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Monarch Student XIV - Sitting Bull

1345 AD to 1732 AD

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1395 AD:
-Her two stacks are turned into one, containing five units. Another stack is on its way though.
She really seems to like Guerilla III on her Crossbowmen. (+50% Withdrawal Chance +25% Hills Attack(and my city is not on a hill))

1410 AD:
-I whip the last turns on a Castle in Susa the turn before and it seems to have saved me.
The 8 Longbowmen are now 5 and all on low Strength, but her stack was blown to smithereens!
I also get a new Great General.

1420 AD:
-She still wants alot for peace.
My citys are getting a bit unhappy as they "will not fight with our brothers and sisters in the Faith", so I trade Ivory for Wine with Cyrus.

1485 AD:
-Going for Rifling. If Im lucky, I can manage to get to the Hindu Capital for some extra cash and force Boudica to peace.

1495 AD:
-After some peace and quiet Boudica sends another stack. 1 Knight, 4 Pikemen 2 Trebuckets and a Gallic Warrior. Is she even trying?

1500 AD:
-And right behind it comes anotherone. This time with 5 Knights.

1545 AD
-Her stacks are once again crushed!

1560 AD:
-I meet St. Hannibal!

1595 AD:
-I meet The Great Khan!

1605 AD:
-And there we have Mr. Dike!

1630 AD:
-As imo Calcutta will be useless as it is now, since culture will make it a three-tile city, I burn it to the ground.

1675 AD:
-I reject St. Hannibal.

1685 AD:
-I capture Vijayanagara (another top notch name!)

1706 AD:
-Bless you! I make peace with Boudica. Too many Granadiers to make any progress.

1716 AD:
-I trade Drama for World Map with Cyrus.

1730 AD:
-Hmmm. Is The Khan going for Cultural Victory?

1732 AD:
-Ending it here. This is the worst part of the game for me.
Genghis and Willem at Annoyed, Hannibal and Boudica at Cautous. Its so typical at Price that some random a-hole DOW me now, so at Monarch Im really scared.

I think you are right. Still impressive to see such a difference. We are pretty much talking about a double # of units in
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What's the prod bonus for the AIs at Emperor? Should be 3% per era, compared to 2% at Monarch.
I doubt it's enough. Probably a mix of higher diff and weaker player (me).

Settler, Chieftan, Warlord, Noble, Prince, Monarch, Emperor, Immortal, Diety
AI Bonus: -37.5%, -23%, -9.1%, 0%, 5%, 11%, 17.6%, 25%, 66.7%
I find Emperor AI's to have 2 Archers at the same point a Monarch AI has 1 Archer. The second you declare both AI's whip +1 Archer which will take 2 turns to fight.
Dirtyparrot, where did you find that stuff?
I'm looking at the CIV4HandicapInfo.xml and these are the relevant infos I can find:





They actually have higher bonuses at Emperor, but shouldn't be enough to make such a big difference.
Is their buildunitprob somehow altered?
I'm really interested about this stuff. Those units have to come from somewhere, but I can't figure it.

Crusher at Monarch has 1 archer at 2125 BC and 20% culture.
2000 BC at Emperor I have 4 archers and 40% culture.
To the end!

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I didnt think it was possible for the AI not to win by the year 2k, but it seems I was wrong.
From 1732 and onwards I was in almost constant battles with AIs. Sometimes due to their random DOWs and THREE times because of AP votes (Hannibal had AP and was christian, and I had ONE city with that religion) forcing me to war against Boudica and her Vassals. I just went into my shell, teching slowly to get Space Race techs and looking to see how long I would last.

I dont have any other Screens than this, as it all was just too uneventful.


Victory Conditions


Final words:
Thanks for the great game Ai Shizuka, and I hope to see you all next time!
@ Ai Shizuka

I did a quick search of this forum. The numbers seem correct from what I recalled reading before. Here's where I found it:


I'll probably post my progress later (if my computer ever finishes scanning itself).

