
No longer here
Oct 2, 2001
Where this man is
ModEX v0. (BETA)

14 NEW Techs
17 NEW Units
5 NEW Govts
9 NEW Wonders
2 NEW Improvements

This Mod consists of three (3) files:
(1) The .bic and .txt files
(2) The city screen and units .pcx files
(3) The new Wonder Splashes (c/o mizaq)

***Abridged Readme***

New Techs (15):

Ancient Era (4) -

Logic - available with Alphabet, allows Mathematics
Trade - available with Writing and Mathematics, allows diplomats, RoPs, MAs, and Comm. trading
The Polis X- available with Philosophy and Literature, new govt
Seafaring - available with Map Making

Middle Ages (2) -

Constitutional Monarchy X - available with Education, new govt.
Govt Religion X - available with Printing Press, allows Fundamentalist govt

Industrial Era (5) -

Liberalism - allows Social Democracy
Conscription - available with Nationalism, allows conscription of units
Guerrilla Warfare X - available with Espionage and Conscription
Social Democracy X - available with Liberalism and Industrialism, new govt.
Radar X - available with Advanced Flight

Modern Era (4)

Democracy - new govt
Refrigeration - available with Ecology
Plastics - available with Recycling
Modern Tactics - available with Computers, Rocketry, and Nuclear Power

Changes to Techs:

-Mathematics requires Logic and Writing
-Monotheism now available with Mysticism (not required for era advancement/14)
-Masonry not required for Mathematics
-Literature now required for era advancement
-Construction requires Masonry, Iron Working, and Mathematics
-Theology now starting tech for Middle Ages
-Chivalry now requires Theology and Feudalism
-Printing Press now required for era advancement
-Democracy now called Political Theory (required for era advancement)
-Economics now required for era advancement
-Chemistry now requires Invention only
-Gunpowder now requires Chemistry
-Metallurgy now requires Gunpowder only
-Communism now available with Nationalism and Industrialization

New Units (17):

-Eastern Spearman (Bronze Working; 1/2/1; 20)
-Horse Archer (Horseback Riding; 2/1/2; 30)
-Eastern Pikeman (Feudalism; 1/3/1; 30)
-Arab Knight (Chivalry; 4/3/2; 70)
-Light Tank (Motorized Transportation; 14/6/2; 100)
-Apache (Computers; 18/8/4; 120)
-Grunt (Amphibious Warfare; 8/6/1; 100)
-Rocket Armor (Rocketry; 0/1/2 12/2/1; 100)
-Dreadnought (Mass Production; 16/12/5 8/3/2 180)
-Satellite (Satellites; 0/0/1; 140)
-Partisan (Guerrilla Warfare; 10/5/1 8/4/2; 80)
-PPS-15 Radar (Modern Tactics; 8/8/1; 120)
-Superfortress (Rocketry; 10/6/2; 220)
-Radar Station (Radar; 0/1/1: 90)
-APC (Modern Tactics; 5/12/3; 150)
-Anti-Ship Missile (Smart Weapons; 0/0/6 16/8/3; 150)
-National Guard (Democracy; 12/14/1; 110) ***This unit starts a Golden Age when victorious

***The Eastern Spearman, Horse Archer, Arab Knight, and Eastern Pikeman are available to the Eastern civs only (Egypt, China, Japan, India, Persia, Aztecs, Zulu, Iroquois). There are the same as there normal counterparts.

Changes to Units:

-Galley requires Seafaring
-Tank now called Heavy Tank (16/8/1; 120)
-Marine now available with Modern Tactics (12/6/1; 120)
-Barbarian Sea Unit now Pirate Ship (new unit - 3/2/3)
-Caravel now 2/2/3
-Frigate now 3/2/4
-Transport now 2/4/5
-Battleship now available with Rocketry (24/16/6 12/8/3; 220)
-Mech Infantry now costs 140 shields

New Govts (5):

Theocracy - available with Mysticism
The Polis - available with Philosophy, literature (tech)
Constitutional monarchy - available with Education (tech)
Fundamentalist - available with Govt Religion
Social Democracy - available with Liberalism, Industrialism (tech)
***See Readme for govt stats

Democracy is now a Modern Era starting tech. It is considered the "ultimate" govt.

