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My First SG - Regent for Warlords

I'm not really worried about Persia. If we do a Swordman rush, then their Immortals will be irrelevant. I'd only be worried if it was Rome, Carthage, or Greece. 3 defense....*shudder*
You can tell who were playing by hittin F10 and then hit "View the Space Race". Ill take my turn soon and whats up with this "I cant play till monday?"
??? Should I do a warrior gambit against the persians??? There captital has a warrior has the best defending unit. The persians have a second city... Just thought id ask before i tried and i see bablonian territory to the south.

I'd only be worried if it was Rome, Carthage, or Greece. 3 defense....*shudder*

Luck enough were no playing any of them... :goodjob:
I think i saw americans in the list of civs.

In conlcusion: If the salad is dressing, you shouldn’t watch.
Nah, just keep focusing on expanding. We'll worry about attacking them after we've got some good cities set up. In preparation for a future attack, though, try building a road straight to their capital. It'll help us get soldiers up there.

As for those civs, I only meant if we were next to them instead of Persia. I once did an Always War game and had the bad luck to have Greece as my neighbor. It didn't go very well....
2550 BC (Inherited Turn)-- Persia gives first warning to move out of territory.
2510 BC -- Find Babloynian territory to the south. Move Warriors.
2470 BC -- Move Warriors Persia kicks us out.
2430 BC -- Erdine Worker --> Warrior
2350 BC -- Get Horses connected.
2310 BC -- zzz
2270 BC -- Find Arab Territory.
2230 BC -- Istanbul Granary --> Settler
Erdine Warrior --> Settler
Were up Persia Pottery and Cermonial Burial.
2150 BC -- zzz
2110 BC -- zzz
2070 BC -- zzz
2030 BC -- Istanbul Settler --> Warrior

And thus ends vbraun's rule...

Possible setteler spots are marked by Xs. Red is the first spot to settle. Black Xs mark who we are going to destroy first.

We are playing...

At last the save.
Okay. It's nothing fancy, and I couldn't get the lines quite right, but.....

There are some question marks around that show sites I'm unsure about, but they're certainly possible.
That orange line through the desert shows a large area that I'm REALLY unsure about. I can't see any good sites there. It would seem that any city placed around there would have lots of overlap, or leave lots of unused space. Either way, that land isn't very useful there.
I placed the yellow city where it is assuming there's a river there (which I *think* there is).

This is my first dotmap, so I wouldn't mind a critique.
I like the dot map it far exceeds mine. :)

We should also settle as fast as we can to the west penninsula limiting the babloynians. About the desert area we should just settle around that untill we end up with a spare settler. we just settle in there and dont build anything in that exept for like units.

The red city is the one where we are going for first becuase we want to capture it before the persians. We dont have to worry to much about the arabs. we should make allies with them to take the persains and then the bablonians. Then we take the arabians.

I think this is a continent map but im not sure... :(
I didnt do as bad as my last set of turns :D
I decided to play hope that's OK. If not then just ignore the save.

2030BC: Meet Babylon. No trade.
Settler to double wheat site
Istnbul changed to worker
Science to 60%.

1990BC: Worker moves.

1950BC: Worker move

1910BC: Istanbul worker--> Chariot

1870BC: Warrior kills Barb. No damage no promotion.
Edrine settler --> Granary
Slider 4.6.0

1830BC: Found Bursa --> Worker

1790BC: Found Iznik --> Warrior

1750BC: Trade Persias IW +2g for Pottery
Research Alphabet

1725BC: Alphabet from Arabs for IW + 30g
Research writing.

Despite the poor start location our position isn't bad as we have horses and now iron easily accessible. Our expansion is slow due to no nearby and obvious settler factory sites but we still have more cities than the other known civs (Babylon has 4 like us).

