Free actions: Gather sticks and stones.
  1. Craft a hoe
  2. Use the hoe to create a farm plot.
  3. Plant and tend to some of the berry bushes.
  4. Sleep in the new hut.
1 AP) Forage in the direction of the Arch.
1 AP) Once there, sit under it and stare out over the ocean. (Infuse the mana into the arch, making it a totem.)
1 AP) Return to the lean-to and rest under it again. Roast some veggies on the fire, roast them, eat them, tend to the fire.
IF I am attacked, use an AP to light a torch and use my remaining javelin to chase away whatever is attacking me. Sacrifice rest, if needed, for that.
AP1: Craft String
AP2: Cure water buffalo hide on fire just
AP3: Craft rucksack using the String,Sinew, strong/flexible sticks found around area,timber, stone tools, and lastly the water buffalo hide
AP4: Feed the Big cat the remain beef( I will be eating the other one) and move away carefully from it.
AP5: Head East (alertly)
*p.s if rucksack isn't successful just take Atlatl and spears. If it is successful take
If knapsack can hold two items
2.Fishing net
If it can hold only 1 then take Axe* also put out fire in Tipi
Everblack Day 8 Wanderlust

I have much time here in this spot of land for days now but for some reason I feel that it time to move on. It made sound crazy to leave this area but I found myself lonely in this land. I have seen no one like myself and felt that there has to be others like me out there. If their a chance to found others I can't wait here for someone to stumble onto me. So with my new goal set I get prepared for the long journey.

To get ready I came up with this new idea to help carrier some the stuff I need for traveling. This thing will help greatly reduce the burden of carrying everything with me. I get start to craft some string for tying. Then I start cure the water buffalo hide on fire. I gather some strong/flexible sticks to help with the frame while the use my axe/tools to cut the timber so as to make into the base of the object of my craft. The string will be use to tie and hold it together. Finally the hide will be into a sack sharped bag with the Sinew being use as binding material to secure the bag to the craft. After that when it done I get all my thing together and head east.
Spoiler runsack :

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2AP, 1 Mana: The weeping sky drives us seeking the earth's warm embrace, and so I dig into the mountains using my pickaxe to create a shelter(and ideally getting some stone blocks for future use), praying to the mountain to forgive and bless my transgression.
1AP: After eating (should my companion share their pork), I rest within the mountain.
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You will need linen before you can make clothes. Last turn you spent 3 AP on the toga (string/linen/clothes). With the string in place, you need 2 AP to build clothes, one for the linen and one for the clothes themselves.

Crafty people or those using tools may get more than 1 string per AP spent but there is no guarantee.
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Ah, whoops. My nakedness continues for another turn.
1 AP: Wrap string around wrist as a makeshift-bracelet for ease of carry, then wander to the northeast, following the lakeshore, trying to snag a loon or fish with ye olde spear, and end up at that tree hidden behind the ox
1 AP: Start a fire and eat the delicious loon/fish, tossing enough stuff on it for it to burn for a while.
1 AP: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz by the fire (or up the tree if the fire seems risky)
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Surrounded by the ocean, far away from the psychological stress and mortal peril of terrestrial predators, she finds her mind tranquil. She has time to concentrate, when a new thought, as if of its own will, occurs: Mino. Who is "mino"?

Mino on Tokolma. Mino on ai täsnei satu. Tokolmanin satu. Sookaikea mino sompärän on mami mja täsnei mino on, väkemaia litä maloma. "Tämä on mahtavofie!" she says out loud to rain and the sea.

Her thoughts race again as a world hitherto of mental images - sounds, colours, shapes - becomes a world of words.


OOC: If it's cool with you Immac, I'd like to rename my in-game avatar as Tokolma instead of Stockholme.

free action: cook and eat fish

1 AP - get on the canoe and go fishing among the large fish to the southwest
1 AP - experiment with the red metal by trying to make tools (can try carving the metal, crushing the metal, heating the metal in the fire to see if I can mold it, etc); if this proves fruitless make stone tools instead
1 AP - make linen from grass on the island
1 AP - sleep by the fire, dugout nearby on land

Decamper had suggested we take turns with the pickaxe but I assume we can't really do that - looks like he/she/they are gonna be digging all day until sundown.

In which case..

Entrust Decamper with our food stash. Also offer my linen clothes to her, they need to dry out in any case. I think I can be fine going naked for a while.

1 AP to make a stone axe.
1 AP to chop and gather some wood. I'm looking at the tree in the east, by the rose-coloured mineral.

>Watch out for crocodiles. I should probably have my spear handy.

