Free: Harvest mana
1AP: Craft stone tools with nearby rocks.
1(2?)AP, 1 mana: Craft a stone oven out of stone blocks, blessing its construction.
(if the oven only costs 1AP, use another 1AP and leftover stone blocks to make a door for the cave entrance)
1AP: Eat and rest, assuming there is enough food to do so.

1 AP to attempt to craft a new spear, as it seems I have lost my old one
1 AP to venture westwards. I am content to just take my shield and spear (or take the axe if I derp at making the spear). Travel light; decamper can have my clothes for now.
1 AP to hunt any small-medium animals (if I have a spear) or just forage (if I have the axe).
1 AP to return eastwards, hopefully carrying some kind of [food item].
1 AP to cook, eat and rest. If we don't have a door, try to barricade the cave entrance with my shield or bits of wood, if I can do that as a free action.

I have mouths to feed. No unesseccary risks out there. Please give crocodiles a wide berth!

Also, if its troublesome for the update format to have me wander 'off screen' and come back again in the same turn, please let me know. I would like to see what is out there if possible :) but I can settle for a text description.
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AP 1: Plant a new herb garden, this one right outside the cave
AP 2: Meditate
AP 3: Meditate
AP 4: Sleep
AP 5: Sleep
@Everblack, if you want to continue to travel you can still do so without an action but only move half as far. As an example, kyzarc has been doing this.
@Daftpanzer sure you can get intelligence like that. Why not wear ur linens? You lost ur spear against the hippopotamus.
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  1. Forage for food, share it and eat it.
  2. Tend to the field and harvest.
  3. Meditate to attune my self with the surrounding plant life.
  4. Rest.
-Craft the zebra bones into a bone dagger for Argon. 1AP
-Meditate on the coming baby, thinking about how we have come so far since I first laid my hand upon that stone on my first day. 1AP
-Get plenty of sleep. 1AP
1 AP: Stand my ground when it comes to the wolves. This is my cave, my land, I dealt with the tiger, I sure as hell can scare them off. Don't *start* a fight, but don't run away from it either
1 AP: Finish that snow golem, once the wolves are dealt with
1 AP: That "clay" gives me an idea. I'm going to try to craft making a larger tablet of clay, one in which I could perhaps, maybe, draw upon and record my history up to this point.
1 AP: Fish I guess?
1 AP: Rest

Free Actions: This part never changes tbh
Considering it seems that this generation of the game is dead, I will post my pieced together map from the game thus far. Please note that the disconnected sections are not placed with respect to each other. Some scenes may have been left out due to no significant change in scene.
NESCraft 2.png
Wow. That's really good. A lot of effort...
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