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Monarch Student XIV - Sitting Bull

So here's a quick report from 1 AD to ~1400 AD
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1. Built the parthenon
2. missed great library by a few turns
3. ghandi capitulated to boudica
4. got liberalism
5. built oxford ~1300
6. boudica currently at war with Cyrus.
7. beelined military tradition for Cuirassiers
8. realized i don't have horses

I suppose i can still go for rifles/cannons and get them quite a bit before anyone else. Wish i had of delayed lib for chemistry or steel then though. If Cyrus ends up capitulating to Boudica that will not be good - don't think that will happen though. I must have been thinking about getting horseback riding so i could build war elephants. Decided not to try and attack with a war elephant army, but somehow that must have made me think i had horses or something. I'm the best.
Monarch epic to 55 AD:

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In place, obviously. Great bureau capital. Tech AH first which was dumb with a resourceless BW UU. no horses, so mining/bw. Lost my stupid warrior to a lion 30 turns in. I was able to at least scout and find out that I have a peninsula to myself at least.

Finally meet Cyrus on turn 55 even though his second city appears only about 10 tiles away. Sucks that I lost that warrior – not well prepared for a rush. He’s already sort of boxed me in, so no choice but to rush him, I guess. And, other than the capital, the land doesn’t seem all that great up here.

City 2 goes here for the happiness.

And I can honestly never resist the worker steal – something in my brain is conditioned to do this:

This is really dumb since it warns Cyrus, and I don’t have any dogs built, but oh well. Build, whip, late rush with 11 of these weak dogs…Pasargadae:

I only lost 2 while killing 2 archers, a sword and a spear. I figured I’d go after his other side city, but with that luck, I took 2 turns to heal and went on to capital:

Looks like I gained Stonehenge. He had a lot of defense, but thankfully 2 of them were swords, who both lost to my dogs. Still took me two turns and was down to my last two dogs to take Persepolis. Obviously take peace now, since I lost my entire army. I then meet this turkey:

He sends a workboat, so bet he’s on another landmass. Shame because he’s so weak militarily. Time to rebuild a bit and then finish Cyrus. I decided to get the great library built since I had marble, and here it is.

That’s where I cut off for this round. I really played pretty sloppy after the rush. I didn’t crash the economy nearly aggressively enough. I think the month off of civ has me playing pretty sloppy, like I’m afraid to crash the economy. 6 cities at 55 AD isn’t enough – I don’t have enough workers, don’t have a GP farm set. It’ll start to turn soon with Moai coming in, and with the great library, and once I hit monarchy and civil service, I'll have a super capital.

I also now have plenty of backfill spots to comfortably get to 10 cities, while leaving Cyrus boxed in. I need to get him before feudalism and longbows. That’ll likely be the next round. Empire (if you can call it that with 6 mediocre cities:

Welcome to the forums Kazile. :cheers:

Good Report on your progress.

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I'm not the best Monarch player or war monger, but I'd say you're doing fine. Cyrus is really weak so build a few more dogs and take him down is what I'd do.
Played till 1595 AD going for domination but victory not assured.

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Initial REX was for a 7 city empire forming a ring around my capitol.

Second city was city in North, third the gem city, and fourth in the South.

Tech path min->bw->myst->medi->preisthood->hunting->wheel->pottery->writing
Took MC from oracle. GE built mids, 3 GS for academy, settled one, and philo bulb.
Ghandi was culture stealing my fish in west so I detoured to win music race and settled the GA to get my fish back.

No iron :mad:

The plan was to rush to canons take Cyruses nearby iron city which I put under cultural pressure with sistine chappel.
Took the city a turn before canons were online. I had enough culture on iron tile that it immediately went into my borders.
This allowed some quick treb->canon upgrades. Cyrus is now almost gone but a lot left to do with Hanni (who beat me to space by a turn in boudica LHC) close in tech
and Boudica on the rampage having vassalled Ghandi.


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Welcome to the forums Kazile. :cheers:

Good Report on your progress.

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I'm not the best Monarch player or war monger, but I'd say you're doing fine. Cyrus is really weak so build a few more dogs and take him down is what I'd do.

