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My First SG - Regent for Warlords

Nice set of turns Hooray. I was just thinking, instead of sending that settler to grad a few grassland and desert, shouldn/t we send it up, NW of Izmit, to grab the wines and all that floodplain where the three rivers meet? just a thought...
That spot should definitely be settled, I agree...

I guess I just started thinking a little more short-term.
Anyway, the next player should definitely settle on that spot. I don't think there's much danger of Persia going for it now since they seem to mostly be focusing on expanding west and/or covering the northern coast. Still, we do need to go for that spot, if for nothing other than the Wines.
Getting culture in Bursa is a must. The temple is fine, but actually if we are going to play a heavy warfare/conquest game I would favour rushing a library when we get the tech and rely on luxes and marketplaces for happiness. If this were deity and I was playing solo a temple would already be built in Bursa.
Sorry guys, I've been on a training dourse for the last two days and haven't had much net access. I was a bit surprised that my turn has come round so quickly.

Unfortunately I won't be able to play tonight as I have to rebuild my computer, so vbraun why don't we swap turns? Otherwise you can either wait 'tll tommorrow or skip me completely this rotation.
Sorry for not posting sooner.

1200BC - Nothin
1175BC - Uskuder Worker --> Spearman
1150BC - Aydin founded --> Worker
1125BC - Erdine Settler --> Settler
1100BC - Istanbul Settler --> Settler
1075BC - Babylon demands Writing. We give it to him. (What would you have done?)
1050BC - We get Iron connected. :D
1025BC - Iznik Spearman --> Swordsman, Izmit Warrior --> Worker
1000BC - Antalya founded --> Warrior
975BC - Basra civil disorder. Iroquis Build Oracle.

At last the save: >Here<
I will try to play tonight, but I am in the middle of rebuilding my PC. MAy have to play tomorrow.

Regarding the tribute payment. Writing is a big price to pay for continued peace. However so would be losing Bursa. On balance I think it was the correct play. A war at the moment would interrupt our development, and giving away a tech may in fact be a benefit as it will increase the reate of research.

OTOH this is regent for WARLORDS.... ;)

The Babylonians will pay in a heavy coin for their temerity...don't you worry.

No more giving in to demands though I suggest.

We should turn down settler production a notch to build our military. I suggest we aim to get MM and then decide which Civ to take out first. We need their maps to make a good decision, which will probably be based on luxuries. Who has luxes we don't?
I probably would have rejected the demand. This early in the game, the AI tends to bluff more often.

Luxes? Well, the Arabs did snatch up a Gem source that I wanted.
Personally, I would go after Persia first, but really it doesn't matter who we attack first. It may be a good idea to kill the Arabs before their UU, then take out Persia and Babylon after the time of their UUs has passed.
The only problem is it will take a long time to get troops over to the Arabs. (unless there horsman but still). And the Bablyonans already have Iron. (Its the mountain right next to there capital) so we shouldnt go at war with them. Plus there UU. Persia has a few citys by the arabians. So i dont care who we go at war with jst as long as we choose one. :)
I wouldn't worry about the Babylonian iron. None of their visible towns are connected via roads, so the few swords they will produce will never get to the crime scene in time to help them.

The Persians seem to have a green and pleasant land which looks suitable for the FP.

I'd take out Ashur with a stack of 4 swords because it's a prime site and strategically important. But I would launch our main attacks against the Persians, who have a strong UU in attack, but weak in defence. I would attack them with horses because of the retreat roll, and therefore higher surviveability. We can attack with the first move, then retreat out of range with the second.
In turn this gives a greater chance of a leader for the FP.
I dont see any iron by the Persian cities....... do we know that they have Immortals because we've seen them, our foregin minister told us or are we just guessing. It could just be my bad eyesight though......... :p
Hmm, maybe the Persians don't have any Iron... :evil:

We should definitely build more Horsemen than Swordsmen. That way we can later upgrade them all to Knights, and Sipahi after that.
Sorry, but I didn't play last night. It took an age to get my "new" PC up. It's OK now though, so I will post tonight.
975: Pre-turn
Istanbul will not be at size three when settler completes so switch to rax.
Iznik changed from sword to rax.

Edrine settler - spear
Babylonians stat pyramids. Lets hope they get them.

Moved settler onto forrest. Slightly less rsk of disease.

Uskadar spear - rax

925: Settle Konya - worker

Learn Lit - Research Map Making.
Aydin worker - spear

Worker turns and a little MM in Bursa to get temple quicker.

Worker turns

Istanbul rax - horse

Wines connected

Edrine spear - rax
Arabs start pyramids.


Move spear to protect worker against inquisitive persian warrior
Found Aytana - rax as pre-build for galley.

Bursa temple - settler
Iznik rax - horse

775: Upgrade chariot to horse for 20g
Persians have mapmaking. But I'll wait for the next up to decide whether to trade.

IStanbul Horse - Horse
Antalya warrior - worker

Started moving horses toward Persia and Arabs.
Started sending warriors to towns with rax

Persians want to swap Tmaps. Fine.


Alls quiet.

No screenie I'm afraid as my new computer has windows, internet and civ on it. nothing else. :lol:

There are a couple of workers on their way to the coastal city to improve it so we can build a boat.
We need to track down all our warriors and upgrade them about now.

I slowed settler production to switch to military, as IMHO the time has come for :hammer:
We can go to war aroung 500BC I guess. 4 or 5 horsemen and half a dozen swords and we're sorted.

Here is the

Our position has improving quickly. The persians and the Arabs do not have iron hooked up yet, but the Babs do. So I would concentrate on the Persians and Arabs. We can leave the Babs till later for two reasons. Firstly, Swords are a pushover with knights, and secondly I would like to give the babylonians a chance to complete the pyramids. Building this will slow their military build up and it will make a nice prize for the inevitable war.

I would like to reinforce my suggestion about getting the boat built. The city pre-building it needs to be improved so we can get it b4 the persians build their first boat. We also need to settle a couple of cities on the southern coast at the river estuaries.

However, our number one priority IMO is to take over the whole of our starting landmass before foreign visitors begin arriving and settling on the unclaimed land.

I would imagine that taking the period between 500BC and 500AD. The thousand year war :)

Sorry about the lack of screen shot but I can't oblige ATM :(
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