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Nero02-no science - Emperor

nerovats said:
Make that tomorrow again, got my hands on a civ4 disk, got a little carried away. Did win, but this will need some work to know how to play.

Understand. Now that I have CivIV the only CivIII game I've played is SGOTM8. The other CivIII SG's I'm in seem totally inactive. I believe everyone's forgotten about them.
check CA2 for communism net gain would drop form 620 to 358. Dicide to stick with repyublic for now. Can buy electricity but won't be able to sell so I wait to let price drop.
Trade ToG to india for WM, 13 gpt 24 gold
change lot of cities to factories
rush the missing courts
decide to buy electricity now to be able to tell when someone researches replacement parts. Get it from Maya for WM and 3601 gold.
RP is alredy known, get it from mayans again for 70 gpt and 2410 gold
sell electricity to Ottomans for Ironclads WM and 56 gold
sell ironclads to inca for WM 40 gpt and 30 gold
forgot about it but workers worke twice as hard now.
sell ironclads to russians for WM, 18gpt and 27 gold
sanitation is available haven't bought it yet, as it's last turn.

In hindsight I think it was a good idea to stay in republic as otherwise we wouldn't have had the cash to buy both electricity and replacement parts.
Now ended turnset with about the same gold, gained 2 techs and rushed several buildings.
Will play tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Well, you know...

1050 AD
Buy Corporation from the Netherlands for 2540 gold.
Trade Corporation to Ottomans for Sanitation, WM, 15 gold.

1060 AD
IT: Russia-Netherlands ally vs Inca (Russia declares)
Maya begins ToE

1070 AD
Maya and Netherlands both have Scientific Method
Ottoman Fur-Coal trade to expire, attempt to renegotiate.
They have their own coal now, so get the furs for 32 gpt.
Give coal, 1825 gold to Maya for SM
Sell SM to Ottomans for 86 gpt, 160 gold, WM
Inca have no gpt available, so no renegotiation.
IT: Inca offer to continue 26 gpt for iron, accept.

1080 AD
Maya and Netherlands have Refining
Won't be able to sell it, so don't buy it.

1100 AD
IT: Coal near Gandasetaigon exhausted!

1110 AD
New source of coal is in India, and will be available.
Gift SP to India. They want Iron and Nationalism for Coal, we'll take it.

1120 AD
Maya and Netherlands have Espionage

1140 AD
Ottomans have Espionage

1150 AD
Ottomans still have little to offer. Refining, if we buy it now, will certainly get Espionage, but is that worth it?

Some factories were completed, those cities now building hospitals and stock exchanges. I didn't rush any buildings, but we can afford to. Not sure about building factories in corrupt cities, I don't think they're worth the maintenance.
1150 AD (0): We don’t really need it, but why not.
India: We get World Map, 14 gpt, and 15 gold; we give Sanitation.
Japan: We get 6 gpt and 9 gold; we give Magnetism.
IT: The rampaging Mayans have destroyed the Inca. Japan enters the Industrial Age.

1190 AD (4): Do a little trading.
Maya: We get Steel; we give World Map and 3,434 gold.
Ottomans: We get Espionage and Refining; we give Steel, World Map, and 2100 gold.
IT: Maya declare war on the Dutch. The Mayans complete the Theory of Evolution. Ottomans declare war on the Dutch.

1200 AD (5):
IT: Russia and the Netherlands sign a MA versus the Maya. The Mayans finish Universal Suffrage.

1210 AD (6):
IT: Ottomans declare on the Russians. India declares on the Russians.

1220 AD (7):
IT: Japan declares on the Ottomans.

-Allegheny is building the Intelligence Agency; it’ll be done in four. We should start placing spies when it’s done.
-I’ve been primarily building hospitals, courthouses, police stations, and stock exchanges. In that order. We should probably consider upping our military strength.
-Everything is R&R’ed. All the workers (except three) are parked on a mountain between Allegheny and Salamanca.
-Ever since ToE was completed I have attempted to buy Atomic Theory every round but the Mayans won’t trade it. Continue checking every turn. If we have to we can steal it when the Intelligence Agency is completed.

Here’s the current world war…

Here’s the save.
wake some worker to join cities, keep slaves.
join more workers
Start building some infantry.
get AT for 10800 gold, they also have electronics
sell to dutch for 3800 gold
sell to ottomans for 102 gpt, 66 gold
can't buy electronics yet, will need to save for it. Started battlefield as pre-build.
Finish intelligence agency
ttempt steal
get caught, Maya's are annoyed now
try again get electronics.
Start Hover Dam, join workers to Allegheny to increase speed.
sell to dutch for 3500, that was mistake should have waited asottomans have nothing to spend.
mistake becomes bigger as dutch discover combustion, can't buy it now.
attempt steal again, fails but not caught
change battlefield to wallstreet
we can now buy combustion, since last turn I leave it to next player.

