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[MOD] Medieval: Conquests

I have an arabic palace/mall in my signature. It looks like a palace but its "wings" suggest that it can be used as a huge trading center as well, with the central area for the nobility trade and wings for more "common" folk. If you can use it somewhere, do it.

It's easier for me to work on specific requests though. I haven't tried the mod yet, I should find my Civ4Col dvd first :). I'll check it once I'm there.

So basically you need art for arabian versions of most of the town buildings, right? I will look into it.

Ok, yeah. I remembered now, I had downloaded your palace and butchery. Was planning on reskining the butchery at some point and using it in the mod in some form or another.

K, over the next few days I'll find what arabian style buildings we already have and can use. Then we'll know exactly what we need.

One thing we could use is a more Medieval looking Courthouse for the Europeans. The one we have looks too modern and is the first building I would change if I had the chance.

Also, something is wrong with my desktop pc and I took out my video card. I mentioned earlier about the Longship not showing up. It shows up on my laptop so it may have something to do with my pc's built in video card. Anyway, I'll have to do my testing on my laptop for now.
It may be some shader which is not recognized. Do you have no _FX model for that?

For the courthouse, will something like this work:

P.S. What about this:
That Tribunal looks great actually. We can just use that. Well how about a true looking Gristmill one not powered by water. The Gristmill was usually owned by the Lord in medieval times and was one of the most important buildings in the village.

The Miller was usually one of the more wealthy men in the village and only he could use the Gristmill but they also could be the most ill regarded as they where often times accused of giving short weight or taking an undue portion for their pay. A peasant in a riddle was noted as saying "What is the boldest thing in the world? A miller's shirt for it claps a thief by the throat daily".

You can still check out the art thats in the game looking at the nifs and if you see any improvements you an make and just post your ideas here. Check the buildings.xml to see what buildings are actually in the game as a lot of the art in the mod hasn't actually made it to the game yet.
Sup Kailric,

Couple of things I've noticed with Education and Training:

I at turn 180 or so and I'm starting to train more specialists instead of buying them from the "Fair".

Inn Keepers: Even if I have him sitting in my Inn or in the Palace, the University will select him to be trained into a specialist. I think you may have this unit coded like a free colonist. It just seemed weird since I always throught you had to put the free colonist in the schoolhouse, college, university, in order to upgrade him to a specialist. Is this wrong? I've lost a few innkeepers like this so you may want to look at it.

Nobility - I understand that you have to "train" the pages to become squires, and then become Noblemen. However, when I am training specialists, the pages always seem to get "reset" whenever another unit completes his education. This isn't so surprising because Colonization has this problem in the base game as well. As soon as one specialist anywhere in your colonies is trained, all the other units in training get reset. It sucks put simply.

It seems also that there are too many specialists to keep up with. It takes alot of time get get these units trained up and/or alot of gold as well. It's hard to make alot of coin so it is tough to prioritize.

In short, check all your units to make sure those you want as specialist can't be accidently trained to become another specialist through a schoolhouse/college/university. You may also want to eliminate some of the specialists as I think you have too many. I may revise this as I play more games.

Hope this helps a little bit.
Sup Kailric,

Couple of things I've noticed with Education and Training:

I at turn 180 or so and I'm starting to train more specialists instead of buying them from the "Fair".

Inn Keepers: Even if I have him sitting in my Inn or in the Palace, the University will select him to be trained into a specialist. I think you may have this unit coded like a free colonist. It just seemed weird since I always throught you had to put the free colonist in the schoolhouse, college, university, in order to upgrade him to a specialist. Is this wrong? I've lost a few innkeepers like this so you may want to look at it.

Nobility - I understand that you have to "train" the pages to become squires, and then become Noblemen. However, when I am training specialists, the pages always seem to get "reset" whenever another unit completes his education. This isn't so surprising because Colonization has this problem in the base game as well. As soon as one specialist anywhere in your colonies is trained, all the other units in training get reset. It sucks put simply.

It seems also that there are too many specialists to keep up with. It takes alot of time get get these units trained up and/or alot of gold as well. It's hard to make alot of coin so it is tough to prioritize.

