Modern Age Legacy Paths / Victory Conditions speculation

I like Cold War idea as a way to incorporate Ideologies / Government types into victory conditions without jeopardizing cultural victory, that I think will again be focused in Tourism. May not be just "cold war", as several ideologies were appearing in the timeframe of Civ7 modern era, wich eventualy evolved in the Liberal-Communist-Fascist trio (but you have there Traditionalism, Imperialism, Plutocracy... if you want to renew things a bit).
I'd like Tourism to be renamed however to "Influence" or "Awe" and have it based partly in re-discovery of old wonders and history, but also in these grand scientific and cultural world expos of the time.

Science we have many hints will include space race (I'm of those thinking it is likely the era will finish by the 1960's, before globalisation, therefore maybe just man-on-the moon race), and for economy I'm pretty sure it must include manufactured goods somehow, probably trying monopolies or something similar.
My ideal (assuming the games technology/civics trees end in the near future rather than the near past)

Military: 2 Steps
1. You/One of your allies Builds the UN (requires you have conquered or be temporarily militarilly allied with all civs... allied civs become founders)
Fighting nonProxy war with Founder civ (instead of IP) destroys the UN [and it can be rebuilt]
2. Suzerein majority?2/3Fixed number of all IPs (Suzereinity can be gained through Proxy Wars) and have all UN Founder Civs be of your Ideology

Science: Independent Martian (or Interplanetary) Colony
Final steps only available with last sciences, Future Techs/Masteries can speed up production.

Culture: I like the idea of "Awe"...combination of Archaeology[layers of your civs]/High Art/Popular Art making your culture stronger than native culture in X other civs (X = total number of civs in game, but a civ with your Ideology counts as 2)

Economy: gaining Monopolies on Manufactured goods through Corporations
if N total manufactured goods can be made in a game you need to have access to all of them (someone else doesn't have a monopoly) and a monopoly on 1/3 of them.
With the reveal of Modern Age civs and information mere days away, I wanted to take the opportunity now to speculate on what the Legacy Paths and other gameplay features will define the final chapter of the game.
I’ll start with my ideas for the four Legacy Paths:

Having a military victory that doesn't require any fighting doesn't seem like it would be popular. I'm guessing they'll go with something similar to capture all capitals again.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but all your victory condition suggestions seem very "non-interactive" with other civs. Ie if you start an isolated island and somehow never met another civ the whole game, you could still win them. In 5/6 it's really only the science victory that follows that approach.

I'd guess:

Domination remains capturing enemy capitals
Science is the moon landing again
Economic involves creating corporations/monopolies and 'goods' ala the game mode in 6, but with additionally, with the new resource system, you have to get goods in each of your opponent civs in some manner (through trade or 'black market' or something)
Cultural I'm not sure. I'm guessing they won't shake things up too much, and it will be a streamlined version of the tourism victory from 5 bnw/6.
Having a military victory that doesn't require any fighting doesn't seem like it would be popular.
It would be popular with me. I love that Domination is easier by fighting but doesn't require it in Antiquity and Exploration; I expect that to continue personally.
Through the Pallacio de Bellas Artes description, we now have confirmation of a Modern Great Works system, likely tied to the Cultural Victory.
It would be popular with me. I love that Domination is easier by fighting but doesn't require it in Antiquity and Exploration; I expect that to continue personally.

Fair, I'm also not a huge fan of conquest in civ games as it quickly feels like a chore (both pre and post 1upt).

They could easily do something along the lines of the Civ 4 dom victory - ie have 60% of the world population or settlements under your control (including NPCs). Which you would likely need to conquer, to do, but could also do by aggressive settlement/population growth and city-state suzerainship.
Through the Pallacio de Bellas Artes description, we now have confirmation of a Modern Great Works system, likely tied to the Cultural Victory.
Surprise, it's for the militaristic victory!
Diplomatic - “Won't you be my neighbor?”
Border all civs on the map
Promoted every independent people on the map
Have a Merchant at all civs on the map
Have a Trade Route with all civs on the map
Have an accepted deal with every civ on the map
  1. The Standard Model (discovered via Particle Accelerators; each Experiments runs a small risk of a Black Hole, which destroys all nearby tiles)
  2. The Human Genome (discovered via Research Labs; each Experiments runs a small risk of creating a Supervillian, a powerful hostile Military unit)
  3. Panacea (discovered via Institutes of Virology; each Experiments runs a small risk of a leaking a Pandemic)
  4. General Artificial Intelligence (discovered via Server Farms; each Experiments runs a small risk of a Rogue A.I., in which it launches several available ICBMs at your cities)
  5. First Contact (discovered via Satellite Arrays; each Experiments runs a small risk of an Alien Invasion, in which a UFO destroys several Wonders)
  6. Exoplanet Colonization (discovered via Spaceport; each Experiments runs a small risk of a Shuttle explosion in which random Specialists die)
I realize these are not in order, but it should be 3. first, then 2 as they have already happened - antibiotics and vaccines, and the Human Genome is almost "old news". My guess would then be 4., 6., 1., then 5.
Surprise, it's for the militaristic victory!
Well if you conquer everyone you can just take their Great Works, so that checks out. As Zaarin suggests, it's not the only way to win, but makes it easier :lol: maybe all victories will be domination... in certain field
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