1 AP to cook the remaining pork, hopefully dry out, and rest. If there's not enough room to shelter in the dig site, let Decamper take it.
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1 AP: Cautiously fish around the river, trying to take care to not agitate those ravens. I'm not touching that.
1 AP: Actually, I'll see if I have any extra fish and throw one to the birds' general direction. Maybe they'll leave me alone
1 AP: After I'm done fishing, I'd like to investigate this "coal" that I found. Play around with it, try to see if I get any sudden inspiration of things I can do with it
1 AP: Craft a golem made out of snow next to the hole to the entrance of my cave, hopefully to ward animals away from the place and show its inhabited.
1 AP: Rest

Free actions: cook food, seal cave for night
NESCraft II Day Ten

There was a whispering in my hearth,
A sigh of the coal.
Grown wistful of a former earth
It might recall.
Wilfred Owen
Decamper turn 10.png

You cook the pork over the fire, sharing it with Decamper as the rain begins to let off and eventually die off. You then spend the morning crafting a fine ax and in the afternoon use it to chop down some timber. While you do Daftpanzer is busy digging out a crevice in the nearby foothills eventually digging out a sizeable cave.

As night falls you crawl into the cave with Decamper, eager for the shelter after last night's rain. The night is eventful and in the morning you Decamper informs you that life stirs in her.


Traits: Ranger
Status: Healthy. Well-fed (+1AP). Well-rested (+1P). Warm. Smells normal.
Action Points: 5
Inventory:Stone Axe (poor quality, poor durability). Whicker shield (poor quality, poor durability), Linen toga (minor enchant: "camouflage", medium quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Thick leather (medium quality, medium durability). Timber (2)

Daftpanzer turn 10.png

The morning is damp but dries out rapidly as the clouds retreat. You share grilled pork on the fire with Daftpanzer and in spend most of the day digging in the nearby foothills, excavating a cave and hauling stone. You ask for the blessing of the Rose Quartz Willow and feel that you work without tiring and in the late afternoon, strike some much harder metal you recognize as iron, know that the blessing of the land is upon your endeavor.

As night falls, you crawl into the cave you have carved, curling up with Daftpanzer. In the morning life stirs within you and you are famished, knowing you will need enough for two as long as you are pregnant.

Your work with the pick and stone has taught you the secrets of being diggy.

Traits: Spiritual, Digger
Status: Healthy. Pregnant (-1AP) Well-fed (+1P). Well- Rested (+1AP). Warm
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Stone Pickax (poor quality, very poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Rose Quartz Willow (basic totem: 1 mana). String (1). Stone (4). Raw iron (1)
Mana: 0
Karma: 1

Everblack turn 10.png

You spend most of the day preparing a rucksack to carry you gear in, utilizing most of the materials you have on hand to do so. When you are finished you are satisfied with the look and make of it; it is large and sturdy though you feel the stitching could be better. Importantly, its large neough to hold your tools, net, and axe and allow you to move on from your site with most of your gear. You say 'goodbye' to your tipi and head eastwards, moving into an area with extensive grassy hills. A leopard appears to be stalking you and you throw it some meat to dissuade it from eating you.

You travel on through the night, arriving at the top of a wide hilly area as morning comes. The leopard continues to track you but your ranger sense tells you it is not stalking you so much as looking for another hand-out.

As the morning's sun rays touch your hill you notice strange white cliffs to the south-east. These looks chalky but glitter and there are veins of dark metal shooting through them. Further east the land turns dryer and strange wide-trunked trees grow thickly.

Your work with the rucksack has left you feeling 'crafty'.


Traits: Ranger, Stalker, Crafty
Status: Healthy. Well-nourished (+1 AP). Tired (-1AP)
Action Points: 3
Inventory: Atlatl (poor quality, poor durability). Cured Deer Hide (moderate quality, poor durability). Spear-case (carries two spears). Spear (Poor quality, Poor durability). Spear (Poor quality, Poor durability). Rucksack (carries 3 items; poor durability). Fishing net (poor quality, poor durability). Stone tools (Poor quality. Poor durability), Stone Axe (Medium quality, poor durability).
Stashed Nearby:
Mana: 0
Karma: 1

J.K. Stockholme "Tokolma"
JK Stockholme.png

You are now Tokolma. You have decided. And so it is.

You start the day by heading out by boat to fish and while on the sea a light rain comes and goes, wetting you but doing little more. Despite your aptitude for the trade and your equipment, luck is not with you and you catch only enough to feed you for the day. You return to your small island cook yesterday's fish, while setting this one out to dry somewhat so it does not rot.

In the afternoon you explore the rusty metal ore but while you are able to scrape at it a bit, you feel you would need a pick to make a significant dent in it or to retrieve a piece. And so you give up and turn your attention to making stone tools. Satisfied with these, you then turn to weaving the local grasses into a linen blanket.

As night falls you rest, waking to the sound of dolphins playing nearby.

