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Nero02-no science - Emperor


We declare war on Russia and capture Orenburg, then Maya destroys Russia. Build one new city in desert. Rush a granary in Kente to set up a 2-turn worker factory. Maya declare war in 1465, raze the new city and capture one other. I assume we should dogpile against Maya, but haven't done so yet. I don't have time to wage war, but I can finish the turnset tomorrow morning.
I slept late Sunday, and didn't have time to play yesterday. I just finished tonight.

1470 (4)
Ally Ottomans vs Maya: WM, 415 gold
Ally Netherlands vs Maya: WM, 240 gold
Lose 4 cavalry before destroying the lone tank.
Upgrade warriors, MI to TOW Inf; knights to cavalry.
Rush/short-rush 12 artillery for a total of about 3000 gold.

IT: Ottomans capture Kawauka, destroy most of Maya attack forces.
Mayan destroyer sinks one of our galleys.

1475 (5)
Buy Oil from Netherlands for Saltpeter and 113 gpt.
IT: Our military plans have been stolen!! :lol:

1480 (6)
Capture Moscow
IT: Ottomans capture three Mayan cities

1485 (7)
Ottomans and Netherlands have Fission
Buy from Ottomans for 12,160 gold.
U.N. due in 9 turns, reassign citizens to get it done in 5 turns.
Uranium in Centralia and near Moscow.

1490 - 1500

Maya are obviously no threat to us now, but I built some tanks anyway. After all, we are paying for the oil. I also have a battleship under construction, just in case. Maya will probably cry for peace soon, but we must honor our alliances.
Looks like it won´t take long anymore. Will play in couple of days, as it´s just the 2 of us now.
Start some pre-builds
Disband some obsolete units.
Rush temple in Moscow
Moscow temple ->walls
Caughnawaga UN->stock exchange
IBT Otomans sign peace and declare on maya's in same turn, we lose the alliance
sign RoP with Ottomans
Settle Owego and claim dye
rush another settler in Kente
Settle Neodakheat->lib
Rush lib in Owego
Settle Oiogouen->lib
Mayas and Ntehrlands sign peace and declare again, which lets us make peace.
Owega lib->walls
Rush libs in Neo and Oio
Maya won't give nothing so I wait
IBT mayas sink our battle ship
Make peace with maya for 39 gold, WM and worker
Sell Fission to Mayans for amphious warfare and 6gpt (just so they can research for us to).
IBT Otto's and Netherlands learn nuclear power, but won't trade
Otto's and Netherland learn space flight, no trading
Oto's and India sign MPP
Mayas got to space flight
Buy Nuclear power from Dutch for 12400
Buy Space flight from mayas for Nuclear power and 2300gold
Change allegheny to Apollo
Allegheny apollo->manhattan
Switched cities to all available SS parts.
Maya is down to 2 cities

Methos Up (should be back tomorrow)
1555 AD (1):
IT: The Dutch destroy the Mayans.

1570 AD (4):
IT: SS Docking Bay & SS Cockpit finished.

1575 AD (5):
IT: Dutch: We get Oil; we give Saltpeter, World Map, and 2242 gold

1580 AD (6): The Ottomans and Netherlands have learned Computers. No one is willing to trade it yet.
IT: SS Engine is finished.

1585 AD (7): Synthetic Fibers is also available, but no one is willing to trade.

-We need to build up our cash so that someone is willing to sell us Synthetic Fibers.
-We should probably build up our military too.
-Three SS parts are finished.

Here's the 1600 AD save.
I got it. Not sure when I'll have time to play, though.
I got started, but there's a problem...

1600 (0)
IT: Manhattan complete

1610 (2)
Amphibious War to India for 26 gpt

1615 (3)
Buy Synthetic Fibers from Ottomans for 11660 gold

IT: Ottomans declare war!!
Goigouen captured
Gandasetaigon razed
Workers/slaves captured
Yokohama (undefended) captured

1620 (4)
Ally with Netherlands for 475 gold
India declares war (MPP with Ottomans)
Recapture Goigouen
Recapture Yokohama
Upgrade 10 tanks to MA

I stopped because I want another opinion on what to do with our northermost cities. Should we abandon them, or just leave them undefended? I don't think we can spare units to defend them. Also, how many new artillery should we build?
Won't really hurt us if we lost most northern cities. Would help if we could hang on to Owego (dyes) Iznik (FP), maybe claim St.Petersburg to get spices. Hope they will talk soon. Usually the AI will talk after taking 5 or 6 cities in 4 or 5 turns.
Do we want to use any of our gold to rush some extra units? We can rush artillery for no more than 360 gold each. I think we should double the number of artillery we have in order to be most effective. MA would cost 520 gold max, but I'd short-rush them for less in more productive cities.
Could do with a couple of arties, but we will need the cash to buy techs too. Would not rush too many, just enough to keep them of the important cities long enough. As I wrote, I expect this war to be over fairly soon anyway.
I'll finish the turnset tonight.

