Napoleonic Europe [Scenario]


Very very good mod! I love it!

But a couple of complaints:

The Brits have taken our flag! Why are the British ships sailing with the Danish flag instead of Union Jack? And the Danes have got one of the oldest Danish flags instead of their own, we've used our Dannebrog (the modern flag) since Valdemar the Conqueror (I recon).

Give the Brits their flag and give the Danes Dannebrog, it hurts to see Denmark's enemy flying Danish flags... ;)

And then somethign else... it starts out with a good big war, but then everyone wants peace, even Napoleon and Great Britain! it was only within the last 90 turns Napoleon got agressive again, most of the time it was very peaceful, only with wars against Tyrkey... and my own Nordic Wars against Sweden. And by the way, it's Swedish territory and Danish territory, instead of Sweede territory and Dane territory. and if you want the adjective for Sweden, then it's Swede. :) But it was a pleasure to fight Sweden again! People should make more maps where one can play as both Denmark and Sweden, lovely wars!

Actually I liked the fact that it was nearly impossible to get horses when playing as Denmark or Sweden, I had to give up a lot of gold and rare resources to Napoleon to get some horses from him. :cool:
I'm glad you enjoyed the mod!
Sorry about the flags, I haven't really worked on those much yet. The ones that are there I put in quickly. The computer I do most of my work on doesn't display custom flags properly, so they haven't looked wrong to me. They will get done properly sometime before I declare the mod to be version 1.0.

I'm trying to get some better wars going but the AI in civ 4 is so darn peacefull.
Add a PermanentWarPeace=1 line in the WBS for Britain, that way Britain can't make peace with France, but everyone else can. Sure historically they did have a 3-year period of peace, but it does create more wars & excitement when the brits & french are constantly in war. You might also try Option=GAMEOPTION_AGGRESSIVE_AI if that helps.

I played a game as the Ottomans, and have a few suggestions on that as well: They are waaay too powerful with the same units as the Europeans. Either they should only be able to build Recruits & Pikemen, or they should have their own units. Also, the Austrians are underpowered, the only reason I didn't take Salzburg was that The Russians vassalaged them, so I had to divert forces into Russia. And shortly after that the French came knocking. The Russians seem to be underpowered too, which is a job well done, as they're usually way too powerful.

Here's a little timeline:
1st year: Took back Egypt, which was quite easy with a few musketmen, one 6-pounder & the Janissary Corps. Everything else went North for the future Austrian Campaign.

2nd year: Austrians declared war on me! Good thing I had troops ready to counter them. I had every city build 5 musketmen, while my cavalry pillaged everything, even roads, from the Austrians.

3rd year: War with Austrians going very well, I've got Trieste, Budapest, Cze-something and I've surrounded the 2 remaining cities: Salzburg & the-other-city :p But bam! The Rusians vassalize Austria & join the war.

4th year: Still sieging Salzburg, the-other-city fell & all new troops were diverted to Russia. I had taken Kiev & Minsk, although Minsk was quickly taken back. Crimea is being bombed by my only remaining Frigate & will fall soon.

5th year: 2 huge stacks of Frenchies attacked me! I retreated from Trieste to Sarijevo (correct spelling=Sarajevo IIRC) to conserve troops. The Siege of Salzburg was a disaster, almost everyone died at the walls, and the rest were mopped up by the French. There goes most of my army... The Confederation of Rhine also joined the war, taking the-other-city, although I retreated from that one as well. On the Russian front, Crimea was mine, as was Jekaterinburg, or something like that. But the evil ruskies took Athens with an amphib assault.

6th year: I had to retreat from Sarajevo as well, still too many frenchies vs my remaining troops. But the Ottoman military machine was being re-built, and I now had 15 musketmen in reserve. I took Athens back & made peace with Russia-Austria. Meanwhile the remains of the Salzburg Siege & other misc units around hungary gathered in Budapest to finally defend my lands, but they lost to the french stack-of-doom.