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I got to the 1500s, and it looks like someone is going to beat me to liberalism. Not that bad, considering that Boudica and her vassal Gandhi are pretty backwards (I will probably take most of Gandhi's land in a wee bit). I probably waited a little too long to off Cyrus. I'm probably going to look to switch to free religion as I'm the only confucianist and people are starting hate me (although they aren't a threat to me now. I'll post some screenshots and more details later.
I still don't get where those numbers come from. But then I don't get a lot of strings in the xml.
So ok, let's take those numbers for good to explain the difference between mine and Crusher's game.

Final part, 1712 - 1913, emperor/epic:

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Cyrus dead, still not sure about the future plans.
I like marines but all the possible targets have a fair share of landlocked cities, so I chose to go with tanks. Target undefined yet. Not Boudica, of course. She's huge and likes me.

1724 - Boudica and Genghis sign peace and I sign a defensive pact with Boudica.

1736 - GE born in Persepolis. Will found Mining Inc.

1780 - Genghis declares vs Will.

1782 - Mining Inc founded in Mound City (confu shrine).

1814 - Boudica declares vs Genghis again, so our defensive pact is gone. I'm safe anyway. Only Hannibal isn't at war and he's pleased with me.

1828 - Another GE in Persepolis will rush the Pentagon.

1842 - Rush+3 turns:

1846 - Genghis declares war? He's at war vs Will AND Boudica+Gandhi and still declares vs me. Are you drunk Genghis? Probably because I refused a couple tributes. And mr. Khan becomes my target.

1847 - GK lands his stuff and suicides his galleons vs my destroyers:

1848 - Genghis' stack destroyed with cannons (already there from the war vs Cyrus) and muskets upgraded to inf.

1850 - Will and GK sign peace. GK still at war vs me, Boudica and Gandhi.

1867 - The Khan has some infantry, but mostly cavalry. No match for CR tanks. This is the first wave, but I'm constantly shipping new waves of 4-8 tanks and MG/marines to hold the cities:

1868 - Ning-Hsia captured. Tao shrine inside (11 gpt).

1874 - Samarqand captured.

1877 - Will declares vs Hannibal. Good news, they are both big and teching well.

I bribe Boudica out of the war vs Genghis to prevent capitulation garbage:

1878 - Looks like Genghis in isolation becomes a gentleman of culture and wonders:

1880 - Genghis recaptures Samarqand.

1892 - And I take it back.

1883 - GK wants capitulation. There is no peace, mr. Khan. You are going to die.

1894 - Turfan captured, Oracle inside. Oracle by Genghis? This is a first.

1886 - Second squad of tanks goes inside to capture landlocked cities. Tiflis captured.

1888 - Old Sarai captured.

1889 - 2-GP golden age. I want to adopt slavery to whip courthouses in the new cities but we are forced on emancipation by the UN.

1892 - Bashbalik captured, Parthenon and SoZ. Really now. Genghis with 8 wonders?

And the game is won. I've just surpassed Boudica (wich was UN 2nd candidate) in population.
UN builder is Will and I have the votes of Boudica and Gandhi. I just have to wait for the new secretary election.

1894 - Screw Mining Inc. for a while and switch to state property. Manteinance in Mongolia is insane. I'll switch back to FR at the end of this golden age.

Boudica re-declares war vs Genghis. She wants his last mainland city:

1895 - I beat Boudica to New Sarai. GK still has an off-shore city. Marines are on the way.

1898 - And the Great Khan is dead:

Research to 0% to buyrush courthouses and forbidden palace in Mongolia. Purely academic, since the game is already won.

1905 - I win UN secretary.

And victory. Gandhi was at +9 at some point, so I gifted him a tech to be safer:

Surprisingly enough, Cyrus is still alive on his little island.

Demographics. Boudica is n.1 in both power and commerce:

Power. Look at those orange muppets burning their hammers for nothing. Zero cities captured in that war:


Mediocre score:

Core + Persia:


Oxford/IW capital. Switched out of bureau after the acquisition of Cyrus' cottages:

Wall Street with Confu shrine and Mining Inc:



And diplo with details on good old Boudica:

1595-end Diplo win 1985 AD
Thanks for setting up the game as Monarch is my normal level.
I found this game fairly hard after having some initial bad luck.

