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Modmods Requests Thread

@JaeChunDaeSung I am proceeding apace with the Shinto mod you requested. I have the religion working except for a pedia problem and I have both techs Shamanism and Geomancy appearing in the tech tree but in the wrong place. I even have the Itsukushima Shrine working but not the shaman's hut. Once I get it all working it will need some balancing.

Just though I would let you know what is happening. I am new to this XML stuff ;)
Well this is what you suggested before ...

I love it when I answer my own questions.

So here goes:

Bureau of Farm Management (National Wonder. Requires: Weather Forecasting; Obsolete: Planetary Economics)

  • +20% Food stored in City
  • +1 Healthiness in all cities
  • Free Warehouse in all cities

Warehouse (Only available through BoFM; Obsolete: Planetary Economics):

  • +10% Food Stored in City
  • +1 with Refrigeration
  • +1 with Globalization
  • +1 :hammers: from Knowledge Management

Farm Supply (Requires: Chemistry; Obsolete: Environmental Economics)

  • +1
  • +1 with Refrigeration
  • +1 from Long Range Forecasting
  • +1 from Gene Manipulation

Fair Grounds (Requires: Tourism; Obsolete: Orbital Flight)

  • +30% Maintenance
  • +1 Happiness per 20% Culture Rate
  • +1 Happiness
Organic Market (Requires: Modern Health Care; Obsolete: Terra Computer)

  • +2 :health:
  • +1 :)
  • -5% :food:
  • +5% :food: with Environmental Economics
Florist (Requires: Railroad; Obsolete: Gene Manipulation)

  • +1 :)
  • +5% :gold:
  • +5% :culture:
  • +5% :gold: with Tourism

Anything else? I didn't care for the idea of a shed or barn, it seems to small a scale for Civ.
@JaeChunDaeSung, I have attached a beta of the Shinto mod you requested. It needs testing to see what I have missed.

Known issues
  • missing buttons for the technologies
  • pedia text missing for some stuff
  • pedia not right for shinto religion - buildings and units are not showing
  • technologies in the wrong place
  • civics not working for shaman hut
  • costs are probably wrong for all bits

  • new religion Shinto (pinched from AAranda's religions modmod)
  • two new technologies Shamanism and Geomancy
  • Great Wonder - Itsukushima Shrine
  • new building - Shaman's hut

It is provided as one of my modules - so goes in the Modules folder. The compressed file contains my folder and it contains the Shinto folder and required modular loading stuff.

Just remembered I may have changed the name of my folder from "Dancing Hoskuld" to "DancingHoskuld" if so you will need o change the MLF file in the modules folder to reflect that.
I love it when I answer my own questions.

So here goes:

Bureau of Farm Management (National Wonder. Requires: Weather Forecasting; Obsolete: Planetary Economics)

  • +20% Food stored in City
  • +1 Healthiness in all cities
  • Free Warehouse in all cities

Warehouse (Only available through BoFM; Obsolete: Planetary Economics):

  • +10% Food Stored in City
  • +1 with Refrigeration
  • +1 with Globalization
  • +1 :hammers: from Knowledge Management

Farm Supply (Requires: Chemistry; Obsolete: Environmental Economics)

  • +1
  • +1 with Refrigeration
  • +1 from Long Range Forecasting
  • +1 from Gene Manipulation

Fair Grounds (Requires: Tourism; Obsolete: Orbital Flight)

  • +30% Maintenance
  • +1 Happiness per 20% Culture Rate
  • +1 Happiness
Organic Market (Requires: Modern Health Care; Obsolete: Terra Computer)

  • +2 :health:
  • +1 :)
  • -5% :food:
  • +5% :food: with Environmental Economics
Florist (Requires: Railroad; Obsolete: Gene Manipulation)

  • +1 :)
  • +5% :gold:
  • +5% :culture:
  • +5% :gold: with Tourism

Anything else? I didn't care for the idea of a shed or barn, it seems to small a scale for Civ.

Looks good. Not that they look wrong but I wondered the reasoning for some of the obsolete techs like why Orbital Flight for Fair Grounds?

Other ideas are ...

