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Native American Spearman (Javelineer)


May 30, 2003
New York
here is a spearman/Javelin thrower for the native americans

you can download the files here

Again all the files including sound are included except pediaicons

And a preview of the run flc of course its a gif so it may be a bit sloppy
But all in all it came out ok


  • aispearmanrun.gif
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His attack is throwing the spear so it is not a typical spearman attack


  • aispearmanattacka.gif
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it came out ok a bit sloppy in some areas but hey im just figuring everything out :)


  • aispearmandeath.gif
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Originally posted by nagelfetisch
thanks so much for your native american units,they're great!:goodjob: :)

Thanks Nag I appreciate the praise makes me want to make more .... lol
But the real praise should go to those who actualy made the original units I scalped to make these and I will edit my posts with the credit they deserve as soon as I figure out who made what units :confused: lol
O.K.,then thanks to everybody and Varkasal:)
it's clear that these are not'your'units,was just so happy with them.
These are much needed units since for some reason the Civ designers want the native nations to use European units. :crazyeye:
the head-bobble on this unit is MUCH better, so well done! However, I think I still detect some head bobble in the death flc?
Great job on these units! They are much needed. :goodjob:

Do you have PTW?? If so, you might want to look at Hiawatha's animation. It's not too different, also being that big headdress, but it might give you a little variation.

Are there any animations with just a single feather? I can't think of any off the top of my head...

EDIT: This is Hiawatha's head isn't it? Nevermind...:crazyeye:
Thanks guys for the praise again .....

And yes the native american indians did use shields though as Costa said they were typicaly a wooden frame with leather rapped about it but I figured the brown would serve well enough as leather but maybe I should use a lighter color ... I would have added feathers to the the spear haft were it not being thrown as the indians typicaly used feathers to denote rank in thier society as a warrior but Im not that great at the anims yet :(
Nice unit. We need more stuff like this for Native American civs. How about a Cheyenne Dog Soldier, like this one?


  • dog_s.jpg
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good job.


he's just cutting and pasting the units which means that whatever he cuts and pastes has to already be made and that gigantic headdress isn't anywhere in the game, nor are those pants or that scarf (or whatever that is hanging out). which is why putting up a library of such small things would be cool for cnp's.
Actualy Shady yes while these are all cut and paste I am capable of making a completely new unit just havent done it yet .... why do extra work when its not needed Lol :D

I might just try to make that Cheyene Dog Soldier
you might want to try the apache they were some of the fiercest fighters and well known in example geronimo. :D
Yay!!!!!!!:) A flavor unit for American cultures in the game. Nice unit :goodjob:
Yoda Power said:
looks good:goodjob:, though did natives have shields?

Yes, of course! We just don't associate them with shields because they were abandoned once firearms entered the picture. Some groups even had armour; most of the groups in the south wore a hardened cotton armour (not unlike what Greeks were using at one point) that was very effective against the arms of the pre-columbian world. The Tlingit and other groups along the northwest pacific coast also had a kind of wooden slat armour, worn under a tunic of heavy skins, with a visored wooden helmet.

Interestingly, they obtained metal - Chinese copper coins - by naval trade with Boston merchants in the early 1800s and were wearing a kind of copper chainmail by the time European settlement expanded to the area.

nice! :) :)
Interesting to know. :)

Ironically, at first glance I didn't notice a gap in posts (since the thread is only slightly more than a year old ;) ).
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