Now I hope you will download my mod, TC01. I made a spoiler in the first post with all the bigger changes I had. Sometime, I will try to add tutorials like that of hospitals or the three eras.
Age of Discovery II said:Summary:
AoD2 hopes to take the C4C experience to new heights by adding new playable nations, complete with unique traits and units as well as introducing new strategic concepts to expand the game and take the player in multiple directions. A major focus has been to change the game's influence from small nations to large Empires (an initial fault in the release version of C4C is that it is easier to win with only two tiny colonies than with 20 large established colonies).
New victory conditions have been added, including Economic and Industrialisation victories. These victories are for players who wish to play a builder-style of game and concentrate on trade or infrastructure with their colonies.
New maps have been included. The Colonization I map is a direct copy of the original games map (with random natives, goods and ruins). The second map is the Columbus Dream map. What if Columbus was right? When you hold the Declaration of Independance, your flag will change from the European flag to a new flag (eg: from England to Betsy Ross). The PatchMod has also been added to eliminate bugs from the game, rebalance and expand certain core concepts.
Dale also has a long changelog. But the point is, I can see "what exactly the mod is" without having to read it, by reading the three paragraphs above.
It's good to see a detailed changelog- I include them in all new versions of all of my mods. And the mod sounds cool enough that I probably will download it. But what I had in mind was something like the summary quoted below. So someone quickly browsing your forum or thread can see what the mod is, and if it sounds interesting.
Originally Posted by Age of Discovery II, by Dale
AoD2 hopes to take the C4C experience to new heights by adding new playable nations, complete with unique traits and units as well as introducing new strategic concepts to expand the game and take the player in multiple directions. A major focus has been to change the game's influence from small nations to large Empires (an initial fault in the release version of C4C is that it is easier to win with only two tiny colonies than with 20 large established colonies).
New victory conditions have been added, including Economic and Industrialisation victories. These victories are for players who wish to play a builder-style of game and concentrate on trade or infrastructure with their colonies.
New maps have been included. The Colonization I map is a direct copy of the original games map (with random natives, goods and ruins). The second map is the Columbus Dream map. What if Columbus was right? When you hold the Declaration of Independance, your flag will change from the European flag to a new flag (eg: from England to Betsy Ross). The PatchMod has also been added to eliminate bugs from the game, rebalance and expand certain core concepts.
A mod is made to improve the gameplay. DoaNE respects the same principle as the other mods. It's only different and the changelog is precise.
The mod allows to vary the game by adding units, buildings and others !
The description is basic and says nothing. I downloaded Dale's mod for its changelog.
I played and I liked that!
If you think that it is not clear, tries to play DoaNE mod, you will be interested.
Ty, you seem to be one of the few who appreciates this mod in this forum.This mod is great
Good idea, in the next version of DoaNE, change will be done.A little suggestion
Can you make each soldier name uniquely
And is it intended to get free wagon everytime we build a city?Ty, you seem to be one of the few who appreciates this mod in this forum.
Good idea, in the next version of DoaNE, change will be done.
If you have other ideas, they will be welcome!![]()
Yes, it is. But, I have the feeling that it is too easy. I have some suggestions and you will say me what is the best for you :And is it intended to get free wagon every-time we build a city?
I don't have any idea tooYes, it is. But, I have the feeling that it is too easy. I have some suggestions and you will say me what is the best for you :
- no changes ( The easiest for me)
- When you found city, wagon will not appear
- Only when you found your first city a wagon will appear.
- I have an other idea, but it isn't good enough.
Too many wagon, made the wagon become worthless
What's your reason/point to do it at the first time btw?
btw=by the wayReally good remark, i_diavolorosso !
You are right!
Your Remark reminds us that the systematic appearance of wagon is exaggerated.
We think that the first colony would be without wagon : it is the ship which would contain all the necessary equipment.
The second with a wagon : the convoy builder is equipped with a wagon. We imagine that it would be still in good condition (it is a bonus!).
Then, wagons could appear randomly: wagons could be very damaged, thus would not appear, or would be still operational and could appear (enough little).
Sorry, I do not understand what wants to say: "btw" !?
So my solution is(please noted, that i'm not a modder, so i don't have any idea of how possible my solution is to be implemented), for the first city, you shouldn't give us a free wagon.The reason behind this is, because wagon is used for trade between city-city/city-native settlement.But, at the first attempt of colonization, logically, wagon isn't necessary, because all the colonist is busy at working land around the settlement, to prevent starving.
All terrain has it's own resources(like food, wood, and so on).My question is, is it possible to sum all resources available around the city(like the one shown in the city management screen),Example, 2 food+2timber=4 resources?If it's possible, than you can made the possibility of wagon appeared on the new city as:sum of resources in new city/sum of resources of your biggest city?Let's say, New city has 4 resources, and your biggest city has 10, so there's 40% percentage of wagon appeared in the new city.The logic is, colonist (the one that ride wagon from the convoy builder) would stay in the new city(become wagon) when the city is promising(has many resources)
Alternatively you could make it so you keep the wagon but is reusable. There are several units that use wagons (standard/convoy builder/military thing). Could you just make it so you can convert a wagon to one of those and use less resources?
So theoretically after building your colony you can use the wagon for trade, or 'fill it up' with resources again to found a new colony, or make it into a military one?