NC LXVIII: Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia

Update: Sorry, I was a bit tired to do this last night.
T99 - 400BC
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Hannibal is now dead - I made too many axes and took his three cities and then took a Barb city in the South. I waited until both Hannibal's 3rd city (Hadrumetum) and barb city were 2 pop in order to claim them.

I am now going to consolidate and build settlers.
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Was stagnated @5 a and producing Axemen and Archers. I've now got Monarchy is in and I am going to grow the city on and pump settlers and workers from here for a while.
I noticed that Stonehenge was only going to take 10 turns, so I went for it to let the city grow from 5 to 7. I thought it might get to 8, but I didn't and I need workers badly now.

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Currently building the Oracle, I don't think this was the best city placement, but I went for the blue circle. Might be OK after I get CS and can make farms instead of the Cottages I build....
Wine will be improved next for Happiness

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First city I captured from Hannibal. Will be decent commerce I think, once I get calendar.

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GP farm without a doubt!
Will take the Northern Corn for a city that will work the Gold ore just up the coast. Currently spreading Buddhism. I may convert later and go OR.

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Only recently out of revolt - deer will be improved next (worker actually on it I think)
Will be a production city I think.

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Barb City still in revolt. Everything will take ages to build here, but it has 2 food and with a lighthouse library and harbour it will be a 2nd GP farm maybe. Not sure.
At least I can whip it!


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Clearly I need workers! I only made 3, one was captured and I got 2 from Hannibal
I have a lot of axes atm, but there is another Barb city to the N that I am on my way to check out and I can always delete a few.

No one has anything to trade, and as I am worst enemy of DG, he won't be trading for a while.

DG lost a city to some barbs a few turns ago, so I might be claiming that too....

A few city sites planned out.
Time for a little write-up, I've played about 50 more turns, and my game is taking an interesting turn. It's 1760 BC until 325 BC.

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1760 BC - 325 BC

So, after taking Carthage I focussed on getting some cities up, exploring the continent some more and busting some fog in the southwest to prevent barbs from attacking my capital there. I also had to rebuild the improvements I'd destroyed around Carthage.
After I finished with Animal Husbandry I decided to go for Alphabet right away. I still didn't have fishing at this point, but I figured I didn't need it yet. Carthage already has fishing boats on the clam and there was no other sea resource close by. Animal Husbandry revealed Horse in the radius of a city I was already planning to build, which was a nice surprise.

I decided to take some good city spots up north. The agressive settling got me in a bit of an economic crisis, but since the two cities up north would get access to gold and Dye fairly quickly, I didn't consider it a problem at the time. Also a Barbarian city was founded, apparantly in a site where I'd planned to make a city as well for the Maoi Statues. I'm planning to take that and leave it in place.

My new cities:

I also settled Addis Ababa further north, but I forgot to make a proper screenshot. A later screen will show the city though :). I settled it on the Banana to the northwest of Lalibela.

Looking back now, I might've been better off with one city less, but oh well. Gotta love Zara's trait combo's that make this an option anyway. In 960 BC I hooked up the gold, which got me break even at 40% research.
De Gaulle demanded I hand him over one unit of copper in 875 BC, which I refused. After all, if he lacks copper, what threat could he pose to me? In the same turn, I finished Alphabet so I looked for some trades. The only one willing to trade was De Gaulle, and I traded Writing to him for Fishing and Archery. Maybe not the best trade in the world, but I needed Fishing by now to hook up Addis Ababa with clams to the northeast.

By now, my economy has totally crashed. I'm running 20-30% science, but it's not much of a problem. I'm getting commerce improvements all around the map now, so I'll get it up quickly anough. Carthage is starting to grow, so cottaging around there will be prio.
In 500 BC I use one Axeman to attack the Barbarian city (Numidian), but I decide not to take it yet. My research is at 20% right now, I'd rather not pay maintenance for another city. Iron Working also comes in, and I find Iron on the square I settled Lalibela. I select Currency as my next research choice, though I'm tempted to fill in some backwards techs, as I can't seem to get any good trades in so far. Not very surprisingly, I'm also the poorest Civ in the world.
Tokugawa has founded Buddhism, and when it spreads to my lands, I convert right away. I've noticed there's no other civ on the island, which means there must be another continent with a few civilizations as well. No need not to switch to Buddhism then. De Gaulle also converts, and I'm expecting a Buddhism love-fest until we meet the rest of the world.

