -4 culture, reduce corruption, +50% tax, resistant to propaganda, militaristic/expansionost/commertial. Coven have no shield bonus now.

to use this mod you should have version v0.0 unpacked into your civ3 folder or installed. After that find patch v0.0 --> v0.03 it this thread (last message) unzip it into civ3 folder and run ALcopy_v0.3.bat

My site with version v0.0 is up again

12 new techs, 2 new buildings, more than 20 new units.


because the site is on/off should I repost complete pack in this thread ?

Load scenario ALmod.bic and play... :)

New in version 0.02:
New buildings: Coven , Altar of Blood
New unit: Greek Fire

Tanks to BlueO for High-Tech/Amazon units, without them this mod would be impossible.
Also Thanks to Dark Sheer for modern frigate.

Important notice ---> Some modern High-Tech units can not be shipped by transport. They can be shipped by nuclear submarine only.

some techs cheaper
expirience hit points now 2,4,6,8
fortress cost now 6
Diplomacy/Spy mission reduced twice in cost (not counting build embassy/plant spy)
pentagon require Democracy
Heroic epic don't require army, cost 20 shields.
Military academy increase size of army, require 2 armies
normal Army have blitz ability
Corruption reduced
Army require 2 cities to support
Bonuses vs Barbarian now : 250 200 150 100 50
Worker can be now airlifted
Settler can be now airlifted

All attack/defence values adjusted to be more realistic (as far as it possible for SF mode of cause :)
about x1.2 - 2 times for each era.

New techs:
Human Sacrifices
Aliens Cult
Altered Consciousness
Aliens Perception
Aliens Research
Aliens Logic
Artificial Consciousness
Downloaded Personality
Cross-species breeding
Brain disassembling

New strategic resources
Aliens Ruins
Aliens Tomb
Aliens Artefact
Aliens Storage

New alien-tech units
war maiden
*Middle ages:
Mobyle Infantry

New hidden nationality units

Also new armies units and normal units

removed units:

Can you post a version for those who already have the units, and don't want to re-download them?
Yep, I will, but I renamed them, so you have to use my ini files
Here is pack without unit animation.
If you have : All BlueO's Amazon/High-Tech units, my Assassin unit, Dark Sheer Perry Fregat and Stormtrooper (Author ?)
copy all units _without *.ini files_! into your civ3 folder, unpack zip into your civ3 folder and run ALcopy_v0.01.bat


  • short1.zip
    218.8 KB · Views: 408
here is I repost stormtrooper (don't remember author, thanks anyway :) ) in case someone don't have it.


  • short2.zip
    292.5 KB · Views: 414
Nice units animations
and nice technologies
I will it include to my private mod

but I don't test your aliens mod now, :scan: :D

have y create the units animations or somebody other ?
My only Assassin unit and spec army banners (legion, isurgent, airborne). Most of unit of BlueO's and one or two by Dark Sheer.
BTW, english is not my native languadge, so I guess I have some bad stile/mistakes in civilopedia description. I'd be grateful if someone can point them/fix them. I also hope post next version soon (with new buildings).;)
Here it is:

you have to unstall version v0.0 befpre applying the patch


  • patch_v02.zip
    405.6 KB · Views: 413
you have increated the number of units icons in the units_32.pcx
do it work ?

your units_32 have 112 icons ( with some clear fields) , but my ( the original ) have 84

Bug found:

In the folder Art/units/grenader rename file musketman.ini into grenader.ini
bugs fixes for v0.02:
patch v0.02-->v0.02a


  • patch_v0.02a.zip
    256 bytes · Views: 379
Hello s3d

First, I would like to thank you cause I'm having great fun with your mod - the funniest I've played until now. I'm not keen on aliens, but I must admit that you managed very well the transformation of the game: firstly, I can play with "futurist" units, and that gives a new interest to a tedious modern era; and secondly the concept of alien cult, priestess and so on modifies the gameplay as soon as the game begins.

So, thank you

Now, after the rewards, the big PROBLEM I have with my current game. I got Iron, Horses, and Alien Ruins in the radius of my capitol til the beginning. The tile is exploited. But there is NO Alien Ruins in my resource box, and I can't build the War Maiden I yearn for

Is that just me? There's something I didn't understand? Or there is another explanation? Please answer quikly, I enjoy this mod and want to go on in my game
Most probably you've traded them to someone by mistake. It happens to me yesterday. I was sitting on rubber and not having it in the resource box. Then I've checked all current agreements and seen that I accidentally agreed to give my rubber to someone. Also check that you have the road, connecting resource to the city where you want to build unit.

I have been trying to download your mod the last two days, but the links always lead to a page that says it is temporarilly out of service or unnaccessible. If you could look at the links and see if there is anyway to get them working it would be much appreciated!

Thanks in Advance
Wait until twomorrow, I'm at work now. As soon as I at home I'll upload it to other site.
I've checked, it's not the problem. But as someone else supposed on the apolyton thread concerning your mod, I think the problem comes from the fact that alien resources always appear in coastal squares. I verified with the editor, and they're supposed to appear on the ground, not in the sea... in the sea, no possibility to build a road and have the resource.

I downloaded your mod yesterday, installed it very carefully, and play with civ 3 v.1.16, so... I guess it comes from the mod.

Let me know if you understand those problems, I can't wait playing my civ 3 with the remains of an ancient alien Empire :D
Screenshots would be nice.;)
Originally posted by dix2der
I've checked, it's not the problem. But as someone else supposed on the apolyton thread concerning your mod, I think the problem comes from the fact that alien resources always appear in coastal squares. I verified with the editor, and they're supposed to appear on the ground, not in the sea... in the sea, no possibility to build a road and have the resource.

There was this problem with v0.01, but I thought I have fixed it with v0.02a ...You can check v0.02b (download part 5 only and take bic file from there), I will be online soon, I'm uploading it just now (well, 56k modem...). in v0.02b Witch airdrop fixed also.


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