In short, check all your units to make sure those you want as specialist can't be accidently trained to become another specialist through a schoolhouse/college/university. You may also want to eliminate some of the specialists as I think you have too many. I may revise this as I play more games.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Can you post a saved game for me, the turn before the Inn Keeper is forced to graduate. I just tried to repeat the bug with the Inn Keeper and could not reproduce it and can't imagine what would cause that just for the Inn Keeper. You do mean the Inn Keeper unit in specific right? Not units working as Inn Keepers?

I never noticed the bug where units get reset in education like you say. I'll look into that. When you say reset you mean their turns to graduate gets reset to as if they just started?

I know what you mean when it comes to adding things sometimes more is less. Some people like more though. We just need to find a balance. I'll play through some games tomorrow with those thoughts in mind.

K, thanks for your feedback and post a save if you can.

Edit: I did notice that the calculations for the Inn Keeper are off. He was producing 6 culture but it also showed him having a negative so I'll have to fix that.
I wish I had kept the save game. I restarted another one and will see if I can re-create it.

Only thing of note when the InnKeepers were being "trained", I had 3 Page's in one city that I was trying to educate into squire and I had the 3 "Brilliant Dignitaries" in another colony in the university there. I had read somewhere a long time ago that the more "education" points you create, the faster everyone trains. Since this unit has 100% bonus to education, I put them there to check it out.

Maybe do that with two of your colonies and see what happens. Only thing I can come up with off my memory.

One other thing we came up with;

I actually got my wife to play this also and she likes the idea of it. She usually plays a "Custom Game" to reduce the number of AI's. However, which each custom game she ran with all the victory conditions chosen, she would always win on Turn 1 with an Industrialization victory. Every time!!. Needless to say, this makes for excessively short games. You may wish to revisit the Industrialization victory or, if this was not intended, disable it.
I wish I had kept the save game. I restarted another one and will see if I can re-create it.

Only thing of note when the InnKeepers were being "trained", I had 3 Page's in one city that I was trying to educate into squire and I had the 3 "Brilliant Dignitaries" in another colony in the university there. I had read somewhere a long time ago that the more "education" points you create, the faster everyone trains. Since this unit has 100% bonus to education, I put them there to check it out.

Maybe do that with two of your colonies and see what happens. Only thing I can come up with off my memory.

One other thing we came up with;

I actually got my wife to play this also and she likes the idea of it. She usually plays a "Custom Game" to reduce the number of AI's. However, which each custom game she ran with all the victory conditions chosen, she would always win on Turn 1 with an Industrialization victory. Every time!!. Needless to say, this makes for excessively short games. You may wish to revisit the Industrialization victory or, if this was not intended, disable it.

I'll be testing out the educaton part of the game today. In this mod Educaton plays a part in Immigration and Culture. In the normal game only none specialist can even be placed in Colleges but now units like the Brilliant Dignitary can help build up your Immigration and Culture by working in Education buildings.

Industrialization Victory is not effective in this mod. It was part of my Inventor Mod and I haven't fully removed it yet. It was like an Economic victory. I plan on adding some kind of Economic victory for Medieval mod at some point. So yeah, play with all the victorys except that one for now.

Also, I found that the Innkeeper and the Jester both don't have the correct bonus. They should both be 100 percent to Culture.

Edit: I guess you may have noticed that Specialist can have more than one bonus now. Like the Blacksmith gains a 50% bonus to Weaponsmithing and the Weaponsmithing gains a 50% bonus to Blacksmithing. It makes sense cause all Weaponsmiths know the basic skills of blacksmithing but specialize in Weaponsmithing.

I need to make a note of that on the first post along with the Industrializaton bug.
Hi Kailric!

I finally got my game PC from this <censored> service and can run your mod. Really great work! I will start play again.

Unfortunately, my style of playing is rather specific. I am playing up to the moment when I found something that I do not like. Then I start to modify. Your mod is very complex, especially for me, who did not played about one year. I do not try to modify something, however a small fix I already made.

Here the fix that corrects two "wrong production icons" on both main and city screen.

1. How look these errors?

- Main screen (Before)

- City screen (before)

Unfortunately, these errors are typical for all mods with extra resources. I tested "PlantationEconomy_v0.09", "TAC-Test 0204", my mods of "1492: Global Colonization" series.