J.K. Stockholme "Tokolma"
Traits: Waterborne, Fishy, Crafty
Status: Healthy. Well-fed (+1AP). Rested
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Spear (poor quality, very poor durability), Stone ax (moderate quality, very poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Dugout canoe (medium quality, medium durability). Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability). Linens (poor quality, poor durability). Fish (1). Fish bones (3).
Karma: 1

Kyzarc Fotjage

Kyzarc Fotjage.png

You head eastwards, wrapping the string around your wrist like a bracelet so as to not lose it. As you do, you turn your attention to the nearby birds and manage to catch one with a lucky throw of your spear. You throw it over your shoulder and continuing onwards, come to a colder area and decide to camp here, setting a large fire and using this to cook your meal upon.

Despite the cold wind, you are warm by your fire and in your wooly sheep hide.

You wake and are more attentive to the area around you, having learned much in your travels in the ways of scouting.

Kyzarc Fotjage
Traits: Explorer. Scout.
Status: Healthy. Well-Fed (+1AP). Rested. Chilly.
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Bone spear (poor quality, poor durability), Stone tools (moderate quality, poor durability), Cured wooly sheep hide (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Bird meat (1). Feathers. Bird bones. String.
Karma: 0


You wake rested and alert and share a meal of beef with Lord_Herobrine, and though delicious, the meal is a bit too little to fill you both. None-the-less, its better than going hungry and you get on with your day, crafting a hoe from nearby stone and sticks and using this to plant some seeds from local plants you know to be nutritious. It takes you most of the day but you feel this will be a rewarding endeavor.

As night falls, you return to your hut, sharing a night with Lord_Herobrine. In the morning she shares that life is growing within her and you know you will have to work twice as hard to feed your growing family.


Traits: Crafty, Leafy
Status: Healthy. Well-rested (+1AP). Fed. Warm.
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Stone axe (poor quality, poor durability), Sling (moderate quality, very poor durability), Lizard skin satchel (+2 inventory, moderate quality, moderate durability), Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability).
Stashed Nearby: Small timber cabin (moderate quality, good durability). Stone hoe (poor quality, poor durability). String (1). Lizard skin. Garden plot (sprouting; you should attend it tomorrow to get harvest)


You share a breakfast of grilled beef with LordArgon and watch as she sets up a garden while you work on a new bone spear. Spear in hand, you head out after the nearby zebra but these scatter at your approach, and you are unable to bring any down. You return to the hut, slightly hungry, and laying out your bedroll inside the hut, spend a restful though active night.

In the morning you are pregnant and ravenously hungry.

Traits: Ranger, Tanner
Status: Healthy. Pregnant (-1AP) Well-rested (+1AP). Fed. Warm.
Action Points: 3
Inventory: Bone Spear (moderate quality, poor durability). Cured Dear hide (poor quality, poor durability).
Stashed Nearby: Small timber cabin (moderate quality, good durability). Hide bedroll (good quality, medium durability). Zebra bones.
Karma: 1

Marcher Jovian

Marcher Jovian Turn 10.png

Blinking through your exhaustion, you none-the-less force yourself to spend the morning rubbing wet branches together to get a fire going and by midday are successful. You feed the fire until it burns high and settle in to finally rest, waking in the late afternoon, early evening finally seeing a little more straight and the confusion clearing from your mind.

In the morning you wake and its happened again: another body... this one of a goat.

Marcher Jovian
Traits: Leafy. Herby. Leopardy.
Status: Healthy. Well-rested (+1AP). Well-fed (+1AP). Warm.
Action Points: 5
Inventory: Stone ax (poor quality, very poor durability), Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Stone hoe (moderate quality, poor durability). Gazelle meat (1). Goat meat (1). Uncured Gazelle hide (very poor quality, very poor durability). Uncured goat hide (very poor quality, very poor durability). Raw sinew (2). Medical herbs (1). Dye root (1). Gazelle bones. Chicken bones. Goat bones.

Omega turn 10.png

You head down to the nearby river to catch your breakfast and return with two large trout. You sink deeply along the banks in a thick white mud. Throwing one to the ravens, they quickly descend on it and devour it in minutes. Undaunted, you return to your cave and cook the remaining fish over your fire before turning your attention the coal, striking it with your pick-ax. You manage to collect quite a bit of it and throwing some on the fire, notice how well it burns with a fierce dry heat. As you do, you notice the mud on you turns quite hard as it dries and realize that the remainder of the material, you call 'clay', might prove useful in some way, perhaps as mortar or as an object to be shaped and dried by the fire.

In the early evening you head out to create a golem of snow but quickly give up when you notice you are being hunted by a pack of wolves led by a particularly fierce and large dire wolf which towers over its pack-mates.

You seal up your cave and sleep until morning, full, warm, and safe.