Well, this surely surprised me in 325 BC:

I wasn't expecting that, but I had refused a demand of his a while back. At least he's true to his words. And as I said before, I was looking forward to getting him back for the last game, where he made me lose the game. The units he'd moved into my lands aren't really impressing me either. I do have an Axeman close to his lands, so I might do some pillaging there. He's fairly close to me in power, and considering he has way less cities than I do, he probably has an attacking stack I can't see somewhere. I switch to Axeman production everywhere possible for now. What do you think, is it possible to take Paris and Lyons? I'm afraid the maintenance will really kill me... De Gaulle did get the Great Lighthouse, so that might make it worthwile. His empire seems pretty small, so I guess I can outlast/outproduce him easily and then crush him.

War screenshots:

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My tech path in the past few turns:
Animal Husbandry - Alphabet - Iron working - Currency
Sigining in, Emperor/Normal.I have a few games and a 2000 word history essay to do this weekend so i might not be able to update untill next weekend.
Monarch/Normal, 1150 AD
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Horrible tech pace in this game. I'm one turn from Lib now, and these guys aren't quite keeping up in that matter. I'm a bit lagging in military techs, but DG doesn't declare at pleased and Toku isn't in Wheeorn, so that can wait.
No ideas how advanced the other continent is yet, but they can't be too advanced.

Current empire. I'll have do spread Judaism some more. Only problem is that no one here has Theo yet, but Christianity has been founded ages ago. So, while there is a jewish lovefest on my continent, a jewish AP is unlikely.

So, what should I do? Risk losing Lib to an unmet civ and delay it or just take Nationalism or something (no way building the Taj could hurt, even without Marble or Industrious)
Decided to have some fun and played noble. Start - 1560 AD

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Obviously, which copper in capital, that screams ax rush. But I said screw it and did a horse archer rush.

SIP, worker, warrior, settler (size 2), settle the deer and wheat spot to my east. Grew capital a little, then settled my third city to claim horses. Built stables and barracks then declared on Hannibal with like 6 HA's.

Rolled him in a few turns. Then sent my troops towards toku. Had probably like 10-12 at this point. I managed to kill him in five turns. His capital is obviously a great production center and he built me some goodies :)

Switch to rep, a lot of cities have good food so I run 2 scientists in most cities. I continue the build up and heal and then move to the French.

I think I destroyed the French at 425 AD, but forgot to take a screen shot. Here is the empire at 620AD. I recover economy, filled out the rest of my island. Head towards lib. I got lazy and automated everything. I cottage spammed everything, teched to democracy and switched to emancipation. I built the GL, Parth, MOM and Collosus on the same turn somehow. I had three consecutive MOM fueled golden ages after I built the Taj.

Liberalism in 960 AD.

Still haven't met the neighbors. I am just going to declare the moment I meet them, because I think it is hilarious.

And that is what I do. Hey, I meet Shaka first in 1420, and he is still researching alphabet? :crazyeye:

Take two of his cities and cap him. Take two of Pericles cities and cap him. Take two of Fred's cities and cap him. Conquest in 1560.

I wish I had launched from the west as it would have shortened the game by about 100 years or so.
Little write-up again, I'm calling it a day for now.

365 BC - 840 AD

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On the first turn of the war, De Gaulle decides to attack Addis Ababa with a Warrior and an Archer. Addis Ababa was protected by an Axeman and an Archer, resulting to my Axeman going from 5 to 4.7 strenght. I got really scared of course.
I finish a couple of units, and my first spy. I'd noticed that I'm able to steal technology from Tokugawa and De Gaulle with the Espionage points I have now. It might just be the starter techs, but if they don't want to trade, I have to get them somehow.
Confucianism spreads in Yeha. I have no clue where it came from, as I missed to notice that it's been founded.

I send a stack into De Gaulle's land, but I can't take the first city, Lyons, because it's guarded by a very strong Archer and it's on a hill. I decide that my second group should take it out while my main group should head for Paris.