New Wonders (9):

Temple of Zeus - same as Oracle
St. Peter's Basilica - same as JS Bach's
East India Trading Co. - same as Adam Smith's
Heliocentricity - same as Copernicus'
The Globe - same as Shakespeare's
West Point - same as Sun Tzu's; available with Military Tradition
Trans-Siberian Railway - available with Steam Power; gives +1 trade in each trade-producing tile; requires Iron, Coal
Theory of Relativity - available with Atomic Theory; doubles sci ouput
Internet - available with Computers; 2 free techs
Hollywood - available with Democracy; 10 happy citizens in city

Changes to Wonders:

UN now available with Democracy

New Improvements (2):

-requires Refrigeration
-effectively doubles city growth
-1/0/0 140 C

-requires Motorized Transportation
-+50% tax, increased luxury trade
-3/0/2 200 I/E


Combat Experience:
-Regular now called a Private (4hp)
-Veteran now called a Lieutenant (5hp)
-Elite now called a General (6hp)

-Scientist now requires Logic
-Tax Collector now requires Currency
-Doctor (2 bonus) requires Scientific Method

Special Notes:

This is beta. beta. beta. BETA (meaning untested!!!). Be aware that the game has the potential to crash, or have errors/bugs. PLEASE REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/TYPOS/BUGS/ERRORS/ANYTHING WRONG TO ME IN THIS POST. I will do my best to correct any problems.

The sci advisor screen is unchanged. That said, it looks weird and even sometimes connects wrong techs. I am working on this. Accordingly, you should use the pop-ups to choose your techs. Sorry, I will try to fix this ASAP.

There are NO civilopedia entries. They will added inthe final version once I edit out all the bugs or errors associated with this mod. For now, each new item is directed to a random other entry in the civilopedia.

This is the beta version of the Mod. There may be several bugs and/or errors on it. I personally have NOT played through an entire game. I do not recommend amateurs or newbies to d/l this mod until it reaches final version.

See following posts for downloads.
A couple bugs I have found:

a) DO NOT right-click on Polis, Modern Tactics, or Smart Weapons in the Sci Advisor screen, as doing so will causer a crash associated with tech boxes. I have fixed this problem, and I will release a 'patch' soon once I fix some other bugs.

b) The mystrious "2000s bug" (as I call it). In each game I have played, the game has crashed sometime during the 2000s BC (I've gotten them at 2550 BC, 2470 BC, 2450 BC, and so on). Has anyone been able to play through the 2000s? If so... talk to me.
Does anyone know what could be causing this ANNOYING error? I must fix it... somehow.

Anyways... those of you who have d/l'ed the mod tell me how you like it, and most important tell me if you've run into any new bugs/errors/crashes.

I have not try the mod in game. However, I have a feeling it has to do with the new unit eastern spearman (since the crash happen so early in the game). Most likely it is due to some spelling error with the unit folder or ini file as the game crash when it can't find the matching name.

Originally posted by Dark Sheer
I have not try the mod in game. However, I have a feeling it has to do with the new unit eastern spearman (since the crash happen so early in the game). Most likely it is due to some spelling error with the unit folder or ini file as the game crash when it can't find the matching name.


HOLY DAMN!!!! You are a God Dark Sheer!!! All hail!!! Wow... that was a sly one. I don't think anyone else would have caught it. You were exactly right - I hadn't renamed the spearman.ini to "Eastern Spearman".ini. Wow. Thank you very much. To the modern ages!!!