- Greenhouse

- Hydroponic Farm or Hydroponics Lab (While they can do any plant it probably should boost hemp resource somehow. You know those pothead and their hydroponics)

- Arboretum or Botanical Garden (This could really be in your "Beautification Mod" if you want). Basiclly a Zoo for plants. I could see it doing the same as the Zoo or Aquarium buildings but using plant resources.

- Community Garden

- Rooftop Garden [Req Skyscraper]

- Pumpkin Patch / Christmas Tree Lot. (If you want to get all festive for Holidays. I am guessing it should probably require Christianity to be present it the city too.).
Looks good. Not that they look wrong but I wondered the reasoning for some of the obsolete techs like why Orbital Flight for Fair Grounds?

If you can get into space, I doubt you really care about a fair on the ground. But if you have a better tech in mind, I listen.
- Greenhouse

Good one.

- Hydroponic Farm or Hydroponics Lab (While they can do any plant it probably should boost hemp resource somehow. You know those pothead and their hydroponics)

I forgot about these, good catch.

- Arboretum or Botanical Garden (This could really be in your "Beautification Mod" if you want). Basiclly a Zoo for plants. I could see it doing the same as the Zoo or Aquarium buildings but using plant resources.

No, it fits better in this one. I prefer Arboretum to Botanical Garden, although, The Botanical Gardens could be a National Wonder.

- Community Garden

What, like the WWII Victory gardens, or did you have something else in mind?
- Rooftop Garden [Req Skyscraper]

Good one.
- Pumpkin Patch / Christmas Tree Lot. (If you want to get all festive for Holidays. I am guessing it should probably require Christianity to be present it the city too.).

Lol, I should make a Christmas modmod.
1.If you can get into space, I doubt you really care about a fair on the ground. But if you have a better tech in mind, I listen.

2. No, it fits better in this one. I prefer Arboretum to Botanical Garden, although, The Botanical Gardens could be a National Wonder.

3. What, like the WWII Victory gardens, or did you have something else in mind?

4. Lol, I should make a Christmas modmod.

1. Space Colonies because of the Zero G Arena. Its only one tech later.

2. Cool! I would like to see a national wonder like that.

3. I ment more of a garden for the suburbs or city where there are no farms around locally anymore and people buy plots in a garden area. I have one in my city in fact. Here are some examples ...


4. Actually I was going to suggest a "Holiday Mod" where you could make holiday related buildings and/or wonders for all religions.
1. Space Colonies because of the Zero G Arena. Its only one tech later.

I think I've been avoid that as an obsolete tech because we've already got 4-5 buildings obsoleting on that tech. It might overflow on the tech screen.
3. I ment more of a garden for the suburbs or city where there are no farms around locally anymore and people buy plots in a garden area. I have one in my city in fact. Here are some examples ...


Okay, I'll do that.
4. Actually I was going to suggest a "Holiday Mod" where you could make holiday related buildings and/or wonders for all religions.

Heh, heh. You never know.
Afforess, CMKMStephens posted an idea in the 2.8 thread for a post office building. Here are his stats:
Post Office - small happiness, small culture, extra trade route or small percentage increase.
I suggest it giving 1:traderoute:. I have no idea which tech it should use as I do not have the tech tree in front of me.;)
Afforess, CMKMStephens posted an idea in the 2.8 thread for a post office building. Here are his stats: I suggest it giving 1:traderoute:. I have no idea which tech it should use as I do not have the tech tree in front of me.;)

Hmm. Maybe there should be like a "Pony Express" wonder of some sort that could give a free "Post Office" to every city.

You should, I made a tech tree.

I will make sure I add that.

Yay! Now I don't have to boot up the game every time I need to check it.

Time for an update. I took off the "done", "rejected" and "wait and see". Then added new ones. ...

"Done", "Working On", "Planning to Make", "Put on Hold", "Rejected" or "Wait and See".

- Fire Dock added to Firestorm Mod.

- Domestic Animal Mod. (Camel Farm, Dog Breeder, Pet Shop, etc).

- NIMBY Building Mod (Toxic Waste Dump, Federal Prison, Cryogenic Prison, Landfill (Garbage Dump), Landfill (Garbage Trucks), etc).

- Health Mod (Barbershop, Dentist Office, etc).

- Separate Workers Mod (Lumberjack, Engineer, Field Scientist, etc).

