In the dll files, I scripted it so that the Khazars couldn't convert from Judaism, the Oghuz couldn't convert to anything until late in their existence, and the Kypchaks couldn't adopt a religion at all (aka stayin' pagan). The Rus' start off with no organized religion but will adopt orthodoxy after it starts to spread in their lands. Most of this stuff was scripted to apply only to AI controlled players in the event those factions are also playable, and some of it is necessary in the case of a pagan civ respawning as a historically Muslim one, for instance. A good chunk of religion spread stuff I put in You should check what changes got carried over from there, as well as from my Cvplayer.cpp
The remembrance and accuracy of your answers is just awesome!
Concerning Khazars: I already thought of a Jewish UP, like more culture/happiness in Jewish cities, and less diplomatic impact on different Religion, also to make diplomacy for Human Player better. Would lay more focus on their special religious situation.
Mesopotamia and Egypt should have horses and iron available near Baghdad/Cairo. It's not necessarily strictly accurate, but the Abbasids and Fatimids weren't utterly incapable of raising cavalry.
Something to think about. I am amazed I didn't notice earlier.
With the increased map size, are there any plans for a Russia civilization, or anything to simulate the Russian expansion into the steppes? I had briefly considered having one of Rus' UHVs be something related to that, but that might make the Rus' too wide in scope.
The only way for me would be a late-respwaning, AI-only Rus-Rebirth (like Delhi). A Barbarian Cossack spawn already exists, but I don't know the impact on the game yet. As said, 1700 Russia wasn't already that big, and just the southern borders of the mighty empire would not make much sense. If you want to play Russia, you have to go to RFCEurope or DoC, where I think the bigger 1.18 map could also give you the nice feeling of the endless big empire.
(sadly I hadn't time to play a full 1.18 game yet
In other news, I played the Chalukya, and I think that they're supposed to spawn three tiles south (y'know, actually in Karnataka) with one less Hindu missionary than they currently do (right now it's 3 settlers and 4 missionaries, which is interesting). I also think their starting army should include a catapult, but that's only because the UHV I came up with has a very tight deadline
I think the position is correct, but originally, DrLoboto placed a river there, which somehow went missing through the merge. I didn't correct it yet because I think I have to change something about the Chalukya. Mostly, because now it's not "Western", because the map goes all from west to east cost. So maybe different starting location and updated settler maps. I also want to make the settler maps a little bit different for the "Loboto" civs. He just declared single tiles with very high percentage, so AI always builds same cities. Sooner or later, I will spread that a little bit like the "old" civs, which would bring more randomization to the city placement, and I think also improve AI-War behavior.
About the new civs:
I decided to cut out Poland. Like Russia, they make to less sence and should not be a part of the "Medieval Middle East", so you have to go over to RFCE and DoC if you want to experience them. Of course they will be represent with independent cities and Lithuanian Invasion Barb-Spawns, which I think already exists.
All the others (Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Wallachia, Moldavia, Venetian Crusaders) will definetly be added.
For Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Venetia you can expect to have same graphics as RFCE (never touch running system
I hope this is more or less understandable, and that I do not completely destroy someones expectation.