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Also I research Code of Laws to deal with my maintenance cost problems via Courthouses. To my surprise, the religion hasn't been founded yet. Well actually, I made a straight beeline for it, so I should've expected it. As I'm playing with choose religion, I can choose how to call the new religion. After looking on Wikipedia ("Ethiopia has close historical ties to all three of the world's major Abrahamic religions. It was one of the first Christian countries in the world, having officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the 4th century. It still has a Christian majority, but a third of the population is Muslim.") I decide to found Christianity. The religion is founded in Addis Ababa, which is interesting cause that's one of my better gold farms. If I spread the religion around the island, and I get a Great Prophet, I can make quite a bit of money with that. Of course the happyness can never hurt either. I send the Missionary to Aksum.

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In 200 AD a really heroic Axeman kills one Archer during my turn, and three more Archers during De Gaulle's turn. Protected by a river, he eventually falls to the fifth Archer, but it made a nice difference attacking Lyons. In 275 AD the first French city fell:

In 425 AD I had an army in place that I thought could take Paris down. It was really close, but I was right, my very last Swordman could take down the very last defender, and now I own a third capitol:

Then in 560 AD I took Orleans as well.

City Raider III units are really good, I've never had a bunch of those so early :). Also I (accidently) got a Great Scientist, which I sent to Addis Ababa to create an Academy.

I've gone up to Pleased with Tokugawa, opening borders with him right away. He's spamming wonders, so I might be tempted to take him down quickly. It'd give me the Buddhist Holy city as well as a bunch of wonders.

But of course, De Gaulle is first. He started annoying me with Swordmen with both a strenght and a melee bonus, that could kill anything I had sent up north. Of course, reinforcing took a long time. It was already too late for him though, having lost Paris quickly in the war. His last two cities fell pretty quickly, but I couldn't have taken one more with the force I had deployed

It's been going good so far, but I'll really need to tech up a bit now if Tokugawa allows me. He's being a pain in the @!#$ with trading, so I had to research a few techs myself that normally I trade for. His land basically cuts the old French lands and Ethiopia's home base in two. I think I'll have to do something about that later, maybe with a beeline to riflemen or something. I guess I'm not in a position to attack while Tokugawa has his Samurais coming up really soon.

For now, I'll spread the three religions I have around in my cities and try if I can get a great Prophet up for the Christian Holy City. I also have a couple of city sites I haven't had the chance to settle yet due to De Gaulle's agression towards me. Somewhere during the war, I even got a random event to end the war, but since I had a score to settle with him I refused that ;).

For now, a few screens of the great Ethiopian empire:

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Attempted a Cuirassiers and Spies war, the Spies part didn't quite work out:(
Monarch/Noble, 1555
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So, I took Miltrad from Lib and started building the two aforementionen units and declared war on DG. Had to defy the AP, but still, the first two or cities fell VERY easily. So, I'm standing in front of Paris and... city revolt is not an option anymore. Centuries of EPs on DG and I still only can revolt 2 or 3 cities. Paris fell anyway, but after that the war became a stalemate. Toku joined in (at pleased, of course:mad:) and made it even worse. DG wouldn't capitulate because he was afraid of my enemies, Toku wouldn't talk. Eventually the AP forced peace between me and Toku, and DG said "We're doing fine on our own". Grr. Took peace anyway, even if that means Parisis going to have no land. At least its wonders (including AP and Spiral) should pay for it.

Tech is not too ugly, if it wasn't for the fact that Toku is closing in on Rifling. I REALLY don't want to have to deal with AGG/PRO-Rifles.

Ethiopia extended its northen border a bit and is now at 20 cities, but at quite a price. 4 French cities (would have been 5, but I lost rouen on the last turn of war and only noticed it after I took peace:sad:) and 2 Japanese, one of which was the gift city Qohaito. Would be better if they weren't crippled by culture and my own cities wouldn't have suffered severe unhappiness all the time. Oh well, at least my workers have some more work noe, not quite going to be enough until Railroad but oh well.
Speaking of Railroad, Industrial war is probably where I'll want to continue. Infantry and Artillery to take over mainland France and stall possible counterattacks by Toku, then I plan to switch to Tanks and bombers and for the other continent (it must be incredibly backwards, still no Caravels met... I mean, even Toku has Astro) I could just use nukes.
Right! I am quite new to civ, and quite new to Noble. I've lurked around here on the forums for a while, but I decided to make an account just for the Nobles Club! So, first post, first Nobles Club game, first time winning? Lets hope so! Currently here is how I stand at 850 BC.

