Very very good mod! I love it!
But a couple of complaints:
The Brits have taken our flag! Why are the British ships sailing with the Danish flag instead of Union Jack? And the Danes have got one of the oldest Danish flags instead of their own, we've used our Dannebrog (the modern flag) since Valdemar the Conqueror (I recon).
Give the Brits their flag and give the Danes Dannebrog, it hurts to see Denmark's enemy flying Danish flags...
And then somethign else... it starts out with a good big war, but then everyone wants peace, even Napoleon and Great Britain! it was only within the last 90 turns Napoleon got agressive again, most of the time it was very peaceful, only with wars against Tyrkey... and my own Nordic Wars against Sweden. And by the way, it's Swedish territory and Danish territory, instead of Sweede territory and Dane territory. and if you want the adjective for Sweden, then it's Swede. But it was a pleasure to fight Sweden again! People should make more maps where one can play as both Denmark and Sweden, lovely wars!
Actually I liked the fact that it was nearly impossible to get horses when playing as Denmark or Sweden, I had to give up a lot of gold and rare resources to Napoleon to get some horses from him.
Very very good mod! I love it!
But a couple of complaints:
The Brits have taken our flag! Why are the British ships sailing with the Danish flag instead of Union Jack? And the Danes have got one of the oldest Danish flags instead of their own, we've used our Dannebrog (the modern flag) since Valdemar the Conqueror (I recon).
Give the Brits their flag and give the Danes Dannebrog, it hurts to see Denmark's enemy flying Danish flags...
And then somethign else... it starts out with a good big war, but then everyone wants peace, even Napoleon and Great Britain! it was only within the last 90 turns Napoleon got agressive again, most of the time it was very peaceful, only with wars against Tyrkey... and my own Nordic Wars against Sweden. And by the way, it's Swedish territory and Danish territory, instead of Sweede territory and Dane territory. and if you want the adjective for Sweden, then it's Swede. But it was a pleasure to fight Sweden again! People should make more maps where one can play as both Denmark and Sweden, lovely wars!
Actually I liked the fact that it was nearly impossible to get horses when playing as Denmark or Sweden, I had to give up a lot of gold and rare resources to Napoleon to get some horses from him.