Traits: Warrior
Status: Healthy. Well fed (+1). Well-rested (+1 AP).
Action Points: 5
Inventory: Bone spear (medium quality, poor durability). Stone tools (poor quality, very poor durability). Cured Muskox pelt (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Stone pickax (moderate quality, poor durability), Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability). Stone wall (poor quality, good durability). Rabbit bones. Tiger claws. Tiger teeth. Fish bones (3). Stone (1), Coal (2). Clay (1). Wrecked 1/2 finished snowman
Karma: 0

Thomas.Berubeg turn 10.png

You spend the morning foraging but despite your aptitude for it, do not manage to find anything to eat and instead turn your attention to the arch and the way it seems to communicate with you. You open yourself to and feel the spirit's energy you had connected to previously pouring into the vessel that is the arch (though for a moment your attention flickers and you have a passing worry that the energies would be spilled uselessly everywhere).

The arch begins to glow and shimmer and even though the sun is setting you can feel the early sun's warmth shining on your skin through the arch. It is something magical now.

You return to the lean-to, happy that the rain has passed and sleep deeply, hungry but satisfied with the day's progress.

Traits: Leafy, Herby, Builder
Status: Healthy. Hungry (-1AP). Well-Rested (+1AP).
Action Points: 3
Inventory: Wooden javelin (very poor quality, very poor durability).
Stashed Nearby: Sunrise Arch (basic totem: 1 mana). Lean-to (moderate quality, very poor durability). Horse bones
Mana: 0
Karma: 0

Sunrise Arch:
The totem will produce 1 mana per turn which can be 'harvested/picked up' by Thomas.Berubeg as a free action or anyone else as a 'meditation action'. If it has already absorbed a mana point, it cannot absorb further until it is harvested. The mana is 'flavored' with the powers of Earth, Seasons, and Fire (and not for examples growth, blood, or beasts) and can be used as any other mana can be (see 1st post).
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Orders due Friday at 8pm EST.

Please advise if the aggressive timelines are not realistic for you due to your schedule, etc.

Woah- there are a lot of missing words in that update and it really needs to be edited for clarity but I'm going to leave it for now... if anything is not clear, please ask. In the meantime, just ignore the bad english. This game is supposed to be fast and fun, not necessarily perfectly edited.
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0 AP: Cook and eat the delicious bird meat. Weave feathers into hair for style before heading out.
1 AP: Wander to the east to the hill, trying to snag a couple of groundsquirrels with ye olde spear (or just by chucking rocks, I honestly don't know if that would be better against such a small target.), impale any acquired squirrels on spear for transportation, and end up by the snow-covered tree nearest the eastern lake.
1 AP: Start a fire, tossing enough stuff on it for it to burn for a while. Cook squirrels for later if I have any.
1 AP: Use String and Stone Tools to sow some proper clothing out of my hide poncho, ideally with some pockets if possible.
1 AP: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz by the fire (or up the tree if the fire seems risky)
1 AP) Wander to the shoreline, and sit beneath the arch for a minute, absorbing the healing rays of the sun (absorb mana). Looking out, I can see where the fish jump, and the tide goes in and out. I make a decision, abruptly, my stomach groaning. I will build a fishing weir of rocks, almost artificial tide pools, and in these the fish and crabs and shellfish will congregate, and from there I can eat. The work is is repetitious, and hard, but there is a certain pleasure to the labor, and I can feel the warmth of the sun flow into my muscles, and from my burning muscles to the stones and water under my hands.
1 AP) To Forage on my way back home. As I do, I look for signs of clay.
1 AP) Rest under the lean-to, by the fire.
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free action: cook and eat the fish

3 AP - upgrade my canoe into an outrigger sailboat. Make string, boil the fish bones by the fire to make animal glue, chop down a tree (or part of a tree) for outrigger and mast components, and put it all together to make the canoe more stable, versatile, and capable of harnassing the wind for part of its propulsion

free action: sail to that southern mountainous 'island' to sleep the night

1 AP - sleep
AP1: Hunt Large Bird east of me(feed cat friend some if possible)
Free Action: Move Northeast
AP2: Craft Fire
AP3: Sleep near fire (carefully)
Everblack Day 9 Traveling
I finally move to a new location and already see large weird trees ahead of me.They were thicker then what am use to but nevertheless till weird. My new furry friend has be following me now but am still have to be alert around him. I need to sleep and eat to get my strength back so I'll hunt the large birds for more meat for me and my friend.This hunt wont be easy but I have come up with a a plan against them. If my first shot doesn't land I will load my second spear and fire it. If the second spear doesn't land then I'll use the fishing net as a distraction then wield my axe for the kill. I hope that I succeed so that I can continue on to found others like me soon.
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