[BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

I don't find food growth rate decreased after I built power plants. Is there any situations in which the pollution mechanism may fail to work?

Also, I think the "charge" promotion of my lancer is not working as well.

Really appreciate if anyone could fix it for me. I was planning very carefully about where to build my power plants so that my large city population would be least affected. This is realistic and fun.
First I have to say I really appreciate your supermod. I played many games.
I use a additionnal mod "iron speed", making 400% research cost and 200% production speed.
About your mod, there is some little things I dislike, not about content (that is perfect) but about balance.
You put into the mod some ideas in the way the game become more balanced (manpower, consumer goods, and casualties).
So player can't build a invicible army, build all wonders, build as many city he want, can't do something excessive.
But I think this goal is missed because these news concept just make difficult or near impossible a normal game without doing nothing excessive.
I don't know how to mod, but I looked into the files and saw where it is. So I edited it.
I put a base value 30 manpower and 30 consumer good.
In city, I put the increasing value 2, 4, 6.... 14 instead of your value that are not progressives.
And last, about casualties, this idea fail. I always saw an IA player killing another IA player very fast, because after decimate the army, all city are 5 people one.
And all citys are then easely captured.
I think a dead soldier have nothing effect on a people in a city. Why this people should die because a soldier do ?
No, it's not realist, and not balanced. Then I put the casualie value at 12 kill = 1 civilian dead.
Edit Lua\NewPopulationRule.lua, line 189, write 10 instead of 2 :

function PlayerUnitPopulationLoss(defPlayer)
   print("Human unit died total:"..g_UnitDeathSum)
   local PlayerCitiesCount = defPlayer:GetNumCities()
   local apCities = {}
   local iCounter = 0
   if g_UnitDeathSum < 10 then---- every (two) ten deaths cause a popluaton loss

And XML\City\PopulationSize.xml :
See attached file.

Note: i didnt test yet, but if there is no other places where these values are writed, it should work without any problem.


Hi, I do a little report about the modpack with new settings.
I tweaked also "gamespeed". I put "normal speed" into quick one, epic into normal, marathon into epic.
Then I changed Marathon settings, making more like a real marathon game, with settings around x1.5 and science x1.5 more.
Huge map, 15 AI. Emperor difficulty.
AI eat others AI more slowly, but still. At turn 700, I reached industrial era while first AI is near one era ahead. I don't know how to comeback. This AI can kill me if wanting.
Im close to others AI. There is already 8 AI killed, and let's say there is only 3 AI consistent + me actualy.
Consumer goods and manpower need to be manage, even I changed the settings.
My current game is really great, and my new settings about consumer goods and manpower help a lot. There are perfects on a huge map.
Maybe I should lower it on a smallest map. Instead of 30, lower this to 25.
About that, I will give up this game, even it's a good one. Because I experience many crash on end-turn.
I don't think the mod itself is the problem, because it was Ok on early game.
The problem is the huge map and too much content, making end turn slow and possibly crashing.
Also, I will use the false DLC version of this mod.
I will rollback my change about game speed because date isn't good with my changes. So I will do a simple marathon game with mod settings. And I begin tired to play too slowly.
It will be better also because AI is very agressive, and a too slow game give to much time to a strong AI civ to eat everyone before information era.
Ive noticed a bug where when I start a game in any era, my city's production cannot be accessed. You click on the production button, but the menu doesnt open. Ive looked around for this but havent seen a solution, anybody else having this?

The only way to get around this is to set production to automatic so the game queues an item for the city.. but who wants to play the game like that? Lol

I have v88 and v6 both loaded.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I love this mod, but there is still annoying small issues.
I'm playing Nobunaga : attol or fishing boat don't give me Culture points.
Ive noticed a bug where when I start a game in any era, my city's production cannot be accessed. You click on the production button, but the menu doesnt open. Ive looked around for this but havent seen a solution, anybody else having this?

The only way to get around this is to set production to automatic so the game queues an item for the city.. but who wants to play the game like that? Lol

I have v88 and v6 both loaded.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I have the same problem as sir JediOmen over here.
Is there any way to play this game with ynaemp? I'd love to have this on the giant earth map.
While there is a lot of greatwork done in this mod I simply can`t stand the city defender limitations. One lonely unit/troup in a city is likle leaving it empty, ready to be conquered. If limited, the why not let the citys populatin/size set the max number, that would be kind of realistic
First of all, I'm casual CIV5 player, and completely new in CIV5 mod world at the moment. I just want to share my impressions which I've noted playing SuperPower mod
simultaneously, to maybe help improve that one or something. If anyone still care. :) Played DX9 mode, relatively low spec laptop (base Civ5 works quite good at low details :), CIV5BNW, pure SuperPower mod + various components required, ancient era, standard map size.

I felt there are lots to do early, feels dynamic on marathon, very entertaining.
City states builds only ships, no land units at all. At the beginning I was wondering is that intended behavior, but I started to mass unit gift action, to secure my investments into them, which was quite interesting.
City states gives you resources which aren't even improved or visible.
Early trade routes are quite troubling because of low range. In other point of view this forces me to found some city closer to rivals, only to have efficient income.
Roads, railroads, clearing forest/jungle are done instantly - not sure it is intended, but I hate that here.
Units often are sitting in some corner of coastal waters if auto explore is turned on. Simply I forgot about them, believed that they do scouting.
I didn't build factories, they showed after discover proper technology. Not sure exactly when, but I'm sure I didn't build them.
I believe in science in this game, but my techs were stolen one by one, no matter with or without high ranked counterspy. So most of time I felt like a supermarket free and open to anyone :). So I concluded that researching is actually not important until modern era, where I can finally choose Freedom(?) and get doubled chance to catch rival spies.
Food amounts at the ocean are powerful, so powerful, that I was wondering about settling on some islands isolated from the land territories and breed mega city.This is the one of not many things I don't like here. :)

The greatest thing in this mod is manpower, energy, and consumer goods, and how they are related with other things. For example : you can't just build more and more
wonders one by one, you must choose because of manpower, so wonders are spread around the world. Those resources will remind about themselves quite often. Another great thing here is maintanance costs of units, which are soo high and I love that. Nothing wastes here. I would like to simply cut and paste those parts of the mod
and experiment with them, but for now I don't even know how to do it. :C

Main disadvantages are, that everything here is going to be bigger, and stronger, but I feel in some point that nothing really changes, but instead is jumping to a
bigger numbers dimension over and over, which makes me a little tired and I miss for something simpler. But afterall it's a SuperPower Mod, so name is suggesting where the mod is heading to. Second and the worse thing is - game crashes later, around atomic era, so I never was able to "touch" Atomic Era - the main thing mod was designed for. Well, It was fun anyway. :)
Hello, there is a big problem with the mod, many doctrines that should give happiness do not give happiness. Example, the doctrine of commerce which should give +2 happiness per luxury resource.
Doctrines and wonders that should trigger a golden age do not trigger them.
I have identified other miscellaneous problems. The rite of earning +1 production per fishing boat gives the +1 place of culture, and not only for fish fishing boats, but also any fishing net.
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This is honestly one of my Personal Favorite mods.
Though I do wish there was some documentation on how I would go about making Civilization adding mods compatible.
If anyone has any tips on this I would love to hear it, since I want to have more Civs than the default ones in my game.
Playing civ for the first time in ages, had an amazing game with this mod pack until start of industrial era then a turn wouldn't finish and I had to restart the game. Now the last 5 saves crash. Just like when I used to play civ4 modded up. If I start a fresh game with no other mods (i had about 3 extra, none on the incompatible list on workshop) is there a chance it will play all the way through?
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