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I warred straight thru to the end. Wiped Cyrus of the map with maces, canons, and muskets.

Did the same to Ghandi but with a few rifles towards the end.

Boudica just had so many troops it was hard going against her. I got a few cities but now my trading partners
willy and hanny were getting ahead.
I decided to go nuclear.
Got peace with Boudica and then nuked and razed three of Hanny's cities.
He capitulated.
Did same to Willy but kept Amsterdam which had UN and had been elected.
I now had to wait for the next election and then for the diplo victory option.
Took around 15 turns after Willem's capitulation.

I got so bored I automated everything workers, production, and city managment.
After the vote finally occured I declared on GK and nuked all his cities.

Power Graph: Can see where Boudica, Hannibal, and Willem got nuked :eek::eek:

Top Cities:

Final Score:

If you are still reading this thread.
Spoiler :

I was just reading your game which is at the level I aspire to emperor/normal.
Normal speed seems to go differently than other speeds so I found your write up interesting too bad you didn't get to finish.

I had same problems getting IW in time and ended up missing out on the iron in South of our territory.
I am curious why you settled your south blocking city where you did. You got three more desert tiles in the BFC but I guess didn't
crowd your capitol as much.
By the time I saw it cyrus had already claimed the area for that iron.

Also is it ever possible to rush on Emperor/Normal?
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How did your game go. I was looking at your dot map it looks similar to mine maybe just off a bit here and there.
I am not that good a player to give advice but I was able to get a late game win from that start.
If I have time I might try the rush at normal speed that other players did on epic speed.
Also, have to figure out how to win lib much quicker. I won around 1200+ AD which seems slow compared to the write ups here.

Not necessarily. Lansky and Phil have pulled off successful early rushes on higher levels.
Getting in here late but -

I have not looked at other saves yet, but I know in mine the receiver of said early rush built Stonehenge for me instead of units. If he had not done that all those hammers would have surely been 2-3 more defenders over the cities. This greatly reduced my necessary hammers needed to go to war and certainly changed my level of aggression. I'm sure he didn't go after SH in everyone's attempt and perhaps the difficulty level could effect this? Not sure how the AI decides whether or not to build a particular wonder at a particular time.

Edit - Also had one CR1 Dog beat a full health archer at something stupid like 10% or less odds.
Emperor - Epic - ~1600AD

Kind of a token update, I played this on Friday and forgot most of what I did.

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For some reason it took me forever to recover my economy. I got liberalism very late ~1250

After meeting all of the AIs and getting a map of the world, I decided it would probably be easiest to just turtle up and tech towards space. I have enough cities, and no one is a real tech monster. After liberalism I teched off PP and then went up through astronomy and on to scientific method. I built the Taj and used a GSpy to get the economy going very nicely with the back to back golden ages.

Hannibal beat me to economics by a few turns, and he will probably beat me to physics as well since he's a few turns off of sci meth. I'm already half way to communism though, so at least I'll get that. Willem is teching alright, but he isn't an immediate concern. I don't think anyone is going for culture, and I don't fear the AI in a space race, so that only leaves getting declared on. GK, Hannibal, Will and Boudica are all preparing war. I know Boudica isn't after me, but any of the others may be. Hopefully Boudica slows them all down.
Played further on monarch epic before getting interrupted - had hoped to finish this round this weekend, but too much going on with easter. 55 AD to about 1500 AD. AIs are teching extremely slow this game.

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Started this round just getting monarchy for my all important happiness, and then COL and currency to help the economy, while building a bunch of settlers so I can fill out my land. This guy was born – he’s my second settled prophet:

Finally meet Boudica – look – the hidden worst enemy multiplier. Stupid coding.

No surprise she hates Gandhi and will no doubt try to vassalize him at some point. So unless I hurry pre-feudalism, I'll be fighting one on two, which will be somewhat tough because he techs and she builds units – a good vassal for boudica.
Got Moai built, and another wonder:

Now I’ve fully crashed my economy – just later than normal. It's brief, as courthouses will help soon, and I now have enough cities to beat all the others on my landmass down. Only issue is if there’s a lovefest on the other island. Barb city between Gandhi and Boudica that no one took.

