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Netherlands' battle for World Supremacy(Demi-God)

You have alot of holes in the territories Sandman. I think cultural expansion should be enough.
Thanks gogf, erickcid and biggamer. You may be right biggamer, on the other hand, I had to send my troops into Abu's territory to reach Gil's last city. You would think that after all the trespassing that Abu has don ein the great Dutch State, that he would ignore a minor incursion of ours, but no

There is a fair chance that Smokey joins him, I suspect. Too bad!

IT - Abu captures some of my workers and doesn't even try to finish Gil off.

1790AD - Let's sort out Gil first.

Seige of Muscat - Gil has a three full strength units defending - a mech and two TOW. We send in the army first, a single tank finishes it, and

Off the remaining civs, the Mayans have the most culture at 61k versus our 27k. Now it is your turn Abu. It didn't have to go this way, you know, but you brought it upon yourself. Abu has a couple of infantry to the far east of the New Territories. Our artillery redlines them, for the bombers to destroy them.

The situation on the Arab minor penninsular:

We decide that since Abu only has infantry, guerillas and cavalry. The latter being dependent on a supply of horses from me, we will hit his cities first.

Seige of Fustat - Sure enough there are infantry defending. A welcome relief from the much stronger mechs we have been facing. For the loss of one vet tank, the city falls. We keep it so that there is a peth to Yamama, and use Fustat's resident artillery on Yamama.

Seige of Yamama - For the cost of one vet tank, and surprisingly causing two retreats, Yamama falls. We decide to raze it! The Arabs will pay for their sins.

We then bring in artillery to redline all the visible Arab troops. We also try to plant a spy on Abu, but are unsuccessful. Abu has 19 infantry and one guerilla visible to us, and we have enough artillery, so the lot are redlined. This should be fun for the elites to go leader hunting! Willen Jantszoon soon emerges. He will become the eigth tank army. And though we have to search around for enough tanks, soon where there were 20 there are none.

IT - Abu has walked four more infantry across the border. We are at 64%.

1792AD - The Arab major penninsular.

The problem here is that there is so much cultural border to content with that it will take a couple of turns to reach his cities. The new Arab invaders are easily redlined. Abel Tasman comes to the fore during these minor skirmishes. Maybe I should build Apollo for the hell of it. Apollo is rushed in Umma. A cavalry army advances into the SE of Arab land. This provides sighting to two cities, Basra and Medina. Our bomber fleet has been rebased largely at New The Hague. We will bomb these cities into submission. There was only a vet and a conscript in Basra - easily dispensed with by bombers. We use a cavalry army to take Basra. This brings Medina within range of our range 2 units.

Medina has three units left after the bombing. Three tanks are equal to the task. This brings the capital city Mecca into range of our tank armies. Unfortunately, due to range, they only get one shot each! After using two armies, we realise that we are going to run out of tank armies soon, so we decide to use some cruise missiles to reduce the defender numbers somewhat. Four cruise missiles eliminate the remaining two defenders. We then drive the newly created eigth army into Mecca without the need to fire a shot.

The cavalry army again advances to just north of Medina, bringing Kufah into range of our sighting. It is also three moves away, so only within range of missiles and armies. Our missiles are able to damage all four units but there are only two armies left, so two defenders remain.

We move some artillery and tanks into range in order to finish off the penninsular next turn.
:goodjob: Great story, finish it up :D! I will definitely tune in on your stories in the future. I love your copious use of screenshots: it's just what the doctor ordered.
IT -

1794AD - A few bombing runs later, and Kufah has no defenders. A cav army takes up residence. Damascus is shelled by our artillery and then taken with the available units. This enables our armies to strike at Najran, and it too falls. The major Arabian penninsular is now Dutch, and we are over 66% in area.

William looks at his new world map, and likes what he sees. The New Dutch Territories look so much better without any Sumerian blue or Arabian pink, but do we have to put up with the continual waffling of strange smokey essences from the Mayan dark blue areas?

