Mozilla Firebird

Did me some tests:

Browser at

Mozilla Firefox v.0.8: 17,036k
Mozilla Firebird v.0.7: 17,184k
Mozilla v.1.6: 15,512k
Internet Explorer v.6: 16,288k
Opera v.7: 12,928k

Two browser windows at (Tabbed browsing used for those capable):

Mozilla Firefox v.0.8: 17,160k
Mozilla Firebird v.0.7: 17,164k
Mozilla v.1.6: 21,368k
Internet Explorer v.6: 32,536k
Opera v.7: 20,060k

Three browser windows at (Tabbed browsing used for those capable):

Mozilla Firefox v.0.8: 17,432k
Mozilla Firebird v.0.7: 17,912k
Mozilla v.1.6: 22,768k
Internet Explorer v.6: 48,804k
Opera v.7: 20,620k
Firefox is much much faster than Firebird. It's amazing. :)
Firefox it better, because it's a lot faster. The name changed because someone else already had Firebird (like a long time ago when it was Phoenix). Firefox/firebird are far more customizable than IE (I haven't tried Opera). You can do just about anything, and there are many, many extentions you can download, to customize it even further.
The non-paid version of Opera is icky, the banner ads are lame. And the platform is less open source, so, the modding and programming community is not behind it. Pound for pound, the Mozilla suite/Firefox is much better.
Smoke wasn't working for me scrollbar/back-forward buttons wise, I'm using PX Classic and it's working now.
That's too bad. I had finally decided to start experimenting with different themes. Once they get them working, what do you guys think I should use?
Originally posted by archer_007
I just downloaded Firefox and hate it. :vomit:
Give it some time, I too didn't like it at first, but since everybody said it was so much better, I forced myself to try it at least a week...
Originally posted by Wizard
Is it so different from Firebird?
If you're referring to my post, I meant switching from Opera to Firebird and not from Firebird to Firefox. I realise that I probably just assumed he switched to Firefox from some other browser than Firebird since he didn't like it...
I have the paid version of Opera (v7.23) and like it *very* much, thank you. ;) I have never liked Netscape, in any of its iterations, so I have not even bothered with Mozilla. However, after reading this thread, I will download Firefox and give it a week's trial period.
Originally posted by Paalikles
I have Firebird as my main browser, IE6 as my secondary, but favor IE in terms of correct html code display.
More correctly, IE handles *INcorrect* (read -> Microsoft proprietary) HTML code. :p
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