[BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

I know this is a dead thread but maybe someone can help fix the piety policy bug where its suppossu to give me 20% of my faith output as happiness? Its prob only caused by an unfilled value in one of the modfiles coz i think it does still register that i picked the policy but it shows that i get 0 from it. And damn why our so many civs nerfed now lmoa and babylon still only has that horsehockey free social policy ability lmoa
I started play this mod, I loved the stuffs. Is it a bad that don't receive more updates, but I guess I finally found a replacer for VP.
Agreed :D
A couple of bugs and observations:

-Helicopters don't have the anti tank promotion applied
You can fix this by un-commenting the antitank promotion of the unit_gunship in the promotions xml
-Tradition manpower bonuses do not work.They give the old gold only.
No fix available.The code for the manpower building is there in the lua folder but,something elsewhere is overwriting the building.
-Sometimes interception becomes bugged.A single unit without any aa nearby will just one shot your air units for the rest of the turn.You can literally waste 30 units on a single dead infantry and they will all die.
No idea what causes this.
-Ai does not or barely uses the melee attack of ranged units. Ai does not seem to be able to move and shoot with submarines.
No fix since it would require changing the ai.
-Ai builds way too much aa and fighters units.
Fixable by lowering the flavor of units in the units xml.
-Ai has no idea how to handle immigration and will gladly accept open border from you.
No fix since it requires rewriting ai.
-CTD everywhere
Every single game has the potential to ctd randomly with the later era increasing the chances significantly.It is always one of the ai's declaring war or peace that causes it.
You can lower the amount of ctd's by using the newer version of the dll various components file. Unfortunetly that has its own set of problems.
-Newer version of the dll do not work properly with this mod
From no aoe damage,no sunder,weird specialist behaviour, etc.It is functioning somewhat and i did manage to complete most of the game on the newer versions compared to the old file.
Hey guys, I've been working on fixing some bugs and adding some features to this legendary mod, and hope to get fans of the mod to come together and help fix some of the issues and enhance some of the amazing features.

As of now I've fixed some bugs, and fully integrated Enhanced UI (EUI) as seen in the screenshot below. You can grab the mod from the Github or the Google Drive link (Installation instructions included or ask on the Discord server), and you can join the Discord server if you want to help with development or wish to play multiplayer with us.

Hey guys, I've been working on fixing some bugs and adding some features to this legendary mod, and hope to get fans of the mod to come together and help fix some of the issues and enhance some of the amazing features.

As of now I've fixed some bugs, and fully integrated Enhanced UI (EUI) as seen in the screenshot below. You can grab the mod from the Github or the Google Drive link (Installation instructions included or ask on the Discord server), and you can join the Discord server if you want to help with development or wish to play multiplayer with us.

View attachment 582850 View attachment 582851
This relatively stable in multiplayer? Me and my friends mainly play Lekmod for its stability...
This relatively stable in multiplayer? Me and my friends mainly play Lekmod for its stability...

Yes it's stable, I've played around 10+ matches with 200-300 turns and it hasn't crashed once. Desync is an issue, but it's much better than hard crashes, and on small map sizes the desync doesn't take much time either. There are still some issues with some unit actions not being synced properly, and I hope I can get some bug reports and help to fix them in the future. Hop on the discord if anyone would like to help.
Hey guys, I've been working on fixing some bugs and adding some features to this legendary mod, and hope to get fans of the mod to come together and help fix some of the issues and enhance some of the amazing features.
Can we get a list of bugfixes please?
Also have you fixed tradition monarchy and science not working whatsoever?
Can we get a list of bugfixes please?
Also have you fixed tradition monarchy and science not working whatsoever?
Those policies trees and their effects are working in this build. Haven't faced any issues whatsoever regarding policy/ yields, leave a bug report in the discord if you encounter anything.
Just fixed, balanced and updated stuff for another release. Changelog and more details are on the mod discord (https://discord.gg/SpFReAdFrX)
Some major additions include:

  • Rebalance of Air, Ground and Naval warfare.
  • Tech costs rebalanced.
  • Future era expanded massively.
  • New Future Era Units, Buildings and Wonders (credits: Bouncymischa)
  • Some Gameplay Tweaks (Courtesy: WHoward and his amazing DLL and pick n mix mods)
  • Inbuilt Sukitracts amazing Main Menu mod.
  • Integrated bc1's amazing EUI mod to be compatible with CityView.
  • Most importantly it should be MP compatible and balance oriented.

Attached a few pics below, if you would like to help or have some suggestions leave them on the Discord server. Hope we can keep this great project by LincolnLyf going on.

7.png 6.png 5.png 4.png 3.png 2.png unknown.png
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