We plant a spy in MAya. Smokey has 6 settlers, 55 infantry, 10 tanks and only one bomber. Obviously he thinks he can ignore Dutch sovereignity and resettle the New Territories. I don't think so Smokey!

I know where seven of his tanks are, since one is in our borders and six more are parked right next to them. I'll give him the boot and see what happens.

We move some artillery into position and pound his tanks. In the south our airforce kills the defenders in Kabah, the city Smokey founded where we autorazed a Sumerian city. We then destroy Kabah with a mech. We go back up north and destroy the exposed tanks with our own.

Seige of Calakmul - This city is directly in range of our tanks, and is isolated from the rest of Smokey's domain. For the cost of one tank, size 19 Calakmul falls. We raze it.

We lose another tank cleaning up an infantry settler pair in our territory, and then we destroy another infantry/settler pair. We abandon Fustat, Kufah, Medina, Basra and Damascus. We are at 65%. We also abandon Ulundi. Now we are 64%.

IT - The Mayans put up a little resistance up north, and kill a mech.

1796AD - The northern front.

The visible units are wiped out by artillery and bombers. We again advance the cavalry for sighting of Chicken Itza and Lazapa. Chicken Itza comes under intense bombing, that doesn't acrually reduce all six defenders to the redline. Best still has 3hp. It doesn't matter, 6 armies take the city.

IT - We shoot down the Mayan plane, and too many cultural expansions later,

I half thought to myself that I needed to abandon more cities if I wanted the conquest victory, but this way just saves me 10-15 turns of inevitability. No one left can really put up much fight.
Again, great story sandman. The pics aren't working though. Could you fix them?
biggamer132 said:
Again, great story sandman. The pics aren't working though. Could you fix them?

Yeah, there not working for me either.
There seems to be a problem with the uploads server at the moment. It is not just yesterdays images that can't be viewed. I still have all the images if I need to put them somewhere else, bbut I assume that someone will fix the uploads server, and I won't need to?
Go ottomans! They're the only civ to escape your rath :p
It's over? Ahh... oh well, that was an excellent read Sandman. Great job.
Gogf said:
Congrats! Are we going to see a Deity game soon :D?
Yes the next one will be Deity, but really what is the difference. I played demigod, because I assumed (without checking in the editor) that the AI bonus settler didn't occur until deity. That is wrong of course. Demigod and Deity AIs both get a bonus settler and two bonus workers. As far as I can see, the bonus settler is most of the difference to lower levels, because that virtually doubles the early growth curve.

As to the other differences:
The bonus offensive, defensive units - there are enough on demigod that an early war would be suicidal.
AI to AI trade - is very similiar. If you don't take your opportunities, they are gone, either difficulty level.
Production bonus - Gil was producing 1 unit per turn in his core cities on demigod. You can not produce faster than that even on SID. So if the AI had had say 10% more units would it have made a difference? I doubt it.

SID of course is a different story since the settlers/workers are doubled again.

As to soon, there will be one but possibly not too soon. This was fairly full on, and while the 167 hours is not particularly accurate because the game was on while I did other things, there was still a lot of time sunk into it. So I am a little civ burnt out just at the moment.

I have to say that I enjoyed playing the game back in the days I played on cheiftain, but it is a lot more engrossing and addictive the higher the difficulty level. And this one on the hughest difficulty I have played has certainly been the most enjoyable. It is fun to do the write up and screen shots as well. It helps you focus your game.

Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed the game, and thanks to all the feedback, it was appreciated.
Congratulations for the victory :) . This story (also) was a great piece of work. Sitting back on my chair, taking a cold beer and reading this, ah that was relaxing :goodjob: .
crystal said:
Maybe the next time you shouldn't choose agricultural and scientific opponents! :p
I didn't actually choose the opponents - I left that as random. I think Sumeria's strength was partly due to an abundance of luxury goods in her area throughout the game.
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