I would like you to consider the sites shown in the image.
Blue dot is on a river and gets us the gems.
Red dot is on the coast and gets us 2 gold sites.
Pink dot is on the coast and river and gets us the spices
Yellow dot is a low priority "filler" to complete the land grab.

3 of these sites clear jungle for free, saving 12 turns each.

The two towns I settled honoured the dot maps others have posted and were probably the best sites.

Here are the keys to our kingdom.

I only took 9 turns to get us back on the 10 turn rotation.

We're looking OK guys. 4 or 5 more cities, half a dozen more workers then we can start on our military. We'll be able to mix swords and horses which is great.

EDIT: Forgot to mention.... we should irrigate the cattle north of Edrine ASAP. We need to clear a couple of jungle tiles to facilitate this.
I'm out. I can't play this game anymore; I'm sorry to have go, but there's other things to do besides Civ 3. Skip me permanantly.
1600: nothing

1675: Iznik starts worker

1650: nothing

1625: Babylon starts Oracle

1600: Istanbul builds settler, starts chariot. Bursa starts temple, due to close proximity with babylon.

1575: workers move

1550: nothing

1525: Persia starts Pyramids

1500: move workers

1475: move settler to founding position, should found city where it is next turn

We are up two techs on Persia and Babylon. Arabia is at parity with us
Originally posted by andvruss
1475: move settler to founding position, should found city where it is next turn

No way. It's on a Bonus Grassland. It should be moved across the river onto a Plains tile. Founding on a BG would be a waste.

I assume that I should go next since Admiral Phoenix is on permanent skip? I hope we get someone to fill his spot, though.
I hope no one minds, I took the liberty of playing my turn. Best to keep things moving.

The year was 1475 BC, and excited whispers were heard throughout the Imperial Capital Istanbul. The emperor had returned! Which emperor? Well, the people rushed to the imperial courtyard to find out. Once there, the crowd let out a collective groan of disappointment. For you see, it was only the reincarnation of Emperor Hooray, a rather mediocre emperor from long ago.
"Hey, I'll do a better job this time! ....probably."

And so began the reign of Hooray II.

Pre-turn: Iznik granary gets vetoed -> Warrior.

1450 BC: Settler moved onto Plains instead of BG.
Xerxes has HBR, but wants too much for it.

1425: Edrine granary -> Settler
Uskudar founded -> Warrior

1400: Iznik Warrior -> Worker

1375: Spices are connected. Happiness spreads throughout the empire.
The vile Abu Bakr of the Arabs demands 22 gold from Emperor Hooray II. The wise emperor calls Abu Bakr's bluff and tells him to shove it. The Arabs are now annoyed with the Ottomans.
Istanbul Settler -> Spearman

1350: ......

1325: ......

1300: Uskudar Warrior -> Worker
Research dropped to 40% in anticipation of the imminent discovery of Writing.

1275: Writing discovered. Literature research begins at 70%.
Edrine Settler -> Settler
Iznik Worker -> Spearman
Izmit founded -> Warrior

With Writing in hand, we go to trade contacts, but have some mediocre opportunities.
Contact with Babylon and the knowledge of Alphabet are sent to Persia in exchange for the knowledge of Horseback Riding and a piddling 8 gold.
Contact with Babylon is then sent to Arabia in exchange for 66 gold, all that the stingy Abu Bakr would offer.

1250: Now with a little more money, the Lit research is upped to 80%

1225: Istanbul Spearman -> Settler

And then in the year 1225, Emperor Hooray II mysteriously died. Some suspected a bitter Arab assassin, but it was mere speculation.
Hooray's will contained only a few instructions for his successor. The first was that the Temple in Bursa be hurried as soon as possible to combat Babylonian culture. The second being that the Spearman regiment near Iznik is intended to escort and protect our brave Settler with their lives.

Hooray II's last gift to the people was a detailed map showing the Ottoman Empire and the surrounding lands:

Finally, as demanded by tradition, he passed down the ancient Save heirloom to the next emperor.
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