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So, I've encountered Hannibal, De Gaulle and Tokugawa. I never looked at the map spoilers, but I'm guessing its a continents map? Anyway, I'm leaving the French and Japanese alone for now, but Hannibal is a bit close for comfort. As of now, I'm trying to gear up for war to get rid of him. My preferred early strategy is to get the Great Wall up, so I can pop out a Great Spy, settle them, and pull ahead in espionage. Unfortunately, the vile Japanese stole it from me. They shall have to be destroyed! But for now, I will bide my time till Hannibal is taken care of >.>

Heres my current tech tree.

I REXed and ended up like this. It's looking good. I got Hannibal boxed in, and the city in the top right was accidentally founded directly on top of Iron. I should be able to take care of Hannibal with little difficulty.

So, any tips? I'm probably gonna go for a Space Race victory, at least in an ideal world. Something normally goes horribly wrong along the way and I fail, and end up watching my empire crash and burn.
Oh, sorry for the double post, but whats the right image size for posting on the forums?

Looking back at my post, the images are a bit too small :(
@ Funk: I have a 16o0x1050 screen, but resize to 1200x750.

To be honest as long as you put your pictures in spoilers then it's OK as it won't screw the thread with side scrolls.
Right, its about 600 AD or so, and here we are (And thanks Anomander ;):

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The evil Carthaginians have been erased from our History books, and from the world map. I'm now turning my attention towards the Japanese, for they build the Great Wall, a mistake that can only be remedied by death. We are preparing for war! (And then peace with the French, cause we need someone to spend all those espionage points on!)

Right! I am quite new to civ, and quite new to Noble. I've lurked around here on the forums for a while, but I decided to make an account just for the Nobles Club! So, first post, first Nobles Club game, first time winning? Lets hope so! Currently here is how I stand at 850 BC.

So, any tips?

Hard to tell from those pictures but

1) I think you're being a bit sparse with your cities - the map I downloaded a number of locations with interesting resource tiles that you don't seem to have taken an interest in.

2) That capital move was probably a waste of hammers

3) Your cities are awfully small in the 600AD pictures.

Right now, you control enough land to cinch the win, but you are getting less value from that land than you ought to at this stage of the game, which is going to make the win harder than it should be.

Not at all bad for someone who is "new to Noble", though.
Monarch/Normal, 1896 AD
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As planned, I took over DG with Infantry (I didn't even have to declare war, he did it himself) and Toku with Tanks and bombers. Now I'm building up for the final war: Shaka and his two lackeys are going to be nuked, and how. Finished Manhattan, finished UN, and am currenly spamming garbage cities for Mining inc all over the place on the continent. Forge, Factory, Coal Plant, Courthouse, ICBM spam. Also moved my capital to the much nicer Adulis, since I have Cristo I'm probably going to switch back to Bureau to get the production bonus.
Anyway, it's only a matter of enough ICBMs and I'll win Diplo. Shaka has 23 cities, I have 42. After 10 turns of ICBM building I should be able to declare war.

Tech situation is not worth showing, the AI is teching so slow it's not even funny.
@ Funk Mama

Could you post some screenshots from a bit closer by? It's hard to judge how you've built tile improvements and the like from this far out. Your cities seem quite small indeed, have you whipped a lot?
Alright, since the first game ended in quick failure, I gave it another go:
Prince/No Huts/Normal/Wait, I didn't disable events?

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I went with what I did initially, again. Agriculture for the food improving, and BW to some cut down some of the friggin trees. It's good that we start with hunting; the deer will be mine soon. I avoided the same mistake as last time by setting a rally point. It still ended up pretty brutal; quite a few axemen died, and somehow Hannibal escaped to a random city back to the west and had archers guarding it; that took a bit longer. Apparently, I didn't have the wheel (oops) but you don't seem to need a road because of the river. Nice thing to know. Because of this ghettoness, I lacked pottery for granaries so that was the next step to take. I did, however research writing for some reason...Normally, Hannibal's not a bad neighbor but he was just too close to be comfortable and nobody else was nearby. I was hoping to trade with any other newcomers.