2. Source of these errors.

The program uses [ICON_PRODUCTION] icon in both CIV4GameTextInfos_Original.xml and CIV4GameText_Colonization.xml files. However, as [ICON_PRODUCTION] the game takes the icon No.16 from GameFont_75.tga.

I made a special test and 100% sure.

If you add some new yields before [ICON_PRODUCTION] icon (that is No.16 from GameFonts files), you must use this fix. Or the game will read wrong icons as shown in two screens above.

3. I propose a very simple fix.

As far as I remember the CivIVColonization don't use Gold Age, thus, [ICON_GOLDENAGE] is free.

I exchanged [ICON_GOLDENAGE] icon on HAMMER icon (similar to [ICON_PRODUCTION] No.16).

I edited both CIV4GameTextInfos_Original.xml and CIV4GameText_Colonization.xml files and used [ICON_GOLDENAGE] instead [ICON_PRODUCTION].

I did not added a new line as
				'hammer' : FontSymbols.HAMMER_CHAR,

in OtherFontIcons section of the CvUtil.py file.
I also did not changed

				'goldenage' : FontSymbols.GOLDEN_AGE_CHAR,

				'goldenage' : FontSymbols.HAMMER_CHAR,

in CvUtil.py. To my opinion, it's unnecessary.

I only made small corrections in both GameFonts files and edit both CIV4GameTextInfos_Original.xml and CIV4GameText_Colonization.xml files. Two small new files are included in archive. Copy these xml files in
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization\Mods\Medieval Tech 1.1b\Assets\XML\Text

After these changes we have the correct icons on

- Main screen (after)

- City screen (after)

The attached "variant 7.rar" file contains both fixed GameFonts and couple additional xml files.


Hey, glad you got your pc back. I downloaded the files you posted:goodjob:. I'll add them to the next update. I still don't know why the defense and rebel sentiment icons don't appear over the city bill boards yet. I am thinking its done by some means we can not get to to modify. Anyway, its a minor annoyance.

I added a lot but I don't want to make it over complex. So, if there needs to be better explanation of things let me know. I added a lot but still tried to keep it pretty simple.
Hey, glad you got your pc back. I downloaded the files you posted:goodjob:. I'll add them to the next update. I still don't know why the defense and rebel sentiment icons don't appear over the city bill boards yet. I am thinking its done by some means we can not get to to modify. Anyway, its a minor annoyance.

I added a lot but I don't want to make it over complex. So, if there needs to be better explanation of things let me know. I added a lot but still tried to keep it pretty simple.

Wait a little bit, please. I just contacted with our German colleagues from Civforum.

Raystuttgart informed me that in TAC 2.02a_inoffiziell version he already fixed this error in the source codes. He gave us the kind permission to use his work in our mods. Download TAC 2.02a_inoffiziell and search //ray Hammer Icon Fix inside.

Direct links to download TAC 2.02a_inoffiziel from Civforum here.

I was able to redo the training of the InnKeeper. However, this seems to be the Tavern Keepers also. I have them both in the manor house producing fealty in the Manor. I only have a squire in the schoolhouse. The next turn in Aachen, I get the choice to update twice!! I chose a carpenter and a farmer on that turn, then looked back in the city and found the tavern keepers gone. I attached the save game.



I was able to redo the training of the InnKeeper. However, this seems to be the Tavern Keepers also. I have them both in the manor house producing fealty in the Manor. I only have a squire in the schoolhouse. The next turn in Aachen, I get the choice to update twice!! I chose a carpenter and a farmer on that turn, then looked back in the city and found the tavern keepers gone. I attached the save game.

Ok, thanks for the save. I isolated the bug that was causing this. I have attached a quick fix you can test out it will be compatable with your save. I also adjusted Inn Keepers and Jesters to have 100% to Culture as intended.

I am actually still debating on what to use Taverns, Inns, Theatres, Courthouses for. I am thinking of adding another Yield to the game in the form of happyness or morale but not sure how to use it as Fealty is already a form of morale in itself. I want the Tavern and Inn to be a part of Cities as they was a big part in real medieval life but not sure yet on how to use that in the game.

In case you didn't realize it Squires are not suppose to graduate in Schools. They graduate to Noblemen by working in your Townhalls, Manors, and Keeps. Noblemen give you 100% to Fealty as well.

