Nasty GUI bug in latest update/DLC


Dec 29, 2007
Just installed the latest patch & DLC after first uninstalling, wiping clean & reinstalling (because rolling back from the Fabius Maximus Beta broke stuff) and in the final era there is a vicious GUI bug that is so irritating I rage quit.
What happened (and I will happily provide the game save) is that at a certain army turn the GUI focusses into the middle of an AI civ, and there it sticks unless you spin the world eastwards going right around until you end up back at the point where the focus should be - if you do not do this then the focus will remain in the middle of someone else's territory no matter what you do.
Did anyone beta test this thing?
Just installed the latest patch & DLC after first uninstalling, wiping clean & reinstalling (because rolling back from the Fabius Maximus Beta broke stuff) and in the final era there is a vicious GUI bug that is so irritating I rage quit.
What happened (and I will happily provide the game save) is that at a certain army turn the GUI focusses into the middle of an AI civ, and there it sticks unless you spin the world eastwards going right around until you end up back at the point where the focus should be - if you do not do this then the focus will remain in the middle of someone else's territory no matter what you do.
Did anyone beta test this thing?
This was encountered in beta, and it was also discovered how to reproduce it (but I don't remember from the top of my head, just that it had to do with zooming). Yet, apparently there was not enough time to fix it before release as it seems. It is a rather nasty bug and hopefully gone soon.
This was encountered in beta, and it was also discovered how to reproduce it (but I don't remember from the top of my head, just that it had to do with zooming). Yet, apparently there was not enough time to fix it before release as it seems. It is a rather nasty bug and hopefully gone soon.

Hopefully yes - it has spoiled the game for me, as no matter what Zoom I am using it triggers every turn once it starts.
It's still not gone for me, and looking back at my initial post it's now even worse as I just hit this again in the 'early modern' era.
Over 2 YEARS and still not fixed?
It makes the game unplayable, and whilst it may be related to zooming then if this is the reason, why force the game to zoom out to the max after interacting with another civ, or zooming in to the max when the era changes?
You are literally forcing me to constantly zoom in & out as it is not possible to se;lect a comfortable level for me and stay there as it is constantly shifting all the time.
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