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MrGameTheory Strategic analysis of Civ 5

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Oct 8, 2007
It is time for the phenomenon known as MrGameTheory to once again make its presence known to the civ world... :D

With all of my infinite knowledge I have decided to scroll through what has been revealed about Civilization V and analyze with a vengeance.

Your friend and hero will add to this thread gradually, but for now I have decided to just give a brief analysis of some important points.

1) Turtle strategies will dominate Civilization V. You will soon see that mass quantities of archery units will dominate all ancient games making aggressive early rushing less appealing.

2) The settings that will be most commonly used in MP games will remove variables of luck like relics/barbarians etc, but many of the leaders have special traits which require these variables. Unfortunately Random leader games will result in disadvantages for unlucky players and advantages for lucky players. The bonuses may appear to not give big bonuses so all leaders are on equal footing, but this is incorrect and some of the revealed special abilities/units/buildings have huge strategic implications. As far as I can see the following leaders are either strong or weak in terms of MP.


Above average:

Trade Caravans


* These will change a little based on the civs with unique buildings in the ancient era.

3) Civilization V is a dumbed down version of Civilization IV and is a mix of Civilization IV and Civilization Revolution. The powers that be determined that Civilization IV was too complicated for most gamers and they have taken a step back to appeal to mass markets. Hopefully Civilization IV will not be the most complex civ game ever made, but if Civ V is a commercial success we may not see a complicated Civ game for a very very long time. On a relative basis I do not think that Civ V will be as successful because of the strong migration to "social games." More importantly, while the game needed to be dumbed down so the masses can learn the game, when they do learn the game they are going to be very disappointed in their investment of time.

4) They made a mistake in the cost to strength ratio of warriors and scouts. Scouts cost 25 and provide a 4 strength unit. Warriors cost 40 and provide a 6th strength unit. More importantly, Because only 1 unit can occupy a hex at a time you will see mass flooding of these cheap units in blocking strategies and this will reinforce a turtle strategy by using scouts as buffers to enemy advances while archers destroy military advances. Who cares if a war chariot has 100 movements a turn when the cost of scouts is soo cheap that sacrificing 2 to catch a war chariot still results in a net loss of 10 for the war chariots side. Sadly, Civ 5 is a strategic step backwards from Civ IV

5) Trims will be used like turrets that weaken enemy units. They will be placed in coast tiles and will give huge advantages to players who hit the oceans first. With a small number of trims created early on a player can prevent other players from expanding to the ocean. Unlike in Civ IV where you can't attack a boat in a city, in Civ V that is not the case. This is a huge strategic error on the Dev team's part.

6) The cost of archers for 5 ranged strength is hilarious to me. I see pike man and long swordsmen with costs of 150 for only 10-18 strength lol... They have pretty much created the following game.... (Expand like crazy in early eras, only build scouts and archers, and do not focus on tec advancement, focus instead on making mass amounts of gold, build a bigger shell, game over to the tec rushers because you will have more cities, more production, and more gold)... The cost of units gets so high that there is no appeal to go for any other type of victory except a conquest victory...... Especially since units can enter water tiles now, which ultimately takes away water barriers.... This is Civ V.. Hope you were not looking forward to it :p

7) Civ IV at least had MP at heart, this game is less MP friendly from a strategic point of view and has been made mainly for single players. They may have upgraded a few MP features like using steam, but ultimately the mechanics and content of the game make this far less appealing from an MP point of view. Case and point - The use of turtle strategies will make Civ V a mostly ancient game with less strategic incentive to tec.

8 ) The reason why they did not release a demo or have an open beta is because they know that the game is MP trash and only a very good single player game (Not even close to a fantastic single player game). They know that in days-weeks players will discover just how basic the game's strategy is. They made a game that was easier to play, but at a cost of it no longer being the best strategy game. Good job guys.......... Why even have MP in Civ V? This was designed to be a single player game from the start... Sid could have made the Civilization franchise far more than it is by converting Civ to an MP game instead of leaving it single player. How is Civ network coming along :p

I understand the need to make a whole new game, but the wrong things have been sacrificed. I understand that single player focus is everything to the game creators, but I could have designed a better single player or single/multi-player Civ game in 1-10 days. I can respect the decision to dumb down the game, but it could have been more intelligently dumbed down in order to still have a great game that stands apart from everything else out..... Lets put it like this..... Civ 1 was the best for its time, Civ 2 was the best for its time, Civ 3 was the best for its time, Civ 4 was the best for its time, Civ Rev was the best console strategy game for its time, Civ 5 is not the best for its time and not worthy to be strategy game of the year. Civ 5 is the most beautiful Civ game, but it is not even close to the best strategy game and will easily lose to Starcraft 2.