7th year: I liberated Sarajevo with my 15 musketmen! And a Rhinean atack on Cze-something was stopped by my troops from the Russian front. Next targets are Trieste & Budapest. By now I had researched my first tech (tech level was at 30%), which gave me grenadiers. They were all given the collateral damage promotion & would be the suicide forces that weakened the defenses. I (barely) took Trieste, with only 2 Musketmen with 1 strenght left, and 3 french 6-pounders next to the city. Budapest was a clear victory though.
Next turn I lost Trieste, and a 10+-sized Rhinean stack appeared next to Budapest. So I thought peace negotiations would be in order before I lost even more cities. The French required Sarajevo for peace, which I accepted. Although due to the large culture of my cities it soon started revolting & was totally surrounded by my culture.

8th year: Russians declare war on me! Here we go again... at this point I saved & quit, too much warring for one session...

During the whole game, several nations asked me to convert to christianity, which is very nice. And I assume all wars against me were fueled by their hatred of Islam :p But the ottomans are too strong. Had I had more troops and Peace in the start of the French war, I could've destroyed their stacks & march through Prussia (open borders) to the Rhine, then France.
I've now added PermanentWarPeace=0 and PermanentWarPeace=2 to prevent France and Britain from making peace. I already had the Option=GAMEOPTION_AGGRESSIVE_AI in there.

I have been thinking of giving the Ottomans an across the board -30%(or so) to unit training rate. I'd rather not make them have different units for simplicity, but making their units cost more should make them less millitarily powerfull.

It's good to hear that your economy stunk, as the Ottomans it should unless you spend a lot of production developing your infrastructure.
No no, permanentwarpeace isn't team dependant, it's 1 or 0. So if you put one in Britain's team, they won't be able to make peace with anyone that they are in war with. Or so it has seemed from my (short) experiences.

Once I stopped making units & built a courthouse, bank, market & grocer in every city the research could be at a whopping 70%, which is quite good for a nation that owns 1/4 of the map ;)

Why don't you give the Ottoman leader a new trait which autogives each new unit a new promotion which makes their strength go down by 30%, in addition with the extra buildtime? That should make them bad enough :p
dont know if its in yet, but napoleonic era needs formations for infantry, come on ;)
Formations is in the ideas for later addition. Right now it would just make testing harder. I'll integrate it when I'm almost done with the gameplay content.
I may release Formations as a small patch that can be added if desired. (I know the computer I do my work on wouldn't handle that many units very well at all)
Unless seZereth, you are volunteering to make the CIV4FormationInfos.xml for me?
Because then it could go in right now!
What do people think of the units I have added in recent versions?
Do you like having more of a tech tree to climb up? or are the additional unit upgrades just confusing?

I'm also thinking of adding a 'militia cavalry' unit for the minor states to start with that is weaker then the 'light cavalry' available with horsemanship (which they don't start with)

So then the horse upgrade path would be:

militia cav ---> light cav ------\
.......\--------> Heavy cav ----> Guard cav
Version .62 is now posted and I need feedback on a new feature I have added.

Warlord units can now get promotions that give effects to all units in their army. (On that tile) You can see all of the ones I've put in so far in the civilopedia.
For example, I have my great general bind to a musketman unit and give him the combat 1 and pinch (+25%vs gun) promotions. I am now able to give him the "Pinch Ability" promotion which gives all valid units that start the turn in the same tile as he does the "Pinch Tactics" promotion. This results in a +10% vs. gun units bonus on each unit.

The spreading leader abilities are differentiated by a green background on the button and the effects on other units have a brown background.

not all units benifit from the leaders abilities, however. It is restricted to units that can receive the regular promotion. As in our example any cannon units present would not get any bonus from the "pinch ability" because they cannot get pinch.
Also the "infantry/cavalry/artiller/naval Combat I-III" promotions only effect that unitclass and can only be gained when the leader is attached to a unit of that unit class.
So my example leader can get "Infantry Combat I" after he aquires Combat II. This will give a +5% combat bonus to all infantry units on that tile.
Leaders need to fight to get xp, just like regular units, so be carefull how you use them!

Future plans include the bonus also being distributed if the unit or leader moves into the tile after the turn begins.

If you want to test this out quickly I'd recomend playing as the French, as they start with the Napoleon great leader unit.

Feedback is needed!
Hey Alazkin Assassin!

You seem vaguely familiar!

I'll play it soon and give you feedback as soon as I get a chance.

Keep up the awesome work.
Lord Olleus,

1) I'm glad you like it, my problem is that the AI British don't try hard enough to keep their sea dominance and start getting invaded by France.

