The Pilgrim
Very nice. Another culture game obviously.
AI's ineffectiveness is beyond imaginable.
AI's ineffectiveness is beyond imaginable.
Obv pick for the GE who will bulb the Hagia Sophia.
Dude ...
Stupid Greek units. Will take me 2-4 turns to clear them.
Why just now? Well, with my science right now I need about 60 turns till Education=Porcelan Tower=50% better RA's. With some city development I should be able to get it in 45 turns.
Some random suiciding.
Got another scout.
Love how Japan and America are looking at eachother with Singapore in the middle of it.
Another RA with one of my best buddies.
Not again ... Good thing I got Monaco this time.
Spoiler :
Selling OB again. Trust me, I'll sooooo regret doing this. Also bought Russias border.
Little bit of back and fourth since my swordsman are pretty low.
30 hammers! Not bad.
Luls, WTH?! Did you only get half of the message ?
Greek unit showing up.
Healing around my medic.
Is there something like an /ignore command in Civ5? Could need it ...
Education next. Need to hurry for it. RA on turn 177.
Damn. Had him to 1 hp, then he healed.
Hagia Sophia!
Healed up for the most part and going for Mycenae again.
Nice production there. Every next citizien will have a hard live working hills. It's really important to have good overlook about your happyness right now, when you get luxuries back and so on.
About the observatoriums: Like you can see I never played for Lyon to grow big.
To be expected. He was guarded before Japan and Polynesia denounced me.
Woah. I'm really lucky I saw the first pikeman right away. Else I would have needed to buy walls now. But should be fine without with the catapult coming
Actually I'm challenging you to do that.Don't laugh at me Pilgrim or I'll really make a culutural victory out of it ;D
Ofc it will! But ... can you fight for me, please ?
Ok, I've changed my mind. Yes! War at turn 158
Now look, what a coincidence. I just wanted to fight a war against Japan aswell. I'll give you moral support, right?
Thank god I had that 10 gold tile early on.
I've said that lastgame aswell: Land is most important for me. You can have a billion troops, won't help in a 1upt game.
Now look, what could those Mongols have in mind?
Raaaze. Typical I like to keep cities, but this one is 3 too far south.
Should be doable.
I'm getting invaded!
Happyness from monuments next, then +33% culture from world wonders.
Marching on Athens, which turned out to be pretty damn stupid.
Once more: WHY ... ? Atleast Japan will have some funtime.
No, but you for yourself ... go ahead.
Love you too sweetheart.
Don't worry. I'm not completly suicidal like the AI. Checked out for peace before ... :
While we are at it ...
Why ...
Allright. Gonna need 2 swordsman for either flank and 3-4 siege units(archers or catapults). Since Alexander pays me 20 GPT again I can relax abit.
I'm rdy to ... let you guys kick some ass.
Selling every luxury again, since Alexander was so kind to gift me two of his.
Finally ...
And he got his city back.
Most sowrdsman with open field I and cover. One has medic tho. The left spearman has medic aswell.
Bought another CS thanks to all the gold.
If I recall correctly I had them first ..
Great. Mongol's units blocking my attack path.
Have to let the units through.
You can kinda say the same thing here ...
Gandhi joining the party. You can't even image how often I facepalmed during those turns.
Hum ... 10 turns took me too long. Can you answer 10 turns and declare before with the same diplomatic effects? Don't even that. Anyway .. declared right away.
Downside of declaring like that: Alexander was allowed to attack first and killed a swordsman of mine.
But thats not thaaaat bad, because his pikeman is open to be killed now. I'll loose most of my meele units anyway .. not that I want that to happen, but the mountain in front of Athens really makes it hard to conquer.
Kinda like early game against me at Orleans ...
5 or so more turns till the first RA kicks in and Education done, perfect timing!
I'll get a big happyness hit once I conquer Athens ... so yeah, not too much growth like usual.
Bought a Horseman to take Athens after my last swordsman is on the edge of dieing :x
Spearman doing some very important zoning.
Dude. I'm not in a good mood right now. Better stop it or your next after Alexander.
Mongols coming to help ..-
yeah! Gonna use him for Astronomy
Meanwhile, around Paris ...
I had on several earlier but after a while the message was gone and all images loaded just fine. Weird because only some of them were blocked while others weren't.please tell me you don't too have "image is noo longer available" on a load of pictures ....
Researching Compass, then GS for Astronomy. Then Metal Casting for workshops, which are one of the most important buildings ... atleast for my playstyle. Then Engineering for bridges.
