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Naval Combat

The Great Apple

Big Cheese
Mar 24, 2002
Oxford, England
Is it just me, or is naval combat very slow? It seems to be the pattern that between two equally matched ships they blast away at each other for about 5 turns, before one realises that he's losing and, because sight range is generally lower than movement distance, can't be chased! If you've got two units you can ZoC lock them, but even then, it takes a while to actually kill them.

Even battles that should be hopelessly one sided, such as destroyer vs frigate tend to end up like this! We need more navy-navy damage.
A Destroyer of mine took around 40 turns to kill a Frigate on a one vs one combat......
Yeah i agree its too slow. Especialy when aircraft can usualy wipe out most ships with just one attack, then you gotta watch your destroyer have to engage a transport 3 times before it sinks.
And your destroyers barely winning against a frigate... Which is just dumb.
Very slow sea battles, barbary destroyers, caravels makes no damage to cities at industrial.

Civ 5 has tons of things to fix.
then you gotta watch your destroyer have to engage a transport 3 times before it sinks.

Just move your naval combat ship over the undefended (non-Songhai) embarked unit, and it kills it. No experience gained of course, but way faster. once per turn per ship unless they got blitz, then it's twice.
A Destroyer of mine took around 40 turns to kill a Frigate on a one vs one combat......

I quote myself because again I had to spend 50 turns this time to kill a Frigate with a destroyer.

Really a paradox
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