PSYX said:alinurdengizich,
The scenario from 4000BC on standart world map that named:"MW2from4000BC(18civs)v.1.1" is avaliable after installation in scenarious...
Now I fixes some bugs in the mod and do a new scenario: "3rd World War (2007 y.)"
Getúlio Vargas,
All must work. The Brazil is avaliable in standart scenario ;-) But I was find bad start position for Brazil in my scenario, I will fix it.
PS: Im ukrainian and have some problems with english too...
I'm really looking forward to your World War 3 scenario... I like the fact that you have Belarus, Poland and Ukraine in there since the politics of Russia/Belarus and Ukraine and Poland and Europe would be very interesting to play out Keep up the good work, and I hope this scenario comes out real soon!