I'm glad you found this. I will attach the new file and see how it works out. I actually started to progress the save game just to keep going, but the game crashed on me before I could re-save. Guess it works out in the end. As for the crash, I'm not finding any consistent reason why it is happening. It's not something I can re-create, but it does happen occasionaly.
If your game crashed load the closest save (use autosave) and see if it repeats. If you can get a repeating crash on your save just upload it and I can find the cause. It maybe something the AI is doing and impossible to see.
Most of these buildings you have generating prosperity which in turn increases your border size and helps bring in more people. That is good in and of itself.
Right, well you seem happy with it atm
This is good to know as well. When I saw that pages needed to graduate, I had assumed it was in the schoolhouse/college. I must have missed it somewhere in the posts.
Yes, and Pages can actually "graduate" to Squire doing any task in your towns.
Native Village Crafts - It seems the crafts of the barbarian villages are not randomizing well. In one of the wife's games, the ten closest villages all had Expert Cowherd's as their skill. For myself, I notice this trend as well. I find tons of cowherds, but very little of anything else. You might want to look how skills are applied to villages.
Yeah, I was wondering about this. What map size do you play at the most? The game has an equal chance to choose Farmer, Cowherd, or Shepard. So, yeah, there may be some games where it chooses Cowherd way more often. I just need to add checks to prevent this. I want Cowherds and Shepards to have a better chance to appear sense you can't Summon these guys to your realm but don't need to over do it.
Marauders - In that game you fixed for me, Aachen was actually destroyed twice due to marauders very early in the game. That bad enough and simply attribute that to bad luck since I was having trouble getting alot of weapons made to cover 4 cities.
The only real issue I have is when they are roaming the countryside. With their promotions, marauders are very hard to kill early on and can really stifle sending out your pedlers to trade or citizens to train. They way they also appear and attack in the same turn is annoying as well. I've lost several hardy workers because they would just appear and attack in the same turn. I realize this maybe intended, but it is really annoying.
On a side note, is it possible to make your own marauders? I haven't been able to find a way yet.
Keep up the good work and I'll see what else I can find going forward.
In the Vanilla game if you didn't make war on Natives sometimes you could play the whole game without any battles until you declared independence. This would not be the case in actual Medieval times. There was few years they went by if any that there was not any major wars. Villages lived under constant threat of attack from someone. I wanted this represented in the game, thus Marauders.
What difficulty do you play at? I believe I have Marauders set up on difficulty levels. What I can do is set it so that at lower difficulty they don't appear till later in the game. Right now I think they all start to appear around the same time no mater what difficulty.
Also, they only appear near Barbarian villages, so if you are close to one you may want to set up a guard or build a Watch Tower. Watch Towers will warn you ahead of time and tell you exactly when the Marauder will arrive.
The Best units vs. Maruaders are the Skirmisher. They begin with a bonus vs Melee. You may have noticed some units besides Veterans start with Combat bonuses. Like the Blacksmith begins with the Brute promotion.
At the start of the game research Metal Casting asap to get the Skirmisher profession. Save up for some Leather Armor or better yet Scale Armor as Skirmishers can alternate equip Scale. Find you a "Brute" living in your colony. Change him to a military profession and let him work Garrisoned in a town to train. Takes about 10 turns. Once he is trained you have your first "Brute Squad" and are ready for any marauders that appear
I will add an option though maybe to turn off Marauders for people who just want to city build.
Also, have you tried out Spice trading with the Barbarians? Thats a early way to get your economy going. Here are some steps to get gold flowing in..
1. At the start of the game get you a Seasoned scout exploreing and talking to Barbarian Chiefs asap. In the vanilla game you must be the first scout to talk to a chief or you want get any goodys so you must hurry before any other civ gets there first.
2. Build roads out to Barbarian villages to do trade with them and also to speed up any Immigrants that may appear at the village.
3.Build Shrines at your monasterys then establish missions to get Pilgrams to appear and hopefully bring you some culture and gold. Remember the father away the Pilgram has to travel the bigger the bonus he brings.
I will be updating the "Live Immigration" system some in the next update. You will have to have talked to the chief of a village to spread word of your growing towns before immigrants will appear at that village. If you build roads out to Barbarian villages then this will be the fastest route your Immigrants can take.
Edit: Oh yeah, talking about making your own marauders... thats something that needs playtested as I am not sure what effect this would have on the game. Maruaders are basicly pirates on land. The AI doesn't do all that great at building defenses early on so I am afraid Marauders in the players hand may cause a huge imbalance. I will probably have to make adjustments so this would not imbalace things too much.