New Civilization for FF

When will this reach it's full potential?
And once again, why not make a Hamataro like unit. That thing is so cute, it could be one of those things in nature. Let me inspire you:

The enemy was aproaching the forest. The troop had their swords drawn and their bows strung.
Hecticly, the soldiers turned at every sound they heard. Fully confident that an ambush could lie behind any of the monstrusly large trees.
And than suddenly one of the bushes started moving. The archers aimed their bows, the men readied their weapons. But all this only to lower them a second later when a small white hamster emerged from the shade. The creature stood there, in the trace of sunlight on the road. Seemingly oblivius to the band of men poised to kill just meters from him.

One of the soldiers stepped forward, leaning on one knee to examine the creature.
Standing on his back paws, the cute litle critter looked at him with his deep sad eyes.
The soldier reached down and picked him up. The hamster squirmed around hapily in his hand as he was brought up close to the mans smiling face. The soldier turned arround to the others:
"See you gits! Nothing to be afraid off, it's just a small rodent. And look how cute he is."
His face turned to the hamster: "Whos the cute little thing? You are, oh so cute..."
And these would prove to be his last words.
A few bloody moments and grueling screams later the comander stood watch over the mutilated bodies of the foolish invaiders.
With a wave of his tiny paw he ordered the others to emerge, and carry the bodies to a conceled location. This area had to be cleened up before the next scout troop arrives.

If you like the idea, I can produce a longer more detailed text of better quality for him.
This was just a 5 minute write up.

Essentialy, I am talking about a darker more shady version of Hamataro.
A hamster adventurer whos adventures have taken him through the grim-dark world of erebus rather than the hapy-hapy world enjoyed by the original.
Now he is a respected hero and cunning comander who finds no method dishonorable, as long as it gets the job done netely.
That sounds rather reminiscient of a certain rabbit that Arthur, King of the Britons, came across in his journies, PPQ. Still, the image of Hamtaro biting a scout's face off does seem rather fitting to FfH/FF, in a twisted sort of way.
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