2) It looks like it will not draft units you can't build at the moment. I have the conscript unit upgrade to the recruit unit and thus up the chain to whatever you can build right now. But the later units are not set as conscriptable so it doesn't let you get anything. If anyone can find a way to make the conscript units available for conscription but not buildable I would like to know how.

3) Most nations begin the game with some cottages placed on coastal tiles. I added these to represent trade interests that could be disrupted by enemy naval power. The British have a lot of these to represent their extensive sea trade network. These cottages give economic incentive to maintain naval power and, it you are a lesser power, to not get the British angry at you.

4) they are annoying, but they work that way in vanilla and i wouldn't want to turn them off either, as you might not notice a major naval attack if i did.

5) Thank you. I will correct that for the next release.

6) If roads are too fast, Britain will loose its relative advantage. Ships are supposed to be a MUCH faster way to get around anywhere. France declares war somewhere and Britain can have a sizable force there in half a dozen turns. Also, roads give a substantial maneuverability advantage to a defender, which I think is entirely unlike the way wars were fought at this time.
Would you prefer that cottages be buildable on coast squares, or removed from them?

If I break the upgrade chain I will have to balance them as buildable units.
How hard would it be to make a sort of "national guard" unit that is not able to leave your civ boundaries and thus only useful as defense?
awesome mod! Since I'm a great fan of that era myself, I love it.
Started a game as Britain. I blockaded all French ports (and, later on, as Naples joined Bonaparte, all Italian ones too), so I didn't have to worry about my mainland being invaded.
Also, in the first few turns, I sent an expeditionary force to Egypt and took it.
Meanwhile, the French invaded Austria, which first became my vassal and then, after having lost Salzburg and a few other cities, the Ottomans'. I wasn't able to send any troops to Austria for support because a few turns earlier, I took Bordeaux and Marseille, hoping to bind most of Napoleon's forces in order to lure them away from Austria and the Netherlands. I didn't have any real hope of being able to keep Bordeaux and Marseille, but I managed to hold them much longer than I expected (about 4 or 5 years), costing Napoleon masses of troops and two very good cities. But in the end, he took them back, spamming my defenders with thousands of light cavalries (which were promoted as to withdraw from combat - and that's what they did! He hardly lost any because they withdrew with something like a 60% chance while I had to keep the flow of Regulars from across the channel coming).
After that, he finally took Holland, despite of all my troops there. By the way, after the "city of Holland" was in French hands, the Dutch continued to exist in the scoreboard with about 28 points, although they didn't have any cities left. A bug?
Anyway, I asked the Russians to join the war against Napoleon, and for 750 gold, they did and in a few turns, took Holland. WTH? That was unforeseen.
At that point, it was the year 1808 and my citizens began to get really, really angry because I had had war for 8 years now. Also, most of my cities were 20+.
After having played 4 hours, I saved and quit. I'll continue sometime, though.

Oh, another spelling error I noticed: It's Leipzig, not Liepzig ;)

Anyway. Love your mod and the fact that Britain is, in fact, capable of completely ruling the sea, although I can see that the AI wouldn't be.
Can't wait for the next release :)
I think the 28 point thing is because the scenario requires complete kills, correct?

If you haven't fixed it already, another typo is Sarajevo ;)

I've noticed that the AI loves cavalry in my mod too, so I'll limit the numbers of them, as I limit Grenadiers & Lights (20 per civ, Guards are at 10 per civ).

Lord Olleus, would you mind doing a bit of python mixing for me? I have a few codes from TheLopez to unite with (IIRC your) Guard promotion python. Plus a few new, very teenytiny requests (some civs unable to change state religion or civics, if unit A is buildable in a city, then hide unit B from being able to be built). PM if you can do these, I'm sure it wouldn't take more than 30mins of your time :)
Paasky's right about the complete kills. You have to destroy their ships as well to wipe them out.

And I think I will try out the defensive only idea of Lord Olleus for the militia units in the next release. (If it works well in internal testing)
I have posted yet another new version. 0.65

Highlights of the changes include:
Buildable Conscripts units that cannot attack.
32 total spreading leader promotions.
New unit art for the great general. (see download page for screenshot)
I gave the scenario a try last night, and it is quite excellent.