Tomorrow I will post a official update and I will add a better tutorial on how to aquire Noblemen. Also, any Specialist that works gathering Fealty can at some point aquire the "Knighted Promotion" so they can change to the Knight profession. This can only happen after you have researched Fuedalism. This was the bug that was causing your Tavern keepers to "graduate". They was suppose to aquire the Knighted Promotion instead as seen in the screenshot.

Pic Removed

To apply the quick fix update just unzip and paste it over your Assets folder to replace the files.


Ok, KJ, I already have that mod download. Thanks for your research on that. I will fix this and add it to the next update.
Ok, thanks for the save. I isolated the bug that was causing this. I have attached a quick fix you can test out it will be compatable with your save. I also adjusted Inn Keepers and Jesters to have 100% to Culture as intended.

I'm glad you found this. I will attach the new file and see how it works out. I actually started to progress the save game just to keep going, but the game crashed on me before I could re-save. Guess it works out in the end. As for the crash, I'm not finding any consistent reason why it is happening. It's not something I can re-create, but it does happen occasionaly.

I am actually still debating on what to use Taverns, Inns, Theatres, Courthouses for. I am thinking of adding another Yield to the game in the form of happyness or morale but not sure how to use it as Fealty is already a form of morale in itself. I want the Tavern and Inn to be a part of Cities as they was a big part in real medieval life but not sure yet on how to use that in the game.

Most of these buildings you have generating prosperity which in turn increases your border size and helps bring in more people. That is good in and of itself.

In case you didn't realize it Squires are not suppose to graduate in Schools. They graduate to Noblemen by working in your Townhalls, Manors, and Keeps. Noblemen give you 100% to Fealty as well.

This is good to know as well. When I saw that pages needed to graduate, I had assumed it was in the schoolhouse/college. I must have missed it somewhere in the posts.

Tomorrow I will post a official update and I will add a better tutorial on how to aquire Noblemen. Also, any Specialist that works gathering Fealty can at some point aquire the "Knighted Promotion" so they can change to the Knight profession. This can only happen after you have researched Fuedalism. This was the bug that was causing your Tavern keepers to "graduate". They was suppose to aquire the Knighted Promotion instead as seen in the screenshot.

Be good to see the patch and, since I havent made it far enough to make knights, atleast I know what to expect.

Couple of other things my wife and I noticed:

Native Village Crafts - It seems the crafts of the barbarian villages are not randomizing well. In one of the wife's games, the ten closest villages all had Expert Cowherd's as their skill. For myself, I notice this trend as well. I find tons of cowherds, but very little of anything else. You might want to look how skills are applied to villages.

Marauders - In that game you fixed for me, Aachen was actually destroyed twice due to marauders very early in the game. That bad enough and simply attribute that to bad luck since I was having trouble getting alot of weapons made to cover 4 cities.
The only real issue I have is when they are roaming the countryside. With their promotions, marauders are very hard to kill early on and can really stifle sending out your pedlers to trade or citizens to train. They way they also appear and attack in the same turn is annoying as well. I've lost several hardy workers because they would just appear and attack in the same turn. I realize this maybe intended, but it is really annoying.

On a side note, is it possible to make your own marauders? I haven't been able to find a way yet.

Keep up the good work and I'll see what else I can find going forward.
I'm glad you found this. I will attach the new file and see how it works out. I actually started to progress the save game just to keep going, but the game crashed on me before I could re-save. Guess it works out in the end. As for the crash, I'm not finding any consistent reason why it is happening. It's not something I can re-create, but it does happen occasionaly.

If your game crashed load the closest save (use autosave) and see if it repeats. If you can get a repeating crash on your save just upload it and I can find the cause. It maybe something the AI is doing and impossible to see.

Most of these buildings you have generating prosperity which in turn increases your border size and helps bring in more people. That is good in and of itself.

Right, well you seem happy with it atm :)

This is good to know as well. When I saw that pages needed to graduate, I had assumed it was in the schoolhouse/college. I must have missed it somewhere in the posts.
Yes, and Pages can actually "graduate" to Squire doing any task in your towns.

