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My First SG - Regent for Warlords

Yes i know next time im not going to go first. ;)

mad-bax: I think the water next to the blue dot is ocean i was thinking this was the best spot due to the fact it was a costal city and its good to have one early (i think any way...;) ) I was thinking we might switch it to a barraks but then we would have to pay maintnence... I think switching to a spearmen would be best.

Its a 5million year old world with the default settings for a standard map. Respawn all AI players is off. 7 other civs. Hit F10 to find out what those civs are.;) I think its a continents map. but im not sure.... :confused: Hey this is my first SG...
Originally posted by mad-bax
Firstly the capital will expand in 9 turns, 2 turns after the shields for the settler are completed. This will mean 2 wasted turns of production. My guess is that the worker will chop the forrest in 4 turns which means we will waste 1.5 warriors worth of shields. I would change production back to warrior, try to finish that before the forrest is chopped then build a spear., and put the 10 forrest shields towards that. Then get a settler.
I was posting at the same time as you mad-bax. I think you missed that Ottomans are industrious so the worker will finish the chop next turn :)

I agree with your comments about where to explore and settle. There is a warrior in Instanbul who could go look-see.


Yeah I can't open the save yet coz I need to upgrade to 1.21 :blush:

The only other comment I would make is that if it were me I would have moved the settler south and settled directly on a jungle tile to clear it for free and save 12 worker turns.

Going first takes guts. You did fine. We will all have every turn we make put under the microscope and everyone will get the opportunity to throw popcorn at everyone else. That's part of what makes SG's fun!
If we moved it south we would not of got the GB to the north of where the city is now. We have 3 current GB instead of 2 if we moved south.

Anyoway what about the tech choice? Is that good or should we would of done iron working? Or just sat there making a lot of money?
Originally posted by vbraun
Anyoway what about the tech choice? Is that good or should we would of done iron working? Or just sat there making a lot of money?
At regent it's not too important what you choose as long as there is some reasoning behind it.

For example, I assumed that as you started with The Wheel, your next choice would be Warrior Code in order to get Horseback Riding as your 3rd and target tech (ignoring Goody Huts and trades). All researched at max.

Alternatively you could have chosen Literature as your target tech. In that case you'd probably have to research Alphabet, Writing and Literature at 10 or 20 percent (and built up a cash reserve in the process).

There is no strict right or wrong way to go about research just options that tend to make sense (as long as you have an objective in mind).


I was doing that so that wemake sure we have at least horses...
After that I would of done Iron Working so that we know we have iron... Both are important in are total startagy with upgrading all our warriors to kill the closest civ... Then the horses we need for a siphi so i would recomend doing iron working next...
Heh, it's interesting seeing this conflict of strategies. I always put off researching The Wheel for a while, and usually get in a trade anyway.

I think this game will be a bit of a challenge for me. I usually just restart if I get a Jungle start.
3450: MM Istanbul to work on spearman instead of settler

3400: worker chops forest, spearman done in 1 turn

3350: worker starts mining



3200:keep exploring


3100:pop hut- gives us 25 gold

3050: we develop the wheel. I start pottery, due in 12 turns, breaking even

3000:order settler down 2 tiles SW (can be vetoed by next player).
Note: Pyramids to be vetoed. I did not what to build, so the next player can decide what to build.

Thus ends andvruss' rule. After 450 years of peaceful ru;e, andvruss dies of 'disease' due to the jungle. However, it is rumored that he was brutally assinated by Admiral Phoenix, a power-hungry imperialist. Phoenix takes the throne and tries to lead the Ottoman empire through a period of great discovery and prosperity. :D

The reign of Emperor Admiral Phoenix was a short one as he was assassinated at his own coronation ceremony. Emperor Hooray immediately seized power. May his reign be prosperous.

Pre-turn: What's the deal with The Pyramids? I veto and switch to Warrior. We could use another explorer.

2950 BC: An Arab scout appears to the north! Contact Abu Bakr. We trade The Wheel for Pottery, Ceremonial Burial, and all of their 10g.

2900 BC: Yawn.

2850 BC: Exploring Warrior finds Wines to the north. This pleases the Emperor.

2800 BC: Istanbul Warrior -> Granary
Edrine founded to the SW.
Uh....oh crap. I didn't check techs after getting Pottery. 3 turns of research have been done towards Warrior Code. I'll have to keep researching it since I don't want those 3 turns to have gone to waste.
The people expand my Palace. I give the cave a nice front lawn.

2750 BC: Pop a Hut. Abandoned :(

2710 BC: Pop a Hut. Mysticism! [dance]

2670 BC: Yawn.

2630 BC: Green border spotted in the north.

2590 BC: Edrine Warrior -> Worker
Pop a Hut. 2 barbarian warriors. :(

2550 BC: One barb killed, the other runs away in fear.
That green border is Persia!! Oh crap! We should kill them first!
Xerxes contacted. He only has Warrior Code for trade. I decline since we only have 4 turns left on our own research.

After a mostly peaceful 400-year reign, Emperor Hooray commits suicide for researching the wrong tech for several centuries. The people eagerly await the coronation of Emperor Mad-bax.

Notes: Istanbul should start pumping out Settlers once that Granary finishes. Edrine has some good food thanks to that Cattle, so it may make a good Worker factory.

Also, I found a spot that would make for a great city. Settling this spot should be done quickly since Xerxes is close enough that he might grab it first:

Finally, the save:
2550 BC
Good turns, hooray! Heh, get rid of Persia cause they are also scientific and because your avatar says you hate them. Where did you settle the other settler?
Edrine was founded Southwest of Istanbul. It is one tile south of a cattle, which can be seen in previous screenshots.

I hate Persia very much. I went through several games (about 10) where Persia sneak-attacked me every time. I have vowed unending hatred against Xerxes.
Plus, he's so close that he'll be crowding us out of some good space. We need to eliminate him anyway.
I won't be able to play 'till Monday, as I have to patch up from 1.14 and also my PTW disc is at work.

Seems as if things are going OK so far. Don't worry about Persia. Their UU can't defend :groucho:
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