Of course, Boudica DOWs Gandhi next turn…so I gift him a tech to help. And that city has an unintended side benefit, because Boudica doesn’t have open borders with me:

She can’t get to him. So with Gandhi and Cyrus both pleased (Cyrus’s religious bonuses have offset the fact that I rushed him), all I have to do is protect that city and we’re all three safe until I decide it’s wartime! What a shock she asks this:

Sorry, not this time. I need to get some archers protecting that city though, so switch to build a few. Courthouses and great scientists start coming in, as I’m in caste and running scientists in a bunch of cities to maximize Parthenon. Tech rate is still abysmal, but I lead my continent, so only fear is a runaway on the other continent. This’ll hopefully help me catch up a little later.

Thanks to some strong bulbing (philosophy, most of education and lib), I did manage this:

Decided to go for Taj, since I have MoM for the old Taj+great person 30 turn golden age. Met Willem – he’s not ahead in tech, so given how slow I am, [I'm presuming he's isolated. Gandhi decides to be my vassal as I’m building the army up to demolish Cyrus. I jump on that - with 5-6 cities, he's no threat to win. And right as I finish Taj:

That happens. Big surprise. Not sure what exactly she's doing with that facial expression? I have a bunch of archers waiting in that blocking city – quick longbow upgrade, and I assume she has no shot of getting through …especially since I’m starting a 30 turn golden age. Side note here - thanks to map trading, I got the circumnav bonus. Not bad for building 2 galleys.

She does manage to take the barb city from me, despite 7 protective upgraded longbows - looked like she lost 10 catapults but nothing else. If I tried that, I would have lost more than 10 catapults, I guarantee that. Doesn’t matter – I’ll be back for it soon enough. I figure it’s time to take Cyrus on my way up to get her:

Was pretty easy with trebs, elephants and maces. Pulled a merchant for a trade mission, which was very timely as I just hit steel. Upgraded a dozen or so trebs to cannons, and on to Boudica's cities. I had just taken one and just met Genghis when I had to cut off for the round. Geghis is way behind in tech, but can be a nuisance later with cheap upgrades, considering all the units he's built. So I'll probably need to hit him after mowing down Boudica.

Next round will no doubt feature blowing away Boudica's cities, beelining communism after astro, and using state property to overpower the other civs.

Spoiler :
Nice win - congrats on your first monarch win - the tech rate in this game was really slow, I think in part because our continent was constantly fighting and the other AIs seem to basically be isolated (Willem and Hannibal presumably won't tech trade since it's just the two of them together).

I think if Genghis, Willem and Hannibal all knew each other, this could have been even tougher, because we don't have a great overall landmass. It'd be interesting to re-try the game with a 1 tile bridge between their continents to see how dramatically that changes things.
4000BC to 1565 AD (Monarch Normal)

4000 BC-1 AD

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Settled in place. Build order was worker, warrior, settler. Tech order was mining, BW, wheel, AH. Quickly found Cyrus south of me. Knowing that I was on a peninsula, I decided to aggressively settle a city next to the elephants and fill in the other cities a little later. I popped a scout and he explored his way all the way into India.

I used the Oracle slingshot to found Confucianism and sent my missionary to Persia (who subsequently converted and became pleased). That meant that India was the place that Cyrus would attack (which indeed was the case). Here's the state of the Empire at 1 AD:

Northern Cities:

Border City:

1 AD- approx 850AD

Spoiler :

Knowing that Persia was pleased with me and annoyed with Gandhi, I knew it was only a matter of time before Cyrus would try to invade India. I decided that the best strategy was to let Cyrus send out his army and DOW Gandhi before I backstab him. Persia's war with India proved very beneficial to the Native American empire (which I'll get to later).

My plan of attack was to beeline my attack towards Cyrus' horse city so that I wouldn't have to worry about those pesky immortals (razing his Northernmost city in the process). If there was time, I would take Persepolis too that had built the GW and Hanging Gardens. After that, puny Persia would be too weak to stop the Mighty Native Americans from taking what was rightfully theirs.