Thank you! I was thinking of getting some Swordsmen up instead. Persepolis' borders will pop in 1050 and then I have Iron, but yes, its not long before I DOW again.
1100 BC to 155 BC
Any help is appreciated!

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350 BC:
-I DOW Cyrus again when I find him moving 2 of 3 Archers from one of his citys to escort a Settler.
Dont think Ill have enough to take him down yet, but Im going to at least take one more city and pillage his Iron.

325 BC:
-I capture Ecbatana without losses (tihi at winning a 23% battle, but because of this I forgot to screen).

230 BC:
-Susa falls! Hopefully thats his last Iron and Horse. Also, I only loose one unit, so I think I have enough to take him down.

170 BC:
-I reject Boudicas demand for the Alphabet. Im not giving away prime techs to an AI thats not even my neighbour. (Im guessing she must be on the other side of Gandhi)

155 BC:
-The Pyramids is completed! Im guessing that was pure luck!
Waiting for Monotheism which is done in 8-9 turns to swich to Representation and Organized Religion.

-Now, should I take peace and all the techs I can get, or should I finish him?


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2 free techs, even if it means letting Cyrus live 10 more turns, I'd usually do that. Then you can finish him quickly. Since most of the land would be settled by now, it's unlikely he could get any more cities up, so it might cost you 1-2 extra units to give him 10 more turns to rebuild. I usually opt for the techs at that point.

If it's your first game on monarch, it looks like you're doing pretty well. The only thing I'd watch is the same issue I had at that point, my tech rate was still a little light because I was sloppy. I have a number of cottages about to mature, so it should start to take off, but you'll definitely want to make sure you really start focusing on bumping up your tech rate through cottages, libraries, currency and a scientist bulb or two.


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Probably I'm missing something obvious, but I'm unable to reproduce your rush. I simply can't be ready with enough dogs at 2200BS without mass-whipping and an useless capital for the next 1000 years.

Standard rush with barracks and 2 cities works just fine.

So again from the start to 1140 AD, emperor/epic:

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Went again for the 2 southern blocking city and HR abuse in the capital.

Empire at 40 AD:

I founded Confucianism at 305 BC and both Cyrus and Gandhi (!) was still without religion, so it became our state religion, while Boudica is buddhist.

Slow GP to build this:

Instant profit of 14 gpt:

860 AD Gandhi becomes Boudica's vassal.

Empire at 1140 AD:

Bureau capital:

1 turn for Liberalism and I can probably get steel from it:


Obvious plan is killing Cyrus with cannons.

Emperor/Normal part 3 to 1785 AD
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So i beelined military tradition only to realize i had no horses. Boudica has extra, but she won't trade them. Oh well. I head to Steel.

Got Taj built while i was already in a GA giving me a nice long one.

Ghengis declares on me before he has astronomy. Eventually he gets it and takes a city from me that i take right back. No big deal. I bribed Hannibal to war with Ghengis with military tradition - think i'm still at war with him. Willem declared on me too - never really attacked and he paid me some gold for peace soon after.

Finally in 1730 i have my first "real" war. Used globe to help get a few rifles. Cyrus is STILL at war with Boudica from around 1300 something. That's a 400 year war so far and still going. He's holding his own against her, but won't be after i attack.

I take the first two cities that come with pyramids, angkor wat, hanging gardens, and notre dame.

I checked and i can't bribe Boudica out of the war because "she'd rather win the game". So most likely Cyrus will capitulate to her soon and i'll be at war with Boudica and Ghandi. They are way behind in tech with Hannibal being the tech leader. I think i'll probably finish off Cyrus and then either start attacking Boudica/Ghandi with rifles/cannons or wait for infantry. They are so far behind i'll have a permanent military advantage. Boudica is #1 in land now - but hopefully i'll take over that spot soon. That means i should be able to win a UN victory someway. I'll figure that out later though. I went to state property awhile before i declared on Cyrus - that will obviously become more useful as i get more cities. Should be able to get some kind of production going with Cyrus' land. I'm surprised i'm doing fine in tech with only the 7 cities i had all game.