Edit: I have completed my turns, but don't have time for turnchat. I'll just say that things have gone very well. I expect to be home early tomorrow, so I should have turnchat and save posted by late afternoon.
1620 (cont)
Rush/short-rush 8 artillery for 1,244 gold.

IT: India declare war on Dutch
Owego and Oiogouen captured, Neodakheat and Moscow razed (Hanging Gardens destroyed), Kente captured. A total of 350 gold stolen in the process.

1625 (5)
Cavalry attack: Defeat 4 red-lined MA with loss of 3 cavalry.
Redline a stack of 6 MA, then destroy them with no loss.
Upgrade 7 wounded tanks to MA for 420 gold.

IT: Defeat 4 MA, redline a few others; lose 1 TOW, 2 Infantry

1630 (6)
Clean up Ottomans attack forces, and prepare an assault on Aydin.
Artillery successfully reduces 4 MI, 3 TOW and an MA in Aydin to 1 or 2 hp each.
Our MA move in and defeat all defenders, including a fourth TOW, with no losses. We take 805 gold in spoils and raze the city, taking 6 slaves.
War weariness has already become a serious issue. We buy 3 luxuries from the Dutch for a total of 101 gpt. This allows a lower luxury rate, and nets us 162 gpt.
Finally, an attack on a few non-threatening TOW yields an MGL, which is immediately used to create an army.

1635 (7)
Recapture Kente (804 gold in spoils)
Score another MGL attacking St Petersburg
Capture St Petersburg (810 gold in spoils)
Use second MGL for another army

IT: Dutch begin building the Internet

1640 (8)
Regroup/heal. Armies pillage.

1645 (9)
Capture Kawauka (807 gold)
Recapture Oiogouen (541 gold)
Score a third MGL on Rostov
Capture Rostov (549 gold)
Recapture Owego (557 gold)

1650 (10)
Haven't done much this turn, not sure how aggressive we want to be. Third MGL has not been used.
We may be able to lower lux tax again, since we picked up the dyes near Owego.
Ottomans won't talk yet. That's just as well, we need to honor our alliance.

We have taken nearly 5000 gold in spoils and gained local access to two new luxury resources. This war has definitely paid for itself. We should be able to get Computers as part of the peace treaty, when that time comes.
We're looking great, played couple of turns, removed Otto's from our eastern border and took few cities in west. Think should hold now, use armies to pillage their rails, to prevent sneak attacks. Ottomans are willing to talk, but not yet willing to give a tech. I also think we should keep alliance so we wait. Should be able to finish tomorrow, will post detailed log then. The Dutch finished India by the way, just 3 civ's left including us.
Wow, we're doing great
Razed Yakutsk for 902 gold
Captured Yaroslav and Novogrod
Create another armor-army to cover the arties
Ottos take an armor on the rebound
Take Ottos armor
Raze Edrine to releive cultural presure, will have huge flip risk anyway, get 1090 gold for it.
Found Skannayutenate
India wants peace, I accept, for their gold
Found Onnontare and Gandasetaigon
Move units towards Istanbul, Ottos don't want to give techs yet
Ottos send out some armors
Found Kiohero
Found Neodakheat
Raze Istanbul for 942 gold
Made little mistake Ottos capture lot of workers but will be able to take them back next turn
Found New Salamanca, New Niagara Falls
Use armies for pillaging to prevent Otto's form surpize attacks.
Lost oil, but don't need it now
Dutch move trough our territory to get to Ottomans
Pillaging, improving
complete pentagon
Dutch complete Seti
Get another leader, put it in Capitol for further use
Dutch just learned Superconductor, but don't want to trade

Just 4 more turns of war. Otto's have Sattelites which Dutch don't have
Otto's still don't want to give tech without us ging gold too, could raze couple of more cities but don't want to make them to weak for the Dutch to run over them.


View attachment 108510

Methos UP
Mathias on deck
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