I played as France, captured Holland, and vassalised Italy, Austria and Spain. The naval scene has been pretty tense as I try and build a fleet in the Mediterranean. Next step I guess is to unleash my vassals against Prussia and see if I can't get them to also bow to me. Then it's on to Russia!

I played the older version, but want to say that you're great general looks awesome. I look forward to seeing how it turns out in game.

Some suggestions I'd like to offer:


Too many trees? Also, I guess this goes here, but try and tighten up the age everyone is playing in - France's German allies have ancient era cities.


Generally really good, but some could be tidied up in terms of their abilities. For example, is it necessary to list all of the cavalry types? Can't you just put in a bonus against Mounted units?

Unit lines - while I didn't explore them all, perhaps they could be more straightforward? Conscript I (instead of "Recruit") - Conscript II - Musketmen - Regulars (or perhaps "Line Infantry") - Guards?

Also, an idea for your conscript could be a unit that simply doesn't move, like an ICBM - you have to build it where you will be defending.


You mentioned some of the challenges in giving nations their appropriate strengths and weaknesses (such as Britain being good at sea, Russia and the Ottomans not being as powerful as their size would suggest, etc.). I have two ideas on this.

Leader Traits - create some new traits such as "Land Power", "Sea Power", "Land Dominance", etc. Britain could be "Sea Dominance", France "Land Dominance", I picture Prussia as a "Land Power". These traits could give land or naval units a certain free promotion, and their absence would be the handicap for certain nations.

Civics - perhaps for more flexibility, taken from the game Europa Universalis. There could be a military category where you pick degree between "sea" and "land". France would be at the extreme of the land side, Britain the extreme of the sea side, with appropriate bonuses/handicaps for each. Set certain civics as the favorite for each nation and you should be good. Or perhaps just some general military civics, which I'll get into below.


Really could use some work. I'd like to help here a little if I can, if just to suggest some names and general effects. Off the top of my head . . .

Government - Absolute Monarchy (military bonus) [most states], Constitutional Monarchy (economy bonus) [Britain], Republic (economy bonus, draft?) [Holland], Dictatorship (military bonus, war warriness bonus) [France]

Labour - Serfdom (draft) [Russia, Austria, Prussia], Emancipation (more productive towns and villages)

Economy - Mercantalism (same), Cottage Industry (more productive towns and villages), Free Markets (same), State Property (same) [perhaps Labour and Economy can be combined?]

Legal - Absolutism/Decree (war warriness bonus, increased corruption?) [good for weakening Russia], Liberalism (economy bonus, culture/GP) [Britain], Revolution (military bonus, increased Great Generals?) [France].

Military - Sea Power (free promotion for ships, reduced land build rate) [Britain], Levee En Masse (free promotion for land units, increased production, reduced ship build rate, draft?) [France], Professional Army (free promotion for land units) [Prussia?], Militia (generic poor military option, maybe call it "18th Century Doctrine"?) [everyone else?]
Be carefull with an invasion of Russia, that's what ruined Napoleon you know.

Yeah, i can see how there could be too many trees, the map i used was designed as a regular map so it had trees as they would have been at 4000BC and I didn't remove very amny of them.
Yeah, I had noticed that some of them start in the anchient era, but hadn't gotten around to fixing it yet.

At the moment, yes. I need to list all of the cavalry types. the warlords unit code allows for combat bonuses vs. unitcombats (horse,gun,melee) but attack or defence bonuses can only be applyed for a unitclass. I would need to include an SDK component to remove it a i don't think that it is worth it for what is really a cosmetic issue. And I don't want the infantry to have an attack bonus vs. cavalry, because the infantry square formations used at the time couldn't really move on the attack very well.

The current version does have a 'Conscript I', II now as well as a 'Recruit' unit.

I'm not sure what version you are using, but I have started with some national differences. the british have "seafaring" which makes their navy start with drill and navigation. and napoleon has aggressive (combat1) in addition to his original traits. Also, the Ottomans have no acess to banks and their units cost more to build. Russian barracks don't provide XP, tey make the units cheaper, so Russia will have more, less promoted units.

Yeah, i havn't changed any of the civics yet. You've got some good ideas there for them and i'm sure I will read through your post again before try setting up the civics in the mod. If I change them at all that is, Right now they mind themselves so you can get along with your conquests. :D

I'm glad you enjoy playing it, and thanks for the comments!
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