Not too shabby for a city founded ~30 turns ago.
Even if it looks like my horseman will die ....
+14 happyness
I NEED to raze Corinth.
But the Mongols are blocking me ...
I said no. For one I should still have a DoF with him and I don't want troubles in the south-eats. I'll simply wait and join the war later on.
Trying to surround Sparte while Dschingis does the same with Corinth
Sadly he fails.
Both archers got their third promotion so far.
Found Rouen. Still every city only 3 tiles away from eachother.
woot. If you only knew what's coming for ya.
Another small production powerhorse.
Used the PT GS for Astronomy. Now I only need 800 goldcoins to buy some ship.
Surrounding Sparta the best I can.
Nope. Love free xp.
RA's kicking in.
Building a workshop in every city thats not close to finish its current building.
I HATE to spend 250g since its mathematically worse than 500. Notice theres no difference between 2x500 and 1000
Removing unit in Civ5 can be such a pain.
Signed for peace a turn before ...
Stupid settler and I don't have enough money to buy a caravelle. I would even sell luxury and go into the red if I could.
So yeah, about workshops ...
Soo ... Dschingis, how has your day been so far?
Getting a GS here.
And a GE here.
~20 culture boost.
Gandhi stole them ... Had to spend 250 again.
Nono, it's fine.
Nah, got a suprise for you.
India bought Singapore ..
And Helsinki expires. But I can't afford to buy them back right now.
Flanking abit.
It's strange. He was the only one who needed cotton and would give me either 160 gold or a luxury ... so I chose the luxury.
And sold my sugar after the luxury-luxury trade.
Begging like a boss ...
And convinced Dublin to join me.
WAR! Upgraded 2 archers to longbowman. Those catapuls are on a perfect position. Like usual I will starve him out first.
HI Cathy.
Walking around to catch a capult
And picked up a catapult.
He will send atleast one more wave of units.
Panicly upgraded the open field III archer. Good thing is he fights Babylon as well.
Uhm yeah ....
Please, take it.
After he lost his Capital the turn before I denounced and declared on him. Denouncing was kinda dumb since I still had a DoF ... Pretty dumb move, should have waited till the DoF expired or not declare at all.
I usually dont do this ... But America will be wiped of the map in 10 turns and I want their cash
Gandhi gave more.
Bought walls <-----seriously, how often have I said this by now?
Meanwhile ...
Reaction after declaring on America.
However Gandhi and my friends thought it was nice of me.
Upgraded one warrior. Good thing: My archer does 7-9 dmg to open field pikemans.
Got another longbowman. And some RA's kicked in again.
Seriously, everybody who's saying diplomacy in Civ5 does not exist should have a look at this game. And yeah I know, it's far from perfect, but still ...
Moar free xp!
Dublin, where are your units ?
Keeping it for cultural borders.
Beshbalik next
Delaying the swordsman until I need him.
I'm getting Vienna soon. Notice how the CS's nearly form a straight line from top to south.
Some more upgrading and repositioning.
No, I like free exp!
Not ahead by 500 points or smth.
Declaring on America, who no longer exist btw, bites me in the ass.
yep. Just did that. Defensive Pact with a AI. Why? Babylon has alot of units next to my borders AND he is neighbour to Russia ...
Also he just conquered America and is soon looking for a new target.
Time for teh swordsman to get into action.
Who the .. is ths Kamehameha your speaking of anyway? Allways think of Dragonball ...
Hi there, psycho
"only" some longwordsman, cannons and knights
Theatre time.
And changed my mind. 14 turns and 1 forest to chop down sounds good.
The right sowrdsman has rough terrain III, he should be unkillable. Moving the nearly dead one back into the city.
REALLY? Thanks anyway ...
Waiting for the longswordsman upgrade before I attack.
Would love to finish piety first. But getting the Taj Mahal is big.
Look, my chariot archer indirectly killed a longsowrdsman.
Longswordsman incoming!
He didn't want to
Hope I get it.
Moved my medic horseman close to the longswordsman on the hill healing.
Signed. He stopped throwing units away.
Hum ... why not.
I'm the cotton salesman.
My buddhies
Moving in after clearing all his waves. Sometimes exploiting the Civ5 AI feels so wrong ...
Ok. This really ing pissed me off. They were mine. Then Polynesia, who I'm NOT at war with buys them and Quebec declares war on me, WTH? Nearly reloaded there to see if it's just some stupid bug ...
Bought Vienna north of Quebec ... Once I have the money I'll buy Quebec back since the line of CS's is really important to keep me safe.
off, really.