I've recently started my adventure with modding and it is my small feedback to the project. Feel free to use it in any possible ways (I have used one of Tomatekh's civs as template, credits to him).
As long as I was coding everything was fine. I am not using English on proper level what makes writing a DoM the biggest challenge. Civilopedia is blank right now.
Finally, I made some pseudo-art. Since I see here so many gifted (or at least knowing what they do in opposite to me) people, it would be great if you make some icons or even map and leaderscreen.
Khmer Empire (v1; seems stable)
Capital: Angkor Thom (33 cities)
Jungle start
Wonder/Expansion/Production/Faith/Ranged focused
UA: Angkor the Magnificent ~ 1 Citizen appears in Capital every time you conquer a city; +1 Food per 2 citizens in Capital
UU: Militia ~ replaces warrior; can build farm, pasture and plantation
UB: Baray ~ replaces watermill; +2 faith, doesn't require river, 90 (instead 75) production cost
//Conquered city has to be at least 6 (after population reduction) or CapitalPopulation < ConqueredCityPopulation*4 + 3//
//Extra food is not affected by food modifiers and happiness//