Also, I've got a huge, huge 4 hour test today, but I will try to post the newest 'patch' tonight - it includes:

-new script.txt which gives descriptions to the techs in the sci advisor screen
-totally revamped sci advisor screens, but the arrows are still screwed up, working on it
-a new system of tech icons. Will explain in depth at release
-no more sci advisor crashes related to right clicking on techs
-plus a couple more bug fixes

It will be released eitehr tonight or tomorrow.
Here is Modex Patch #1:

What it includes:
1) The new v0. file
2) The new tech chooser file

What it does:

a) Fixes several bugs, notable the one to do with crashes causred by right-clicking on several techs

b) Revamped Ancient/Middle Era science advisor screens (see below)

c) A whole new system of tech icons. Because I hate the look of writing having the stealth icon and warrior code having the synthetic fibers icons, etc etc, I have totally redone the tech icons to fit the civ2 model, which I like much more.
What is that? Each tech is classified according to one of five categories: Military, Religious, Commercial, Scientific, Water or Boat techs, and Govts. There is one icon for each category in each era, for a total of 25. See the attached pictures below to get the idea.

d) Philosophy now requires Logic, which was supposed to be in the original version. Guess I forgot.

Here is the file for Patch #1, and as always, let me know about any errors or bugs you discover. Now that I can bypass the 2000s BC, I can get into some more thorough bug testing. Enjoy!


for those of you who already have downloaded the mod, here is the new script.txt which includes tech descriptions, and new buildings-large.pcx and buildings-small.pcx which now include pictures for the supermarket and superhighways.

If you haven't downloaded the mod, the original files above now have the new aforementioned files edited in.


Notice the messed up arrows. They will be fixed soon!


  • ancient.gif
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despite the vast unpopularity of this mod, I will continue updating it for those who may like it.

That said, i have found the following bugs/errors/inconviences:

-the Dreadnought requires aluminum, a resource which doesn't come around until rocketry. So, the dreadnought is useless b/c at rocketry, you can build battleships.
-for some reason West Point is not checked to give a barracks in each city, instead is doubles research output.
-I may get rid of the Rocket armor, since I find it useless.
-there are several civilopedia pictures that are screwed up.

All these will be fixed in the next patch, release date = unknown. Most of these problems you can fix yourself in the editor quite easily, if you'd like

Lastly, the next patch will add 7 new resources, possibly more. Which ones? Stay tuned.
Don't be so downtrodden, this is one of the best mods I've seen. I'm just not willing to download five files to try it until most of the bugs are sorted out and I'm sure the fact that it is a beta version puts off most people .

By the way, what exactly are Heliocentricity and West Point?

Trans-Siberian Railway - available with Steam Power; gives +1 trade in each trade-producing tile; requires Iron, Coal
Theory of Relativity - available with Atomic Theory; doubles sci ouput

I take it that for both of these the effect is for the city in question only, otherwise they would be massively powerful.

Apaches look absolutely awesome, I've been waiting ten years for a decent attack helocpter in a civ game. And how does a superfortress work, is it like a leviathan from CTP?
Originally posted by mydisease
Don't be so downtrodden, this is one of the best mods I've seen. I'm just not willing to download five files to try it until most of the bugs are sorted out and I'm sure the fact that it is a beta version puts off most people .

Thanks, and good point. I'm pretty close to getting everything sorted out.

By the way, what exactly are Heliocentricity and West Point?

Heliocentricity replaces Copernicus'. Copernicus never had an observatory as far as I know, so I just renamed it 'heliocentricity' - the theory he helped bring to light.

West Point replaces Sun Tzu's. West Point is Army Military Academy in West Point, NY, and it gave the americans a considerable advantage during all their wars. I never liked sun tzu's anyway.

Trans-Siberian Railway - available with Steam Power; gives +1 trade in each trade-producing tile; requires Iron, Coal
Theory of Relativity - available with Atomic Theory; doubles sci ouput

I take it that for both of these the effect is for the city in question only, otherwise they would be massively powerful.


Apaches look absolutely awesome, I've been waiting ten years for a decent attack helocpter in a civ game. And how does a superfortress work, is it like a leviathan from CTP?

Thanks. The superfortress is supposed to be like a C19 or C20 transport plane. It carries anything, but is meant for tanks/armor/etc.
Here are a few new details and bug fixes for the next patch:

-there will be no new resources until I can add luxury resources
-for some reason the propaganda/resistance modifiers have been left blank - I swear I did those - so those will be done
-rocket armor has officially been removed
-a new govt
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