Native Village Crafts - It seems the crafts of the barbarian villages are not randomizing well. In one of the wife's games, the ten closest villages all had Expert Cowherd's as their skill. For myself, I notice this trend as well. I find tons of cowherds, but very little of anything else. You might want to look how skills are applied to villages.
Yeah, I was wondering about this. What map size do you play at the most? The game has an equal chance to choose Farmer, Cowherd, or Shepard. So, yeah, there may be some games where it chooses Cowherd way more often. I just need to add checks to prevent this. I want Cowherds and Shepards to have a better chance to appear sense you can't Summon these guys to your realm but don't need to over do it.

Marauders - In that game you fixed for me, Aachen was actually destroyed twice due to marauders very early in the game. That bad enough and simply attribute that to bad luck since I was having trouble getting alot of weapons made to cover 4 cities.
The only real issue I have is when they are roaming the countryside. With their promotions, marauders are very hard to kill early on and can really stifle sending out your pedlers to trade or citizens to train. They way they also appear and attack in the same turn is annoying as well. I've lost several hardy workers because they would just appear and attack in the same turn. I realize this maybe intended, but it is really annoying.

On a side note, is it possible to make your own marauders? I haven't been able to find a way yet.

Keep up the good work and I'll see what else I can find going forward.

In the Vanilla game if you didn't make war on Natives sometimes you could play the whole game without any battles until you declared independence. This would not be the case in actual Medieval times. There was few years they went by if any that there was not any major wars. Villages lived under constant threat of attack from someone. I wanted this represented in the game, thus Marauders.

What difficulty do you play at? I believe I have Marauders set up on difficulty levels. What I can do is set it so that at lower difficulty they don't appear till later in the game. Right now I think they all start to appear around the same time no mater what difficulty.

Also, they only appear near Barbarian villages, so if you are close to one you may want to set up a guard or build a Watch Tower. Watch Towers will warn you ahead of time and tell you exactly when the Marauder will arrive.

The Best units vs. Maruaders are the Skirmisher. They begin with a bonus vs Melee. You may have noticed some units besides Veterans start with Combat bonuses. Like the Blacksmith begins with the Brute promotion.

At the start of the game research Metal Casting asap to get the Skirmisher profession. Save up for some Leather Armor or better yet Scale Armor as Skirmishers can alternate equip Scale. Find you a "Brute" living in your colony. Change him to a military profession and let him work Garrisoned in a town to train. Takes about 10 turns. Once he is trained you have your first "Brute Squad" and are ready for any marauders that appear :D

I will add an option though maybe to turn off Marauders for people who just want to city build.

Also, have you tried out Spice trading with the Barbarians? Thats a early way to get your economy going. Here are some steps to get gold flowing in..

1. At the start of the game get you a Seasoned scout exploreing and talking to Barbarian Chiefs asap. In the vanilla game you must be the first scout to talk to a chief or you want get any goodys so you must hurry before any other civ gets there first.
2. Build roads out to Barbarian villages to do trade with them and also to speed up any Immigrants that may appear at the village.
3.Build Shrines at your monasterys then establish missions to get Pilgrams to appear and hopefully bring you some culture and gold. Remember the father away the Pilgram has to travel the bigger the bonus he brings.

I will be updating the "Live Immigration" system some in the next update. You will have to have talked to the chief of a village to spread word of your growing towns before immigrants will appear at that village. If you build roads out to Barbarian villages then this will be the fastest route your Immigrants can take.

Edit: Oh yeah, talking about making your own marauders... thats something that needs playtested as I am not sure what effect this would have on the game. Maruaders are basicly pirates on land. The AI doesn't do all that great at building defenses early on so I am afraid Marauders in the players hand may cause a huge imbalance. I will probably have to make adjustments so this would not imbalace things too much.
Probably call them something like "bandits" and make them unable to enter another player's borders until some later tech. It would mean that they are not trained and are afraid to wreak havoc in other nation's lands and prefer to stay away (until some upgrade, like better stealth or tactics lore-wise).
Probably call them something like "bandits" and make them unable to enter another player's borders until some later tech. It would mean that they are not trained and are afraid to wreak havoc in other nation's lands and prefer to stay away (until some upgrade, like better stealth or tactics lore-wise).