- Units Requiring Buildings

- Migrant Worker

- Department Civics (Department of Waste, Department of Immigration, etc)

- Education Mod (Add Majors to University, Gladiatorial School, Drama School, Children's Museum, etc)

- Power Mod (Power Plants, etc)

- Farm Mod (Beuro of Farm Management, Farm Supply, Warehouse, Florist, etc)

- Vacation Mod (Public Beach, Cruse-Ship Port, Tourist Trap, etc)

- Transportation Mod (Freight Station, Passenger Train Station, Gas Station, Car Dealership, etc)

-. Upper Class Mod (Yacht Club, Country Club,)

- Pleasure Mod (Liquor Store, Gentleman's Club, Night Club, Tattoo Parlor, etc)

- Commercial Mod (Flea Market, Department Store, Antique Shop, etc)

- Textile Mod (Taylor, Seamstress, Textile Factory, etc)

-. More to the Beautification Mod (Rock Garden, Tea House, Water Park, Video Arcade, etc)

- Music Mod (No idea yet either)

- Water Mod (Desalination, Water Tower, Wind Water Pump, Cistern, etc)

- Death Mod (Mummification, Funeral Home, etc)

- Postal Mod (Post Office, Pony Express, etc)


Also Aside from the "Farm Mod" your fleshing out what other mod should we start working out the details with?
Consider the Children's Musuem rejected. It's too similar to the Museum, and doesn't really serve much of a purpose, it's really a sub-component. I know that sounds hypocritical, because the Castle mod was all sub-components. However, there is a fine line between adding to the game, and cluttering the game.

Otherwise, everything requested is now right here.

The Vacation modmod might be fun next. (Next after the farm one.)
Consider the Children's Musuem rejected. It's too similar to the Museum, and doesn't really serve much of a purpose, it's really a sub-component. I know that sounds hypocritical, because the Castle mod was all sub-components. However, there is a fine line between adding to the game, and cluttering the game.

Otherwise, everything requested is now right here.

The Vacation modmod might be fun next. (Next after the farm one.)

1. You have made many small children sad. :p

2. Oh awesome I did not even know you made such a post! That is awesomeness!!! :goodjob:

3. Ok i will start thinking of all the stuff that could be in the "Vacation Mod" sicne I think we have a good amount o buildings for the farm mod now. Pus I ran out of ideas for it. :p

EDIT: Oh and on your list #22 and #26 can be combined now.
In addition to the vacation mod, could you make a giant list of units that should require buildings. Each unit can require as many buildings as you want, I got the new BuildingClassRequired list set up, thanks to the wonderfully helpful EmperorFool.
Vacation Mod Planning


Public Beach
Cost: 1200
Culture: +3
Happiness: +1
Health: +2

Requires: Medicine (Because going to the beach for recreation started in the Victorian Era)

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +10% Maintenance
  • Only for Coastal Cities.
  • Can turn 1 Citizen into Artist.
  • +50% Production for Humanitarian leaders.


Cruse-Ship Port
Cost: 2400
Culture: +3
Happiness: +2
Unhealthiness: +1 (People getting sick on cruses)

Requires: Tourism, International Port

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +20% Gold, -25% Science, +20 Culture
  • +10% Maintenance
  • +10% Unhappiness War.
  • +1 Happiness per 5% Culture
  • Can turn 1 Citizen into Artist.
  • Only for Coastal Cities.


Tourist Trap
Cost: 1000
Culture: +2
Happiness: +2

Requires: Tourism

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +10% Gold, +5% Science, +10 Culture


Ranger Station
Cost: 500
Science: +1
Happiness: +1
Health: +1 (Protecting Against Wildfires)

Requires: Biology

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +10% Science
  • +1 Free Specialist per Forest Reserve


Cost: 500
Culture: +2
Happiness: +2
Health: +2

Requires: Biology, Ranger Station

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +1 Happiness with Deer Resource
  • +1 Happiness with Fish Resource
  • +1 Happiness with River City


Travel Agency (National Wonder)
Cost: 5000
Culture: +5

Requires: Tourism, Vacation Resort, Cruse-Ship Port, Casino (Maybe some more so its harder to get)

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +5% Gold per Great Wonder on the entire planet.


Gift Shop
Cost: 1000
Culture: +2
Happiness: +2

Requires: Tourism

Obsolete: ?

Special Abilities
  • +15% Gold

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