Sadly, the writing was a terrible waste since I see Toku, and the slightly nicer DeGaulle. To my dismay, they had both adopted Buddhism, and due to the distance, it would take forever to get to me. Not good...

Regardless, I decided to stake out some land. Unfortunately, I must have built them too far out, and was being harassed by Barbarians-- they even rebuilt a city after I destroyed it. Oh yea, apparently at this level you have to fogbust more. In any case, I had too many units, and uh oh...Broke and with an angry empire

Fortunately, I had alphabet; sadly Degaulle did not have monarchy yet, so i set every city to build research while running scientists. A few axemen quit the job but it was fine once I got HR. Once everyone was happy, I could begin recovery. Then I got a jump to currency, traded it, and started spamming libraries/markets every which way.

I recover and go for bureaucracy... and then Toku declares war on me. Wtf? Oops, maybe I should have remembered to switch to Buddhism too, but the damned thing took forever to get to me. I had also found Taoism which I didn't switch too, but I never get around the entire game to getting myself a GP; oh well. I was more worried about Toku attacking me. His only excuse was "our close borders spark tensions" Really? Maybe you should stop placing your cities idiotically.

The war ends in a stalemate for several centuries. Toku shows off a few war elephants, but never does anything productive at them. I couldn't really advance because I still had classical units and not even construction. Eventually I get 1 catapult and slowly bombard down a town to the north and capture it. Knowing that this is going nowhere, I immediately call for peace (he refused to talk forever), and he surrenders Meditation to me. Ok... was that really worth it? Also he already had machinery for some reason (damn french gave it to him) so that would be bad

There is much unimproved land since some workers were hiding in cities, while others got eaten by horsemen who also pillaged; this would be a reoccurring theme throughout this game.

Soon after the war, I get a library quest, but fortunately, all my cities have libaries and I get it immediately. A random event that helps, wow.

But apparently being Buddhist and having natural peaceweights match (they're both low peace, apparently) was no good as Toku decides to attack DeGaulle now. What the hell is wrong with him? He's picking fights he can't win. Or maybe not, Toku seizes a French city; meanwhile I continue building markets and wealth so I can catch up in tech.

I win the lib race, which makes me wonder if the other continent is full of warmongers. Once that happens, I get nationalism and built the Taj; I also resume building military units-- crossbows, maces, and siege to take advantage of the war that's still going on. I also then tech gunpowder-- something I'd usually never do. I usually would go down the Printing Press route, but I wanted to check out the UU.

Meanwhile, I meet the other continent and do some trading. Shaka seems to have gotten owned, to my shock. I eventually badger them to give me astronomy as they are fairly backwards, but that was a pretty low priority since I'm not crossing the ocean any time soon/

DeGaulle asks me to join, which I oblige (then he chickens out himself, bleh). Tokugawa is horrifcaly backwards, but he is definitely pumping tons of units given his new conquered cities. This new war was pretty ugly, with Knights and Samurais doing a number on the Oromos. After just massing a ton of units to push him to his capital, he finally caves when I get cannons and capitulates. However, it's already 1800 because I had moved so cautiously and tried to hold each captured city. I probably should have taken breaks in between... but I figure meh... screw it, and shortly after go after Degaulle who has been annoying me with spies. They even stole Lib! Now that I have rifles, he doesn't put up much of a fight but it sure takes a while. Then finally at 1900, I have control of the continent. But what happened to my workers? Crap, they all died again. Also, I relaly had no idea what the heck to do with all those plains forests. Biology is the next step.

As it is so late, and I don't even have infantry or any kind of fleet; an invasion of the other continent is out of the question. At this point, I rebuild most of my fallen workers, and just started improving the ravaged land. Universities and banks were all set up across the empire, along with forges, and finally power. I figure I can launch a sneak attack and cap a civ or two for diplomation or, just go for space race. I go for the crossroads at radio for bombers and snag some wonders in the meantime. Effel Tower, Broadway, Rock and Roll, Cristo Redtendor so I can pretend to be spiritual. I also opted for state property as it would take too long to spread corporations in addition to the other stuff.

