First of all, I'm casual CIV5 player, and completely new in CIV5 mod world at the moment. I just want to share my impressions which I've noted playing SuperPower mod
simultaneously, to maybe help improve that one or something. If anyone still care.
Played DX9 mode, relatively low spec laptop (base Civ5 works quite good at low details
, CIV5BNW, pure SuperPower mod + various components required, ancient era, standard map size.
I felt there are lots to do early, feels dynamic on marathon, very entertaining.
City states builds only ships, no land units at all. At the beginning I was wondering is that intended behavior, but I started to mass unit gift action, to secure my investments into them, which was quite interesting.
City states gives you resources which aren't even improved or visible.
Early trade routes are quite troubling because of low range. In other point of view this forces me to found some city closer to rivals, only to have efficient income.
Roads, railroads, clearing forest/jungle are done instantly - not sure it is intended, but I hate that here.
Units often are sitting in some corner of coastal waters if auto explore is turned on. Simply I forgot about them, believed that they do scouting.
I didn't build factories, they showed after discover proper technology. Not sure exactly when, but I'm sure I didn't build them.
I believe in science in this game, but my techs were stolen one by one, no matter with or without high ranked counterspy. So most of time I felt like a supermarket free and open to anyone
. So I concluded that researching is actually not important until modern era, where I can finally choose Freedom(?) and get doubled chance to catch rival spies.
Food amounts at the ocean are powerful, so powerful, that I was wondering about settling on some islands isolated from the land territories and breed mega city.This is the one of not many things I don't like here.
The greatest thing in this mod is manpower, energy, and consumer goods, and how they are related with other things. For example : you can't just build more and more
wonders one by one, you must choose because of manpower, so wonders are spread around the world. Those resources will remind about themselves quite often. Another great thing here is maintanance costs of units, which are soo high and I love that. Nothing wastes here. I would like to simply cut and paste those parts of the mod
and experiment with them, but for now I don't even know how to do it. :C
Main disadvantages are, that everything here is going to be bigger, and stronger, but I feel in some point that nothing really changes, but instead is jumping to a
bigger numbers dimension over and over, which makes me a little tired and I miss for something simpler. But afterall it's a SuperPower Mod, so name is suggesting where the mod is heading to. Second and the worse thing is - game crashes later, around atomic era, so I never was able to "touch" Atomic Era - the main thing mod was designed for. Well, It was fun anyway.