[MOD] Modular United Mods

Impossible to download...

I'd like to test this mod, sounds like a good job. But... the place where you put it doesn't work properly. It says "wait for 5 minutes", but time never comes down to zero, it's always at 5 min. I have no intention of becoming a paying subscriber....

I hope you can upload it somewhere else.


I just downloaded United Mods last night, over my 28K dial-up. I thought about using the first server on Atomic Gamer's list of four servers for the file, but I chose the second one, in case too many people clicked on the first one. I didn't time my wait, but I'm guessing it was very close to the advertised "4 minutes." wasn't worried about that wait, as I knew the download would take a very long time (about 5 hours, when it was done).

I hope trying one of the other three download servers works for you.

Mr. L
I'd prefer the Viking audio files for Swedish unit speech. The Vikings speak contemporary Norwegian, which is as close to Swedish as you get in Civ 4.

I wish I knew how to quote the signature block you used. I think you said having a "Viking" civilization, led by Ragnar Lobroc (spelling?) would be the same as replacing the "English" with the "Yeomen," led by Robin Hood, or replacing the "Americans" with the "Cowboys," led by Zoro.

I did not know that "viking" is Norse for "pirate," and that the civilization would be more properly called Norse. I did know that Norse moving up the rivers of what is now Russia managed to gain leadership of Russia, so the Norse would be a good choice for a player, as they weren't threatened except perhaps by Sweden, and certainly Nazi-led Germany.

Anyway, thanks for a couple of laughs out loud, and some education.

Mr. L :)
Here is a modified Ozzy's Americas map for use with Modular United Mods v1.2.

1) Download the attached zip-file of the map
2) Unzip the contents into a folder named "PublicMaps" located inside the directory of the Mod (the mod directory should be named "Modular United Mods 1.2" and be located in the "Mods" directory). If you have no "PublicMaps" folder inside the Mod directory, create one, and unzip the contents there.

I tried creating a "Mods" folder, directly below the "Colonization" folder of the base game installation. Then I unzipped Modular United Mods 1.3 and extracted the whole thing to ... FiraxisGames\Colonization\Mods.

Launching the base game, I entered Advanced\Load a Mod, found United Mods 1.3 visible, chose it, and clicked "OK." At first it seemed all was going well, but then I got a string of 56 "XML Error" messages, all of which were associated with various leaderheadinfo files. Here is the complete text of the first message:

"There are more siblings than memory allocated for them in CVXLLoadUtility::SetVariableListTagPair. Current XML is: modules\custom civilizations\swedish\rising_civrleaderheadinfos.xml."

I have 1 GB of RAM, which runs Civ IV and Civ IV - Colonization without any problems.

3) Start the game, load the mod, and then select Single Player - Play a Scenario, and choose Ozzy's Americas on the Select a Map screen, where it should now appear, and press Ok.

I'd love to get this far. I have fond memories of the 1994 version of Colonization. I played the French, because I wanted to treat the native Americans fairly. We flowed like water in between their settlements, and by the time we declared independence, we had fortress cities from pole to pole, "from sea to shining sea," and had rescued the Inca from the Spanish (kicking them out of the New World). Now I get to try it without slavery, if I understand the constitution options, correctly.

I hope you enjoy the results! :goodjob:

/ Peter Masterman :cool:

I look forward to it, :) if I ever get it working. :blush:

Mr. L
Seeing as I now play almost exclusively with this mod (go go Russian colonies!), figured this is as good of a place as any to get a couple chunks of advice.

1. I started a seperate thread regarding this, but this thread may be a better spot. I'd LOVE to be able to edit the names of the Russian leaders, as right now they're the only two colonial leaders to NOT have their full names, and it sorta bugs me. A minor thing, but I'd love to be able to fix it.

2. Again, regarding Russia... do they ALWAYS start in the southern most reaches of the world? Because it sure feels that way (and I THINK I've heard all Civs have a sorta "set" start location... which is lame...). Is there any way to change this? Russians belong up north, damnit (or even on the opposite coast? Is that even possible?). Again, isn't a HUGE deal, and honestly I'd be happiest if the game could've been more "random" with start locations in general.

If anyone can talk to me in very, very simple terms of how to accomplish either or both of these, I'd be very grateful. Can't say I'd give you an actual, tangeable reward, but you can't put a price on a nice "thank you", now can you?
I am making a new scenario, including a little bit of E asia and W Africa, & I think adding some more victory options, might be a good idea
As did Bavaria, but since they bought a colony which they never actually administered themselves, I guess they do not merit a separate Civ... :D

Jokes aside, for a serious Colonization game, the four Civs in the original plus Portugal, Denmark and Sweden, plus perhaps Scotland, should be the full list. Fantasy, "what-if", scenarios could have any number of realistic and non-realistic colony powers, of course, but anything remotely historical should not have Chinese, Russian or *shiver* Israeli colonies. But the beauty of the modular Civs is that each player can make those choices himself (or herself, by all means). So if you think that China would make a valid addition to the core Colonization game, go ahead and add them in. Myself, I'll stick to those nations which had at least some success with American colonies historically.

The Russians owned Alaska :rolleyes: ; China didn't own any colonies, but they did emigrate to the west coast :D . The only one that I ABSOLUTELY agree with you on is Israel :goodjob: .

P.S. If someone already responded as of so, I'm going to be extremely mad! :mad:
Just returning to the game after a few years break to see that a new version (1.3) has been made, which now includes the Russians! They apparently even start at a reasonably correct starting position meaning I don't have to do any more of that work myself, nice. Now, this is the way I want to play Colonization. This post is just a heads-ups to Liambane for having taken the time to round off this project with a nice finish. Great work! :hatsoff:

Sure, there are more things that could be made, but this might do for now. However, in case of future updates, are there any new requests for this mod? What should be added? More civs? More resources? Map corrections? Anything else? Add in your comments, but I can't promise to make any additions due to the usual heavy workload, although I might check back on this within a few years again, heh, to make some fixes if needed and possible, particularly with regard to the map.

Now, time to rule the New World! :king:

/ Peter Masterman :cool:
I'm trying to download the mod but looks like Atomic Game is no more active. Could you place it another site or send it to me, please?
Thanks in advance...
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