Unfortunately, relations have deteriorated with the other side, and sadly the other continent loves each other too much. Pericles builds the UN and I just don't have the votes. Out of laziness, I prepare for space techs, and beeline the end of the tech tree.

I have no idea why I built the city here. Maybe it was a barb city. It would have been better off to the north west so it didn't have so many ice caps. But at least some of the snow is buildable. But here, in this frozen wasteland would have some hardworking industries that would pound out space parts and lead my to victory. As I head towards space tech, I decide to have them work on Rock n Roll and the internet, which nets me some crap I don't want to trade for and ensures they'll never get any kind of tech advantage as they'll trade it around to their vassals. And with the ironworks, it was able to take over certain parts that other cities were taking too long too complete, resulting in some pretty funny fail gold from my outer cities.

As I waited for the last parts to finish, Pericles were nearing a culture victory, but he wouldn't make it in time. He finished Manhattan, so I sign a peace treaty with him just in case as well as starting on SDI.

In the meantime Fred and Shaka went to war. Both were pretty inferior in tech and no longer able to threaten me, so I decided to join Fred for a little. The war didn't last long, so I made peace with Shaka and sadly the relationship boost with Fred wasn't enough for a UN victory.

Due to my crappy scouting, I noted in disgust that Fred had snuck a city on my continent to the far southern wastelands for oil. But whatever. This will end in peace since I'll be out of this planet anyways. I also tried building the space elevator for the hell of it, but apparently you can't build it anymore when the spaceship launches. :p



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So I got very into the game, so here is the last update, circa 2033 AD.

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The heinous Japanese were too difficult to take down, and I ended up calling in the French to help. Sadly, the unexpected happened, and Japan vassaled to France. A couple hundred turns later and France has vassaled everyone and are launching their ship.

So what did I learn? A lot about warfare. Not to neglect warfare, and not to neglect you're empire while warring. I ended up doing both, and I paid for it. But still, theres always next time :D

Oh, the two cities I lost were taken by the Zulu, and then quickly taken by France.
Monarch/Normal, 1904 AD, UN Diplo
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It all went just as planned. I built some nukes, declared on Shaka the turn the UN resolution was, razed some of his coastal core cities and won diplo. In the very last turn I also had to notice I forgot to turn off events so Shaka got a huge amount of rifleman as an excuse for my offenses against civilization.

Statistics. Workers/cities ratio is only so bad because I spammed some crap cities where there was enough space towards the end. They didn't help at all, but if the game would have lasted maybe 30 turns longer, they would have. I still might have been working some unimproved tiles in the former french and japanese cities, I just didn't feel like searching my scattered trade-network-automated workers.

Ethiopia at the end. As I said, these size 1 spam cities were not worth the effort. Yet.
Fun game overall, despite two screwed up wars (first, I had to choke Carthage instead of capturing it because I didn't bring enough axes, then my cuirassiers and spies war against the French failed in the spies part and turned into a dogpile-stalemate.) Honestly didn't expect Monarch to be so forgiving.
@ Funk Mama:

In order to get some advice and help, I would advise posting a more complete idea of what you are doing, when you are doing it, and your thought processes.

More screenshots in more detail would help too.

People on these forums are some of the most helpful I've come across, and I've played many games and am a member of many forums. The only other one that comes close is the SPF (single player forum) on ( )

If you have time take a look at Awilder's 2nd Immortal Game thread from page 2 - Note how much info Awilder gives for each turnset, how much feedback is given on decision making and just how many screen shots there are. LOTS of them showing close ups of the land for city placement ideas and a lot of city details too.

Now, you don't have to go that far if you don't want to, but I suggest you might need to post a few more than you are doing at the moment :D
Our next leader is Zara Yaqob of Ethiopia, whom we last played in NC X. The Ethiopians start with Hunting and Mining.

I hate to be a nitpicker, but NC 55 was also a Zara game.

Yeah, looking back at everyone else, I realized how little I actually posted. I shall post more next time around!
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