I actually have a lot of ideas on this subject. In medieval times before a town had walls the Church stood as the center of defense. During raids or times of trouble peasants would flee to the Church and hold up there. So, we could make it so that all Unarmed units and Workers have a chance to Flee to a Church if you have one buillt, much like your Caravels have an Evasion Building. The AI would have this as well, and if your Bandits attack they have a chance to escape.

Bandits could also capture unarmed units as slaves. The "Live Immigration" is in effect for the AI so you could capture Immigrants traveling to rival domains.

Also, Bandits would have Hidden Nationality but there would be a chance the Nation you attacked could discover it was you. This would have a Negative effect on their attitude towards you and Continued bandit attacks would bring all out war. If the unit you attacked escapes then they would bring word back that it was your bandits.

I want to add Crusaders as well. These guys would specialize in attacking Bandits and Marauders and protecting Pilgrams.

Also, your Bandits can do raids on villages to capture goods. Much like Natives do to the Colonist. Bandits would be a good way to capture a rivals Treasure or Relic as well.
What map size do you play at the most? The game has an equal chance to choose Farmer, Cowherd, or Shepard. So, yeah, there may be some games where it chooses Cowherd way more often. I just need to add checks to prevent this. I want Cowherds and Shepards to have a better chance to appear sense you can't Summon these guys to your realm but don't need to over do it.

I always play on Huge Maps. It usually gives the best spread of native talents in the vanilla game. That's why I noticed this abundance of cowherds.

In the Vanilla game if you didn't make war on Natives sometimes you could play the whole game without any battles until you declared independence. This would not be the case in actual Medieval times. There was few years they went by if any that there was not any major wars. Villages lived under constant threat of attack from someone. I wanted this represented in the game, thus Marauders.

I suppose there is some truth to this. Guess I will just have to get some defenders early on.

What difficulty do you play at? I believe I have Marauders set up on difficulty levels. What I can do is set it so that at lower difficulty they don't appear till later in the game. Right now I think they all start to appear around the same time no mater what difficulty.

Right now, I'm playing on the second easiest (Pioneer I thnk) just so i can get used to how the game is set up. When I have an idea of how things work, I will try harder levels.

Also, they only appear near Barbarian villages, so if you are close to one you may want to set up a guard or build a Watch Tower. Watch Towers will warn you ahead of time and tell you exactly when the Marauder will arrive. The Best units vs. Maruaders are the Skirmisher. They begin with a bonus vs Melee. You may have noticed some units besides Veterans start with Combat bonuses. Like the Blacksmith begins with the Brute promotion.

I will see how these watch towers work. I usually dont build land tile defenses in open land and especially not in land my colony is using for resources. As for not building near barbarian cities, you really cant avoid it. They tend to have all the sweet spots.:lol:

I will add an option though maybe to turn off Marauders for people who just want to city build.

I wouldnt suggest this. They do add something to the game. I just want to make sure that these are having the appropriate effect. I would suggest them being like Deon's bandits where they dont raze colonies, especially early on and just raid good/gold.

Also, have you tried out Spice trading with the Barbarians? Thats a early way to get your economy going. Here are some steps to get gold flowing in..

1. At the start of the game get you a Seasoned scout exploreing and talking to Barbarian Chiefs asap. In the vanilla game you must be the first scout to talk to a chief or you want get any goodys so you must hurry before any other civ gets there first.
2. Build roads out to Barbarian villages to do trade with them and also to speed up any Immigrants that may appear at the village.
3.Build Shrines at your monasterys then establish missions to get Pilgrams to appear and hopefully bring you some culture and gold. Remember the father away the Pilgram has to travel the bigger the bonus he brings.

#1 - I do that right away. No issues there.
#2 - workers and very hard to come buy as you are mainly trying to get some kind of industry going in your colonies and that eats up your gold quickly. Plus, with early marauders, its tough to send a worker out and keep him protected or to send pedlers/merchants for the spice trade.
#3 - I have done this in a previous game and it did make some nice coinage while the price of gold nuggets was still high in the fair.

One trade that I know is missing is the expert fur trapper. I notice some barbarian cities (that arent cowherds) tend to have Master Tanner as a trade. Since you can buy these at the fair, were these meant to be expert fur trappers? I haven't seen one yet on 3 huge maps played. I've also not seen a master grape planter either for increased grape harvests.