In 225 AD, Cyrus' stack makes it all the way to India and DOWs Gandhi. His stack consisted of 1HA, 2 sword, 1 cat, 5 immortals, and 1 archer.

My invasion force consisted of 6 dog soldiers, 6 swords, and 2 spears. It turned out that the spears were unnecessary as Cyrus decided to take all his immortals to India.

Turned out that the invasion pretty much went according to script. It certainly helped that Cyrus' stack lolly-gagged their way back (deciding to keep bombarding India while I took their cities. By 475 AD, the Persian army made it's way back to Gordium, but not before I had taken Persepolis. I decided to temporarily sign a peace treaty and restock my army to finish off Cyrus.

Then Cyrus had one of those typical AI brain farts. He decided since peace was signed to move his stack back to India whom he was still at war, thus leaving his cities weakly protected. Ah, you gotta love the AI.

So, I reinforced my army and prepared to march on first Cyrus' 2 Easternmost cities and then finish him off by taking Gordium and their wine.

By around 850 AD, the Persians and their immortals (thanks to their stupidity) were no more. In retrospect, I probably waited too long to invade Persia. An early rush would have probably saved me some time.

850ish AD-1565 AD

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I finally met Boudica. She was at war with Gandhi and quickly vassalized him. Poor Gandhi was getting it from both sides. That made the peaceful Native Americans her worst enemy. Of course, I expected her to attack me in short order and was mindful to note that she had elephants (so I built some of my own).

And sure enough she DOWed me the next turn after 1450 AD. I had sent a spy beforehand to explore her territory, so I was well aware of her stack approaching. Bootycall's initial stack consisted of 1 elephant, 2 longbow, 3 HA, 4 cats, 1 axe, and 1 chariot. That stack was about a dozen elephants short of what was required and consequently was quickly slaughtered by awaiting promoted elephants and HA's.

She sent her relatively meager stacks in waves (giving me a couple turns to heal up) instead of one big stack. Plus she really skimped on the elephants, so she really had no chance. Gandhi wasn't doing her any favours either by refusing to send anyone. Her 2nd and 3rd stack were destroyed.

I decided to sign a temporary peace treaty to extract her gold for when I invade India and take it's nice land and 2 shrines. Here's the state of my empire in 1565 AD:

Northern Cities (built the AP and Maoi in Mound City)

Southern Cities (built the Forbidden Palace in Snaketown)

With little danger from naval invasion (noone has discovered astronomy yet), I plan on sending 2 stacks to India.

North Stack

South Stack

During this period, I managed to meet Willem and Hannibal. I also was the 1st to circumnavigate the globe. The diplomatic situation isn't great, so I plan to switch to free religion once I discover liberalism. It looks like Willem is going to beat me to liberalism, although that's not a big deal. Gandhi and Boudica are very backward tech-wise, so it's only a matter of time until they are crushed.

This is only my 2nd monarch game. I won my first try on monarch very easily and I'm confident that this game won't pose that much of a challenge either. It's kind of weird how many elephants there are on this map. I've actually found the jump to monarch much easier than the jump to prince. Hopefully, I find time to wrap this game up either tonight or tomorrow.
Getting in here late but -

I have not looked at other saves yet, but I know in mine the receiver of said early rush built Stonehenge for me instead of units. If he had not done that all those hammers would have surely been 2-3 more defenders over the cities. This greatly reduced my necessary hammers needed to go to war and certainly changed my level of aggression. I'm sure he didn't go after SH in everyone's attempt and perhaps the difficulty level could effect this? Not sure how the AI decides whether or not to build a particular wonder at a particular time.

Edit - Also had one CR1 Dog beat a full health archer at something stupid like 10% or less odds.

I wrecked someone with dogs in the BCs too, on immortal/normal. I lost though, since I was behind and I got TERRIBLE war odds rolled on me (person who declared doesn't declare @ pleased, and was only @ cautious about 7-8 turns, and was only not pleased from the start because of the AI worst enemy before meeting cheat).