Part 4 To 1912
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Hannibal is the tech leader still. I declare on Boudica even though has a lot of units. My culture is right up next to this city, so with lots of artillery and infantry i take the city and kill a lot of her units on the 1st turn of the war.

I take 1 of Cyrus' 2 cities soon after.

And Cyrus is gone.

Take another of Boudica's cities. Also killed 2 additional stacks that came - one from Ghandi and one from Boudica. She doesn't have infantry yet so i still have the advantage with a lot of drill IV infantry vs her rifles. I will have tanks soon so i will try to eliminate Ghandi as soon as i can.

Ghengis is going for culture i think and i believe he got mass media - maybe he'll build the UN soon. If i can pass Boudica in pop, with Hannibal's vote maybe i can win that way. If not i'll have to try and build the space ship - might be hard to beat hannibal to it though. Also might have to raze 1 or 2 of Ghengis' cities.

Apparently i didn't save it at 1912 :confused: - just have the 1785 save and all auto saves are the LHC game i started. Too bad cause i'm curious how it would have ended. Oh well. Probably won't replay it.
There seems to be a lot of debate at the moment about what levels people play community games at.

I am a Noble player, but have decided I don't want to be anymore. So now I am a Monarch player, everything I have ever got better at has relied on my competing at a higher level.

I'll obviously be looking for assistance along the way and will post regular check points seeking direction from my fellow Monarch players ;) who happen to be able to win at my new level. I don't expect to win for many MS games to come, but lets see what happens....

Good luck everyone and happy civving.
1140 - 1712, emperor/epic:

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War preparations and war vs Cyrus.

1190 - Boudica enters wheoohrn mode, 100% vs Cyrus. I've gifted her some garbage tech to push her to pleased, so I'm safe.

1260 - Boudica and vassal Gandhi declare vs Cyrus.

1310 - They get a couple GG, Boudica captures a city and sign peace.

1390 - Lib + Steel:

1500 - DoW Cyrus. I need some serious improvement on my war preparation, wich is way too slow. I'm reluctant to whip my cities this late, but I know it's the most efficient way to build an army. Still, I can't force myself to whip to death mature cities.

1550 - I wait for a couple waves in my borders and finally march on Cyrus' cities:

1555 - Meet Genghis, wich is currently at war vs Boudica and Gandhi.

1600 - Nice haul of wonders in Persepolis:

1630 - Ecbatana captured.

1655 - Communism GSpy starts GA and Susa is captured.

1665 - Hannibal declares war and lands this stuff:

Mmmm, ok? What about some units to actually capture a city. Idiot.

1680 - Tarsus captured.

1685 - Hannibal's cannons killed.

1695 - Gordium captured and peace:

He still has a city up inside Gandhi's land and I don't want to get diplo penalties for a 1-city vassal. Probably Boudica will capture it at some point.

1700 - And peace with Hannibal as well:

Empire at 1712:

Capital, still without Oxford:


Diplo. I'm safe from Boudica, but everyone else is cautious. Genghis and Boud are still at war, wich is very good for me. Boudi is huge and would probably leave everyone in the dust.

Not sure about the future plans. Probably industrialism beeline and marines spamming, starting from Will.
Or maybe space. My research should take off nicely with Cyrus' cottages.

155 BC to 1345 AD

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155 BC:
-Took peace for Meditation and Sailing as michmbk said.
(Again I am sorry for the missleading Screenshot)

50 BC:
-Changed Civics. Going for Machinery for Windmills in my hilly homeland.

25 AD:
Boudica asks for Polytheism, and since I dont want anther enemy right now, I give her what she wants. Its not a huge tech anyway.

160 AD:
-By now, most of my citys are Researching. As michmbk pointed out, my tech rate was going down.

400 AD:
-Chaco Canyon is founded.

445 AD:
-I cant resist the cuteness! Also, I want him to have a chance to stand against Boudica who has converted to Judaism.

625 AD:
-Literature and 60g for Currency

805 AD:
-The Great Liberary is completed in Persepolis.

820 AD:
-The Statue of Zeus is completed in Pasargadae.

835 AD:
-The Parthenon is completed in Susa.

890 AD:
-Gandhi agrees to become Boudicas Vassal. WTH? I got Feudalism 1 turn before this when I had the score lead, and when I checked if he would be my Vassal he had "We are doing fine on our own".