Question: Do Squires improve the same way pages do? Put them in Manors and so forth for quicker promotion? Just curious.

Will mention other things as we go along.
I always play on Huge Maps. It usually gives the best spread of native talents in the vanilla game. That's why I noticed this abundance of cowherds.

K, I fixed this issue somewhat. On huge maps there will probably always be some Cowherdsmen and Shepards but on smaller maps there may not be just like you may not find a Scout or Cotton Planter, etc.

I will see how these watch towers work. I usually dont build land tile defenses in open land and especially not in land my colony is using for resources. As for not building near barbarian cities, you really cant avoid it. They tend to have all the sweet spots.:lol:

Watch Towers cover out to 3 tiles so that gives you more room to where you want to place them and they don't need Garrisoned units like the help text says. I will fix that in the next update.

I wouldnt suggest this. They do add something to the game. I just want to make sure that these are having the appropriate effect. I would suggest them being like Deon's bandits where they dont raze colonies, especially early on and just raid good/gold.

Well, right now I fixed it so that at lower difficulties they wont appear so soon and also they want appear at all during your "Conquest". At higher difficulties they appear sooner and can also appear during your Conquest. Yeah, that is a good idea to make them only raid your cities. I think I had that planned at one time but must have lost the idea somewhere in my notes :(

#2 - workers and very hard to come buy as you are mainly trying to get some kind of industry going in your colonies and that eats up your gold quickly. Plus, with early marauders, its tough to send a worker out and keep him protected or to send pedlers/merchants for the spice trade.

I usually have one worker building Improvements and roads. Its nice to have the Hardy Workers but just one normal worker can give your settlements a boost just fine. The best pelders and merchants are the Criminals or Cottars at the start sense they have negatives to production and or work rate. And historiclay it was probably the criminals and homeless that started Pedling goods.

I plan on adding in a bonus to trade for Criminals and Wily Traders in that they get more from trading with Barbarians and maybe Wily Traders have extra Cargo space at some point.

One trade that I know is missing is the expert fur trapper. I notice some barbarian cities (that arent cowherds) tend to have Master Tanner as a trade. Since you can buy these at the fair, were these meant to be expert fur trappers? I haven't seen one yet on 3 huge maps played. I've also not seen a master grape planter either for increased grape harvests.

The fur trapper should be taught at Barbarian villages. I'll check into that, maybe cause of the over abundence of Cowherdsmen. The expert Vineyard planter was planned to be able to be summoned sense wine growing is a more civilized profession but its not purchasable at the moment, I'll fix that.
Question: Do Squires improve the same way pages do? Put them in Manors and so forth for quicker promotion? Just curious.

Squires only educate working as Stewards in your Manor, Palace, etc. You can mouse over a page or Squire and if it is being educated it will say how long it takes before it gets promoted.
Multiplayer Games

My wife and I noticed a couple of things concerning playing multiplayer:

#1 - It seems the games get unstable quickly. We couldn't go more than 3 turns without it going out of sync. Not sure what is needed to address this.

#2 - When we started games, we kept getting instances where there were several other civs starting on the same tile as us. I literally had the units of five other civs starting in the same tile I was. With that, I'm noticing that in single player games, the AI colonizers tend to start clustered together. You may want to rework where the new colonies come into play.
Multiplayer Games

My wife and I noticed a couple of things concerning playing multiplayer:

#1 - It seems the games get unstable quickly. We couldn't go more than 3 turns without it going out of sync. Not sure what is needed to address this.

#2 - When we started games, we kept getting instances where there were several other civs starting on the same tile as us. I literally had the units of five other civs starting in the same tile I was. With that, I'm noticing that in single player games, the AI colonizers tend to start clustered together. You may want to rework where the new colonies come into play.

#1- Yeah, all I know about muliplayer at the moment is that when people create Mods like this it messes it all up. I have it planned to look into this when I get the basic game stable and the bugs/errors worked out. I can setup games on my laptop and pc and check things out when I do get to this.

#2- Yeah, I made some adjustments on this issue already. I'll make some more to make sure the Land starting colonies don't start close together.

Hopefully, I'll have this update ready tomorrow as I didn't get finish today. Thanks again for the input.
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