I recommend firing whoever was put in charge of designing the strategy behind this game.

This came from only 35 minutes of looking at what has been revealed.. Give me a full day with the game and I will break down the next 6 months of MP progression. Ill even tell you the progression of patches made by the dev team before they even know what to change :D

Until the game is released you can go play http://onemorelevel.com/game/pixel_purge - While your there check out the All Time high score list :)

And for those who want to knock my strategic hustle – Remember that I was ranked #1 in the world in both Civ IV and Civ Rev :p

When all of the information is released I will finalize the analysis.

Your post just make my day. That sounds really funny, sorry.
I am not sure that you are serious but you have not taken into consideration that units cost maintenance just to have and that there is a hard cap on the amount of units that you can have.
Thats very hilarious, espectialy because it sounds like you realy mean it. :) I must admit, very well trolled.
Moderator Action: No backtrolling here, it's trolling itself!
This all sounds rather pretentious.

Well, anyway, what about the balance between city directed attacks and defending/occupying the land? Pillaging and the value of infrastructure in general?

What about unit maintenance and upgrade paths? Don't you think all those scouts you suggest will be a worthless disbandable bunch as soon as one of the techers gets some more advanced units? Perhaps scouts get a negative modifier vs. 'military' units?

Oh well, I shouldn't be taking this seriously.
I am sorry mate.
Apart of this stuff sounds very seriously it is, in core, means:
"I only can deal with SoDs. 1UPT, chess like, strategy is just too complicated for me."
You seem like a good guy and not a douche yet so ill be gentle.

I am not sure that you are serious but you have not taken into consideration that units cost maintenance just to have and that there is a hard cap on the amount of units that you can have.

Taken into consideration :lol:

You obviously don't fully understand what is written :p

Units can be purchased instantly so focusing on scouting far from your civ / hording gold / expanding cities will prove to be the best, especially when your turtle can be made over night. Once enough of an expansion is made you will just overrun your opponents. But than again, maybe i am just a moron that lucked my way to the top in all past civ games :p


This all sounds rather pretentious.

Well, anyway, what about the balance between city directed attacks and defending/occupying the land? Pillaging and the value of infrastructure in general?

What about unit maintenance and upgrade paths? Don't you think all those scouts you suggest will be a worthless disbandable bunch as soon as one of the techers gets some more advanced units? Perhaps scouts get a negative modifier vs. 'military' units?

Oh well, I shouldn't be taking this seriously.

I will be brief - 95% of buildings in the original version of the game will be useless. 95% of units will be useless. Maybe a few worthy wonders. If mounted units get an insane bonus versus archery units there may be a little hope, but even a 50% bonus would not be enough. Scouts wont be useless. Unit maintenance wont be a problem. Happiness will not be a problem. Upgrade and policy paths don't conflict with anything I am saying. Pillaging wont matter. Infrastructure and all of those other aspects of the game just reinforce a turtle strategy. That it.

I only have a brief burst of energy to answer all these newb questions. Please don't expect that I will be answering most of these ridiculous questions in the future. In the end I am not hear to hold newb's hands, only here to help the great become pro :p
1) Turtle strategies will dominate Civilization V. You will soon see that mass quantities of archery units will dominate all ancient games making aggressive early rushing less appealing.

Countered by mass cavalry, more move means they can charge from outside archery range to break the weak melee archery units.

2) The settings that will be most commonly used in MP games will remove variables of luck like relics/barbarians etc, but many of the leaders have special traits which require these variables. Unfortunately Random leader games will result in disadvantages for unlucky players and advantages for lucky players. The bonuses may appear to not give big bonuses so all leaders are on equal footing, but this is incorrect and some of the revealed special abilities/units/buildings have huge strategic implications. As far as I can see the following leaders are either strong or weak in terms of MP.