Since all AI keep warmongering I started on a lot of infantries to prevent being declared upon. I suggest to keep upgrading our army and culture.

Wallstreet is due next turn, Hoover Dam in 9. Ai's are building it too, make sure to get it in 9, that should be enough.

View attachment 103763

Mathias UP
OK, I got it. Expect to play tomorrow.
Busy week...

1300 (0)
Netherlands: WM, 3950 gold for Combustion, WM
Ottomans: Combustion for 81 gpt

Wall Street >> Infantry

1305 (1)
IT: Netherlands/Maya peace
Iznik Library >> Barracks

1310 (2)
IT: Netherlands demand Iron. Sure. William is now polite.

1315 (3)
IT: Kente Marketplace >> Library

1320 (4)
IT: Iznik Barracks >> Infantry

1335 (7)
IT: Mauch Chunk Courthouse >> Infantry

1340 (8)
IT: Hoover Dam >> Infantry

1350 (10)
Flight was out a few turns ago, but not worth getting. Now, Mass Production is also known. Ottomans have MP but not Flight.

I just kept churning out infantry. We now have 35, up from just 4, and are one unit below the free support limit. How many do we want in total? Once we get comfortable, we need to build more stock exchanges.
1350 AD (0): Well, it seems everyone is okay with our current military force so I switch all infantry builds to infrastructure. All except one city switched.
Maya: We get Flight; we give 4,424 gold.
Ottomans: We get World Map, Mass Production, and 21 gpt; we give Flight.

1355 AD (1): Should have waited a couple turns to make the deal with the Ottomans. Just caught the previous deal that is about to end.
IT: The Mayans have destroyed the Japanese.

1360 AD (2):
IT: Ottomans wish to negotiate on our fur deal, so…
Ottomans: We get Furs; we give 582 gold.

1375 AD (5):
IT: Ottomans and Maya have signed a MA against Russia. We build Battlefield Medicine.

1380 AD (6): Maya: We get Motorized Transportation; we give 3,307 gold.
IT: India still wants our Iron but isn’t willing to pay as much.
India: We get 17 gpt; we give Iron.

1395 AD (9): Ecology is now known by both the Ottomans and the Netherlands. I can get it cheaper through the Ottomans by 109 gold but would rather buy it from the Netherlands. They are not at war and appear to be researching strong.
Netherlands: We get Ecology; we give 12,208 gold.
Maya: We get 8,525 gold; we give Ecology.

-I’m not for sure, but since we have Hydro plants I don’t believe Solar plants would be of any benefit. Can’t remember so I could be wrong.
-Been working on infrastructure, trying to get commercial docks, stock exchanges, etc. up and running.
-Had to build a few coliseums as we were close to unhappiness. Don’t really like them as they cost 2 gpt in maintenance.
-Also building mass transit as we need to reduce our chance of pollution.

Here's the save.
Solar plants are of no use indeed, can only have 1 advanced plant (hydro, solar, nuclear, coal)

Got it.
short rush som building in north
change some builds of cities below 12 from mass transit as those only work above 12 and some hospitals in cities that won't grow above 12 anyway.
Change Caughnawaga to palace prebuild for UN.
Ottomans want us to assist them in their war against Russia, I say not thanx.
AI have learned amphibious warfare, we don't want it.
Do trade get fascism ofr Atomic theory and Combustion form Russia, but mainly to help Russia, would like to keep them alive.
Someone is upsetting the citizens of Gewauga, put 6 units in it to prevent flip.
Buy rocketry from Ottomans for 11400 gold
Can only get 2400 from Maya's? They have a lot more, but take it anyway.
Sell fascism to India for 13gpt and 30 gold
Maya want 100 gold, I cave.
Slow down the palace build to prevent finishing to soon.
Russians are losing quick now (down to 2 cities), changed to some settler in north to fill in the gaps.

View attachment 105386
Hey everyone, just letting you all know that from December 4th until December 11th my wife and I will be taking a Carnival cruise in the Caribbean. I will not be able to play my turns during that timeframe. There is internet on the ship so I might check up on the games once or twice but nothing more.

Note: Please skip me as of this post and all days up until December 12th. Our returning flight lands around 10:30 pm on the 11th and we are not expecting to get home until 2 or 3 am on the 12th. So anytime from the 12th on I will be able to resume play. Thanks!

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