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Money management wrt RAs

Mar 31, 2012
Does anyone notice that you shouldn't just offer AIs your money for them to "graciously" accept? You can actually extract 1 gpt per 33g, so for example if you had to make up for a shortfall of 300g on the AI side you could give them around 320g by asking for 10 gpt in return. This way you can recover most of your "investments". Add in a lux monopoly for everlasting cash inflow.

This was how I could get upwards of +100 gpt non-GA when playing those tall games, and how AIs keep coming back to me for loans and favors which sometimes I "graciously" grant which keeps them even more addicted on my crack.
It works if you can get them early, but if you meet Germany with 30,000 gold you can't hope to keep him addicted and broke.
The point is not about making them broke, it's the management of money and lux monopolies that allows you to recoup your investment monies to repeat the RA cycle. A Germany that has 30000 gold that you meet in late game - highly suggests a faraway runaway that can still be friends with you. If so he might ask for your free (monopoly) lux which helps keep his warmongering mood in check. That's what I mean.

Adding something else, this probably doesn't apply on deity, the elites don't need any advice they should know what to do, AIs don't lack money on those levels, they are always on tech parity. I'm suggesting this on levels of Prince to Emperor.
Good idea actually. Though it feel like an exploit getting a RA but also taking away their GPTs. I don't think people actually need to resort to this... but to each their own.
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