Above average:

Trade Caravans


* These will change a little based on the civs with unique buildings in the ancient era.
How is Germany, for one, weak when fielding 1/2 price Landsknechts and über-panzers? How is England, for another, weak when fielding a unit in medieval times with more range than anything else? (since you think that ranged strength will be imba)

3) Civilization V is a dumbed down version of Civilization IV and is a mix of Civilization IV and Civilization Revolution. The powers that be determined that Civilization IV was too complicated for most gamers and they have taken a step back to appeal to mass markets. Hopefully Civilization IV will not be the most complex civ game ever made, but if Civ V is a commercial success we may not see a complicated Civ game for a very very long time. On a relative basis I do not think that Civ V will be as successful because of the strong migration to "social games." More importantly, while the game needed to be dumbed down so the masses can learn the game, when they do learn the game they are going to be very disappointed in their investment of time.
What, exactly, has been dumbed down? I see stuff taken away, stuff changed and stuff added. I think that before we can actually play the game we can't really say that teh game ahs either been dumbed down or made more complex. Civ IV combat for example was just moving your SoD around and burning everything and anything, 1UPT makes this "dumb" way of warfare impossible.

4) They made a mistake in the cost to strength ratio of warriors and scouts. Scouts cost 25 and provide a 4 strength unit. Warriors cost 40 and provide a 6th strength unit. More importantly, Because only 1 unit can occupy a hex at a time you will see mass flooding of these cheap units in blocking strategies and this will reinforce a turtle strategy by using scouts as buffers to enemy advances while archers destroy military advances. Who cares if a war chariot has 100 movements a turn when the cost of scouts is soo cheap that sacrificing 2 to catch a war chariot still results in a net loss of 10 for the war chariots side. Sadly, Civ 5 is a strategic step backwards from Civ IV

Warriors are 0,4 Hammers more expensive per Strenght. Hod you catch war chariots who have more move? Isn't that a tactical blunder to let your chariot get caught?
Scout as buffer? fine soften up with your own ranged units, follow up with melee to take them out and follow with cavalry to exploit the gap and attack your ranged.
Also, SoD is your idea of strategic excellence?

5) Trims will be used like turrets that weaken enemy units. They will be placed in ocean tiles and will give huge advantages to players who hit the oceans first. With a small number of trims created early on a player can prevent other players from expanding to the ocean. Unlike in Civ IV where you can't attack a boat in a city, in Civ V that is not the case. This is a huge strategic error on the Dev team's part.
Afaik, trims can't enter ocean.

6) The cost of archers for 5 ranged strength is hilarious to me. I see pike man and long swordsmen with costs of 150 for only 10-18 strength lol... They have pretty much created the following game.... (Expand like crazy in early eras, only build scouts and archers, and do not focus on tec advancement, focus instead on making mass amounts of gold, build a bigger shell, game over to the tec rushers because you will have more cities, more production, and more gold)... The cost of units gets so high that there is no appeal to go for any other type of victory except a conquest victory...... Especially since units can enter water tiles now, which ultimately takes away water barriers.... This is Civ V.. Hope you were not looking forward to it :p
There are so many things wrong in this paragraph that I don't know where to begin :p

7) Civ IV at least had MP at heart, this game is less MP friendly from a strategic point of view and has been made mainly for single players. They may have upgraded a few MP features like using steam, but ultimately the mechanics and content of the game make this far less appealing from an MP point of view. Case and point - The use of turtle strategies will make Civ V a mostly ancient game with less strategic incentive to tec.
You make an assumption that turtling will be the be-all, end-all. I think you are wrong.

8 ) The reason why they did not release a demo or have an open beta is because they know that the game is MP trash and only a very good single player game (Not even close to a fantastic single player game). They know that in days-weeks players will discover just how basic the game's strategy is. They made a game that was easier to play, but at a cost of it no longer being the best strategy game. Good job guys.......... Why even have MP in Civ V? This was designed to be a single player game from the start... Sid could have made the Civilization franchise far more than it is by converting Civ to an MP game instead of leaving it single player. How is Civ network coming along :p
Did you play the game then? I'll wait and see.

I understand the need to make a whole new game, but the wrong things have been sacrificed. I understand that single player focus is everything to the game creators, but I could have designed a better single player or single/multi-player Civ game in 1-10 days. I can respect the decision to dumb down the game, but it could have been more intelligently dumbed down in order to still have a great game that stands apart from everything else out..... Lets put it like this..... Civ 1 was the best for its time, Civ 2 was the best for its time, Civ 3 was the best for its time, Civ 4 was the best for its time, Civ Rev was the best console strategy game for its time, Civ 5 is not the best for its time and not worthy to be strategy game of the year. Civ 5 is the most beautiful Civ game, but it is not even close to the best strategy game and will easily lose to Starcraft 2.
Because StarCraft 2 is a turn based strategy game?