910 AD:
- ..And then she DOWs me. Christ!
Now Ive lost my techbuddy for good!

970 AD:
-Hurray! Her stack wasnt too impressive (about 10 units) and she only killed two of my units before fleeing back to her homeland!
I follow to scout the lands.

1090 AD:
-Mausoleum of Maussollos is completed in Pasargadae.

1140 AD:
-Another SoD is on its way. Its crushed in 1230.

1310 AD:
-The third stack had found its way to my kingdom. This is really getting old!

1335 AD:
-Liberalism! And I get a Great General for all the defending Im doing.

1345 AD:
-Two SoDs here now. Ending this round here.

Should I buy peace, or should I stand and fight?
Im guessing Ill try to go for Space Race.

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If you can fight off her stacks, I'd not give her free techs, as long as this war is not hurting your economy too much. Probably if you kill those 2 stacks you can buy peace for a little gold. Can't see how many elephants she has and what you have in Susa.
If you can, kill her stack and buy a cheaper peace later.
If there are too many elephants give her those techs.

Anyway, Boudica is a leader I always push to pleased when possible. She's not in the same league as the most ******ed warmongers like Shaka or Monte, but close.
But she doesn't declare war at pleased and is possibly one of the best allies you can have (same with her pal Brennus).

Oh, and get pikes asap to counter those elephants.
Capital with 8 hills with 3 food resources, 12 river tiles and no plains!?!? :eek:

A very interesting map. I think you can make the case for either building until you can attack with swordsmen and cats, or immediately attacking with dog soldiers. Sitting Bull has a difficult time with his economy, making it more attractive to hit pottery earlier than your normally would. With those eight hills and philosophical, the obsolete wonder heavy strategy might make sense. I didn't use it, though, since I have never had luck with it without marble or stone.
Ai Shizuka:
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Sorry for the screens being so little informative!
I got 8 Longbows in Susa, all with City Garrison II or more.
One of her stacks are hurt so they are at about 50% and she only have one War Elephant in the other stack.

Ill try to fight the stacks as I think I can take them, then will see if she wants peace at a lower price.
Update 1 - To 2400BC Questions, Questions, Questions :)

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Played at Normal speed as that is the speed I am used to.

Tech order went Mining, Bronze Working, The Wheel, Pottery.

Build order went Worker, Warrior, Warrior, Warrior, Settler. I wouldn't normally put that many Warriors into my initial build queue, but I was a bit scared about Monarch.

Met Cyrus to the south. Reasonably close.

Got very lucky with two hut pops. Iron Working

& Sailing :):):) Very generous, must have known I was new to this Monarch lark.

Below is my dot map for the area of the map explored. Although I see that the capital would make an excellent commerce capital I am thinking of farming and mining over it whilst running 2 scientists and making it a unit pump. The cottaging will go on in the cities in the surrounding areas.

Let me know your views.

Is there anything I am doing massively wrong?

@ AI Shizuka

There problem your finding is gonna make you smile. Ready? Here is the problem:

Your settings: emperor/epic

My settings: Monarch/epic

Like I've been saying all along, if someone is trying to Learn it's best done at a level vs level comparison. You now have 1st hand knowledge of how very different a single level can make :)
@ AI Shizuka

There problem your finding is gonna make you smile. Ready? Here is the problem:

Your settings: emperor/epic

My settings: Monarch/epic

Like I've been saying all along, if someone is trying to Learn it's best done at a level vs level comparison. You now have 1st hand knowledge of how very different a single level can make :)

Not necessarily. Lansky and Phil have pulled off successful early rushes on higher levels.
Not necessarily. Lansky and Phil have pulled off successful early rushes on higher levels.

False. He is talking about a precise build order and number vs number specific situation at an exact year - not a successful yet generalized rush.
I think you are right. Still impressive to see such a difference. We are pretty much talking about a double # of units in
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What's the prod bonus for the AIs at Emperor? Should be 3% per era, compared to 2% at Monarch.
I doubt it's enough. Probably a mix of higher diff and weaker player (me).
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