Modder's Guide to A New Dawn

Is there a list for every single XML tag that AND adds? There is so many new tags that I would like to see a overview of all the non vanilla ones including the ones added last year.
Yeah but they don't tell you anything, I don't have any idea how some of them even work and plus it would be a bit difficult to have to find them in the schema files among the vanilla ones.
Plus some tags don't even need to be in the schema files, so there could be a few hidden ones I don't know about.

I was hoping there was a manual or some form of documentation somewhere listing all of these.
How can I make certain building not appear on map? Just like the regular building are not visible? I'd like to make some wonders invisible (like Nanite Defuser). I changed <fVisibilityPriority> to 1.0 but it did nothing.
I would like to get back to the originally trade routes, or mixed in both concepts, but i have a problem when i modded it - I see all conected cities to my city, i would like to see only with i have trade routes ( like in vannila - i very like all vannila calculations like better gold from city which have bigger population, and i dont see it in AND trade routes). Coudl anyone tell me where i can modify this?
Yes, your mod has even better trade routes :) , but also i have many errors when launching game, also this doesnt work when to start in older eras ( fast checking what works )
I need to connect in WB my citiies by road to take a note about how trades routes are working. City on another island wasnt connected even if coast was my territory .Maybe the upload has some errors ? I choose from mega.
I can't find any patch that i will have sure that is correct. I have downloaded stand alone version of your mod 1091.
I have a modding/scenario-ing question.

I think my ww3 scenario is going to have very large cities very close together (actually on the border of the inner tiles, which apparently WB will let me do).

I'm looking for any general thoughts anyone has on the idea, but my plan to achieve this is to have citizens eat less food (perhaps 2 instead of 3 - are half-increments possible?), but also for cities to require much more stored food for growth, so I don't end up with huge cities in like Siberia or just everywhere on the map, really; also, the slow growth will match the slow timescale (likely 12 turns per year... is more possible?).

Any specifc settings (food/growth-wise) someone can recommend? Or just general observations?

I think there was sth else I wanted to say, but I've forgotten it...
How can I add/change more options in Rev. Difficulty?

I'd like to add a few negative values too, to enable players easier settings.
I searched the python files but I didn't find the spot :confused:
How can I add/change more options in Rev. Difficulty?
View attachment 626751
I'd like to add a few negative values too, to enable players easier settings.
I searched the python files but I didn't find the spot :confused:

It's not in the python files, it's in Revolution.xml in the Config folder. You have to add the choices you want to the list provided. This particular list is the HumanIndexOffset at line 125.
It's not in the python files, it's in Revolution.xml in the Config folder. You have to add the choices you want to the list provided. This particular list is the HumanIndexOffset at line 125.
Thanks! I didn't look there :)
Hi, can anyone tell me what AND bonus generating function is called instead of addBonuses() or where I should look for it? Or are there multiple now? Can it still be replaced in python if it's now defined in .DLL/.FPK?
I know that BonusInfos miss many old parameters, but I'd still like to replace the default method with script's own.
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