[MOD] Dawn of a New Era

Hi Lib.Spi't,

I use git for my mod, it allow me to have history of changes I do, but it is also useful when we work in a group. If you give me your email by MP, you will be able to work with my own files. You will always have the up-to-date files when you will want to correct mistakes in my English translations.

Moreover, between two commits you can see all tags I added. It will be easier for you and for me to work with this tool.

I don't know if you saw it, but I made a software to modify the Colonization texts. I think it would be a good tool for you, if you want help me for translations.
If you really talk about Dawn of a New Era 2.0, there are a link to download it in my signature. But if you thought for the next version, I think it will come out in july.
I have a lot of interesting project to implement in the next version, I will start to "work" (have fun for me :D) from the second week of June.
Does someone get performance issues with the mod or Vanilla? (I mean processor time used, not memory)

I'm considering some performance optimization of the code through cache and adding some python callbacks defines which should reduce the time turns take to be processed in 15-30 %.
Does someone get performance issues with the mod or Vanilla? (I mean processor time used, not memory)

I guess everybody playing CivCol (no matter if Vanilla or any mod) does experience performance issues ... ;)

I'm considering some performance optimization of the code through cache and adding some python callbacks defines which should reduce the time turns take to be processed in 15-30 %.

Did you identify specific methods / functions / parts of the logic that need improvement ? :think:
Are you trying to do performance improvement for DoaNE specific code or more of a general performance analysis and improvement ?
I guess everybody playing CivCol (no matter if Vanilla or any mod) does experience performance issues ...
I know it, but I would want to know why these are present for most users.
I have a 64 bits system with enough ram memory, I modified the exe to allow it to use more than 3 GB of ram... so for me ram is not a problem.
Same for the processor.

I do have experienced some lag when opening things like advisors screens, diplomacy, etc. but these would require:

a)Rewrite the code
b)Cache values (for ex., your European King values should be cached since you usually have interaction with the king)

The things I want to know are more specific...
I mean, does user have to wait too much while processing the turn for ex?
Did you identify specific methods / functions / parts of the logic that need improvement ?
Colonization code is esentially BTS, and both really needs improvement. As I have noted, there are some points where I could add python callbacks checks to reduce unnecessary executions (these would be easily enabled, disabled by any user).
There are also functions like CvPlayerAI::AI_getAttitudeVal, CvPlayerAI::AI_getPlotDanger, which contains values that can be added to cache...
I guess everybody playing CivCol (no matter if Vanilla or any mod) does experience performance issues ... ;)

Did you identify specific methods / functions / parts of the logic that need improvement ? :think:
Are you trying to do performance improvement for DoaNE specific code or more of a general performance analysis and improvement ?

I know I'm not being too much precise, but I will try to explain what are my plans laster in other threads.

Probably I will start applying these changes to an unmodified Col DLL to see how it works, give users some time to test it and then port it to Doane.
So everyone should be able to see what's behind my vague words, if you know what I mean...
When I started DoaNE, I didn't know any computer languages, that's why I wrote ugly codes, but I am working to clean my code and I brought a lot of improvements.
It would be faster! :p
Probably I will start applying these changes to an unmodified Col DLL to see how it works, give users some time to test it and then port it to Doane.
That's fine for me!
When I started DoaNE, I didn't know any computer languages, that's why I wrote ugly codes, but I am working to clean my code and I brought a lot of improvements.
It would be faster!

Well, I was not talking specifically about your code, but about firaxis code! There are things that can be added to cache and are not, others unnecessary (for ex. in BTS there is some calculation of paths which involves roads and which considers SEA plots !!!).

Applying it first to an unmoded game would be a lot easier and would allow us to continue with Doane without messing with probable problems at the start of that code. At least I don't think it will be ready before next release so I really prefer to not add something which I'm not sure is stable.
Hi, I have played DoaNE 2.0, several games, and I really like the seeds implementation. I was wondering if there is a newer version available but there are lots of things that I tend to miss, like those colonist leaving the docks when I'm about to bring them back to America.

Great work.
Hi Pallando,

I like the seeds implementation too! I already fixed the MP pb in DoaNE. I have to improve the IA , (for example they must know how to saw my new seeds in the game).
those colonist leaving the docks when I'm about to bring them back to America.
I changed this concept. Before a colonist could wait between 1 and 3 turns, now it's between 4 and 6 turns, so it is really easier to bring them back although none of our ships are in Europe.
Great work.
Thank you but the following version should be really better than DoaNE 2.0.:p
Good news! First part of the code optimization is done and working. I have added 30 python callbacks checks aprox. and greatly optimize any python call so the processor time used decreases in a 15-20 % aprox. while AI playing.
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