Anyway, I got blasted JUST after pulling to tech parity with 14 cities. Damn.
I wrecked someone with dogs in the BCs too, on immortal/normal. I lost though, since I was behind and I got TERRIBLE war odds rolled on me (person who declared doesn't declare @ pleased, and was only @ cautious about 7-8 turns, and was only not pleased from the start because of the AI worst enemy before meeting cheat).

Anyway, I got blasted JUST after pulling to tech parity with 14 cities. Damn.

I suffered a semi similar fate ultimately. After cutting out the nice section of land I bunkered down and went on a wonder spree - most notably Pyramids, Parth, and Glib all in separate cities for customizable GP on command. Actually ran zero cottages untill Lib when I finally started to bulldoze over some farms. I had a commanding tech lead thanks to all the bulbs/academies buuuuuut... long story short I neglected exploring and made a certain not too distant aggressive AI mad without realizing it. I didn't know I was trading with your worst enemy - sheesh. My handful of elephants and couple longbows in the border city didn't know what hit them. Best early game specialist push I've executed in a long time all for not because I was too lazy to build a scout and hit auto-explore.
Monarch epic to 1860 - conquest victory

Spoiler :

I left off starting to mow down Boudica. It wasn’t pretty for her – not with knights and LBs defending against cannons. She seems to pull troops out of nowhere, but it doesn’t really matter – bring as many knights and cats to my cannon/elephant/mace party…I’m ok with that. Nice time for an engineer to pop:

That’ll help the military production! On to Vienne we go:

After that, I just mowed down a few more cities to avoid culture issues and capitulation issues with the other civs, while limping to communism, which will cure all my economy woes. I then meet this guy:

That appears to be a minor problem – he has a lot of techs. And astronomy. But he does not have rifles or steel, which means I don’t fear him yet, and once I have communism, there'll be way too much production and tech for him or anyone to keep up. And she’s finally done:

4 turns of anarchy you see is for the big US/emanc/communism civic switch. Now I can focus on the invasion fleet, while communism’s strengths allows me to fly to assembly line and combustion to rule the seas and land. A quick trade of rifling to willem for gold and astro, so trade routes help my economy soar as well. And after some buildup, I decide to start with Willem – his capital is coastal and will be easy to take, plus he’s at war with Genghis – nice time to hit him. Right as I start this:

One more 15 turn golden age. Amsterdam sure is a nice city:

How quick will he capitulate? 2 cities is enough…and he gets them right back, so I can focus on Genghis and get willem right back to pleased. Here we come:

That’s stack 1 – stack 2 will follow as I don’t have enough transport ships. Karakorum:

Genghis the wonder builder. Ah, yes, and I did mention Stack 2 – here it is:

By the time I got stack 2 over there, stack 3 had been built, so need to transport stack 3, if necessary. Every city autoproducing artillery, infantry, and now, tanks. How long to cap? Well, after I landed those troops, he was ready:

Just short on land, so I’ll have to fight Hanny. Gift all vassals all my techs, to start pure 4 on 1 action, and it’s go time:

Didn’t want to wait for my other 50-60 units to get ferried over, but willem has all my techs and 500 gold per turn gift from me to upgrade, so hanny will have his hands full. Willem beats him up, as do I, and 2 cities later, it’s done. For some reason I failed to upload my last 2 screenshots last night at home, and since I'm posting this from a different computer, I don't have them handy. I'll try to edit later on to add them. The build screen was simple - basically I built a ton of units. Starting at maces and trebs, and ending at artillery and had just built my first few tanks.

Most common buildings were granaries and harbors.

Score was 103k – about right for playing a bit sloppy and deciding not to let boudica capitulate. Had I done that, I could have gotten into a position to attack the others much more quickly.

EDIT: Last screenshot downloaded - builds screen

@mc-red (and everyone else)

I got stomped on in around 800AD. Had no problem keeping up with the expansion and tech of Monarch AI, just fell too low on power.

Will probably drop to Prince offline for a while and be back as a Monarch Student soon.

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