This came from only 35 minutes of looking at what has been revealed.. Give me a full day with the game and I will break down the next 6 months of MP progression. Ill even tell you the progression of patches made by the dev team before they even know what to change :D
Ah, I see. It's better then to just ignore you

Until the game is released you can go play http://onemorelevel.com/game/pixel_purge - While your there check out the All Time high score list :)
How does shooting pixels matter?

And for those who want to knock my strategic hustle – Remember that I was ranked #1 in the world in both Civ IV and Civ Rev :p
Pics or it didn't happen, I'd say.

When all of the information is released I will finalize the analysis.

Please, save yourself the trouble and don't.
This all sounds rather pretentious.

Well, anyway, what about the balance between city directed attacks and defending/occupying the land? Pillaging and the value of infrastructure in general?

What about unit maintenance and upgrade paths? Don't you think all those scouts you suggest will be a worthless disbandable bunch as soon as one of the techers gets some more advanced units? Perhaps scouts get a negative modifier vs. 'military' units?

Oh well, I shouldn't be taking this seriously.

How dare you doubt him? He was no.1 in the World for both Civ IV and CivRev you know? I also think that he also discovered electricity, invented the first space shuttle and he's now working on time travel!

On a serious note... hahahahaha, MrGameTheory, you sure are funny. Which clown college did you study?
Moderator Action: Don't troll other members.
Countered by mass cavalry, more move means they can charge from outside archery range to break the weak melee archery units.

How is Germany, for one, weak when fielding 1/2 price Landsknechts and über-panzers? How is England, for another, weak when fielding a unit in medieval times with more range than anything else? (since you think that ranged strength will be imba)

What, exactly, has been dumbed down? I see stuff taken away, stuff changed and stuff added. I think that before we can actually play the game we can't really say that teh game ahs either been dumbed down or made more complex. Civ IV combat for example was just moving your SoD around and burning everything and anything, 1UPT makes this "dumb" way of warfare impossible.

Warriors are 0,4 Hammers more expensive per Strenght. Hod you catch war chariots who have more move? Isn't that a tactical blunder to let your chariot get caught?
Scout as buffer? fine soften up with your own ranged units, follow up with melee to take them out and follow with cavalry to exploit the gap and attack your ranged.
Also, SoD is your idea of strategic excellence?

Afaik, trims can't enter ocean.

There are so many things wrong in this paragraph that I don't know where to begin :p

You make an assumption that turtling will be the be-all, end-all. I think you are wrong.

Did you play the game then? I'll wait and see.

Because StarCraft 2 is a turn based strategy game?

Ah, I see. It's better then to just ignore you

How does shooting pixels matter?

Pics or it didn't happen, I'd say.

Please, save yourself the trouble and don't.

All the turtle strategy needs to do is defend until the war machine is ready. Calvary must inevitably enter the range to take out the scouts and when they do they will be killed by archers.

3 movement+ long range attacking units that kill the scouts will cost too much production on a value basis. This last sentence doesn't do the specific topic justice and actually needs about 1-2 pages worth of info to fully explain so I will get to it later when I have the motivation, but to sum it up. 1-2 scouts will probably be killed to catch each war chariot, but in the end the whole point of the turtle strategy is to buy time and expand, which will be accomplished.

Germany and England are garbage thus far in MP. But they should be of great help in your single player games :p

Trims - I meant coast

The rest is just garbage :) Moderator Action: Don't troll anyone here.

The rest is just garbage :)

Just throwing this out there as an impartial observer, this honestly just looks like you're unable to refute any points properly and therefore are deeming them irrelevant in order to not have to back your claim with evidence, empirical or otherwise.
Maybe he's an undercover Firaxis marketing guy stirring up speculation and controversy. Very clever!

Or just a troll, we'll never know.
Since you won't answer I guess it's not supposed to be a parody? :lol:

Maybe you can share with us the details of the combat mechanics that you used to figure out how good archers and scouts will be.
What of strategic value did I not address?

Most noticeable is the part where he asks for evidence of your supposed skill at both Civ IV and CivRev. As you seem to be basing your ability to make an argument on this supposed skill, passing a mere request for evidence aside would seem to negate what you say.
How will happiness not be relevant?
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