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Native America Mod

Nice work Colonel. I'm glad your spicing up the mod and smoothing the rough edges. It is one of my favorites.
ummm this looks really cool, but on the base dl, the .biq file was blank (no land forms/units. just H20)...i just finished dling the lastest patch/update, but the new biq is blank as well...there is a map for this, right?

some help?
None was ever implemented to my knowledge. Too bad. It might have brought a few more fans.
Aww, thats a shame. It wouldn't be too hard, either.

The hardest part would probably be finding where some of those tribes are actually from, so u can have accurate starting locations. Most of them are pretty easy though. any takers? ;)
Alright, I've unzipped the NA mod to the Conquest scenario's folder, both patches, the mod fix file, and I'm still getting error messages (always a different one) the second I try to start a game. Help please.
When I try to start I get this Error : /Pediaicons. TECH_Assasin is missing
WTF!? I did everything right, whats wrong!?
Did you install everything correctly?

Assasination is actually talking about the Blood Cult tech..You should install Admiral Kraken's patch in addition to patches 5.0 and 6.0 IN THIS ORDER:

1. Install the main mod

2. Install patch 5.0

3. Install patch 6.0

4. Install Admiral Kraken's Patch
Sword_Of_Geddon said:
Did you install everything correctly?

Assasination is actually talking about the Blood Cult tech..You should install Admiral Kraken's patch in addition to patches 5.0 and 6.0 IN THIS ORDER:

1. Install the main mod

2. Install patch 5.0

3. Install patch 6.0

4. Install Admiral Kraken's Patch

I did this all in order, but it keeps on telling me that the TECH_Assasin entry is mssing, how do I fix this?
Hello???? Help?
How do I check?
Bug --

Eagle Warriors .. the Maya equivalent of mounted warriors is listed to upgrade to Boomstickmen ..

Eagle Warriors are (from memory so not exact) .. 5 / 4 / 2 .. Boomstickmen 1 / 4 / 1 ..

Basicly once you get boomstick guys you cannot make eagle warriors anymore.. leaving the Maya with a 300 year period that they cannot make ANY units with a movement of 2 or an attack over 3 .. That is a LONG period of time that for all intents and purposes the Maya are screwed and are the laughingstock of North American civilization. .. Aside from the fact that boomstickmen are not an upgrade to eagle warriors, they are a defensive unit and the warriors are offensive ...

I simply went into my version and changed Eagle Warriors to No Upgrade ..
Yeah, I noticed that bug a while ago; I think that the Maya should probably have something to fix this problem--they were VERY resistant to the Spanish (conquest is actually still going on in some ways, but one end could be drawn at around 1900 I suppose). NA is still one of the great mods out there, though. Ahh, its good to be back...cheers to SoG and the gang!
I forgot that...dangit! The Eagle Warriors should have a better unit to upgrade to...I was thinking adding in the AoK Eagle Warrior, and naming it the Elite Eagle Warrior...see below:

I may do another bonus patch for this mod, theres been a few new Native developments recently.

-Utahjazz has released a new Native American Rifleman...This would be used in place of the Native Grenadier currently in the NA Mod

-Dom Pedro II has released a Native American Hunter. This would be a perfect addition to the mod.

-Theres also the Haida Warrior...I believe I added the Haida Canoe in already, but the Haida Warrior would be a better Unique Unit than the Archer

-Plus theres a TON of new leaderheads availible for many of the tribes.

Anyone interested?
I´ve played the first time the hawaiians. Why can´t i build the fishery? This tirbe needs it to suvive?!?
In the editor i can´t find any option to chance it. I would be pleased if you can help me whith this problem.
Sword_Of_Geddon said:
Anyone interested?


Hehe... I missed this thread a lot... this mod has a potential for being one of the best ones out there, but still seemed to lack something... perhaps it has to be to the fact some units were upgraded to worse units, and some stuff like that...

There isnt much to do with it though, except getting a good American continent map (which would be also useful for the ACM), a VERY detailed one, in which to locate all tribes; and it would be necessary to put Hawaii somehow... maybe moving it a bit eastwards, and making it big enough for 3 - 4 cities, giving it early on some kind of boat which would allow them to get to the continent quick (not transporting units for a while) and maybe adding another islander civ near... then there would be some slight graphical work to do, and again, cleaning all the tech/unit trees so the game is better....
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