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New Expansion


Jun 8, 2019
U.S.A. land of the free and home of the brave
This is not finished. Please comment so I know what need changing. Some ideas here where taken from other threads and other users. I'm simply compiling ideas that I feel would go well together for an exspanion.

Religion Changes:

One of the biggest focuses of this expansion.


Pantheons would be revamped, you choose three major gods that would give slight buffs. Every civ may have the same type of god, however each civ would have a different name for it. (Ares, Tyr, ect). For example, say I chose God of War, God of Storms, and God of Love, I'd get +5 CS to all melee, anti-calv, and ranged units, less damage from storms, and faster pop growth.

My ideas for the gods to choose from: God of War (War focused), God of Love (Diplo/Pop growth), God of Storms (War/Storm based), God of the Sea (Navy/Flooding), God of Volcanoes (Volcanos/Faith), God of Wisdom (Science/Culture), God of Art (Culture/Faith), God of Witchcraft (Faith/Natural Disaster Creation), God of Wine (Production/Food/Happiness).

Gods suggested by others:

God of Creation (Pop Growth/Production) and a God of Justice (Government/Amenities).

Great Holy Wars:
They are started by the player who founded a religion. Any civ who follows the religion may join. If they do they get +100% faith for 10 turns. If they don’t all other civs who follow the religion get a -15 opinion of them for 50 turns. During a great holy war you can buy special units with faith. Any cities taken during a great holy war don’t cause grievances.

Special Great Holy War Units:

Crusader: A knight who ignores terrain and has +25 CS against units of another religion

Mujahid: A light cavalry unit with 35 Ranged Strength, 15 CS, 2 range, and 4 movement. Has +20 Cs against units of another religion.

Religious Splits:

Civilization leaders could break away from the religion, forming a new sect (Anglicism, Baptistic, Coptic) doing this would allow a civ to change some beliefs but still keep some.

Religious Consuals:

These are called by any leader following a religion for many reasons. If the religion is losing followers, if the religion has had a split, or if a civ has been harming its followers. (launching inquisitions) It can pass or repeal different policies to fix problems.

If they are losing followers:

  1. They can pass Restricted Reading, all of this religions cities are immune to religious pressure, all of it’s civs have -50% science.

  2. They can pass Burning The Heretics, inquisitors are 50% more effective and cost 50% less. Every city receives a free inquisitor. -50% culture for all civs of this religion.

  3. They can pass Heavy Preaching, +75% religious pressure for this religion. -25% production in all cities of this religion.
If they had a split:

  1. They can pass Excommunication, None of them can trade with the civ that split off.

  2. They can pass Burning of the Heretics

  3. They can pass Reforms, allowing the founder to change 1 belief.
If they’re followers are being Persecuted:

  1. They can launch a Great Holy War on the persecutor.

  2. They can pass Excommunication

  3. They can pass Vengeance, all of their civs begin persecuting the religion of the civ that is persecuting them.
New Beliefs:

Help me fill this out.

Culture Changes:

Second Pillar of this expansion. Focuses on cultural victory and civics tree.

Cultures: Each civ would start out with a single culture, this would be that of their civ (America = American). Their cities would follow this culture. New cultures can come about when a new civ joins the game (Through a rebellion mechanic I explain in another thread) or when a city is captured. A captured city has its old culture for 10 turns on normal speed, after this a new mixed culture is created. Cities with your culture have +15 loyalty, those with a branch culture (a mix between yours and another) have +5 and those with another culture have -5. Culture decides your cities buildings/units clothing. Throughout the game there is a possibility that citizens of other civilizations would join your civilizations. There would be a lens for every city showing the demographics of the city. Early game the easiest way to have multiple ethnicities in a city is through conquest. If Babylon takes over a city from China a majority of the city will still have a majority of cultural Chinese still living in the city. Whenever a new population grows it has more of a chance of the new citizen having the Chinese culture than being Babylonian. As you progress through the game your cities can acquire new citizens from other civs if those cities are within 6 tiles of one another, connected by roads, keep on upgrading harbor districts, aerodromes etc. Ultimately it would help modify the ways to go for a cultural victory. If late game the Babylonian Empire still controls the city that was previously Chinese there is a good chance that many citizens from that city will become foreign tourists to China after being exposed to Chinese culture/wanting to learn more about their Chinese past etc.


These are laws you can make. Most have good and bad sides.

  1. State Religion: Choose a religion as your civs religion. (If you founded one it is the default). This allows you to participate in Great Holy Wars and Consauls.

  2. Religious Suppression: Other religions have weaker pressure on your cities. Inquisitors are 50% cheaper. (Can cause other religions to call consauls). -10% culture in all of your cities.

A few new units.

Trebuchet: Same as captaple for everything besides cost, range and damage. +37 Bombard, 3 range, 230 production.

Mercenary: Same a pikeman for cs and movement. Can’t be built. 500 gold. 5 maint. Starts with a name and two promotions. (Follows AC tree).


Generals are a mix between heroes and great generals. They have a combat strength of the era's melee unit +2, 3 movement, and 3 maint. All of your units adjacent have +5 CS and earn +5% XP.

New Civs:


Leader- Henry The Navigator
UA- Sistema de Cartaz: Your Trade Routes are immune to being plundered on water tiles. Duplicate Luxury Resources provide 3 Gold per turn, increasing to 5 with Mercantilism and doubling if traded away. Gain all yields from improvements on Luxury Resources in city-states you are the Suzerain of.
UU- Nau: Portuguese unique unit that replaces the Caravel. +5 Combat Strength. +10 Combat Strength against naval raider-class units. Gains Gold when entering a friendly Harbor belonging to a different nation than the last Harbor it entered, depending on the distance between the two.
UI- Feitoria: Portuguese unique improvement, unlocked with Exploration. Must be constructed in a city-state on the coast and not in the same city as another Feitoria. Grants 5 Gold, 1 Envoy with this city-state, and 4 Production and one Amenity to your nearest city. Destroying this improvement by any means except taking the city-state, or attacking the city-state if Portugal is its Suzerain, is an act of war against Portugal.
Start Bias- Level 2 toward coast


UA- Chosen of Yeweah: +5 CS against stronger units. Gains faith equal to enemies CS when kills an enemy. Can cross bodies of water from the game start with no movement cost to do so.
UU- Maccabee: Replaces the scout. Ignores terrain. +15 CS when attacking.
UI- Temple of Solomon: Unique wonder. May only be built once. +10 faith. +2 gold. +4 culture. Two Great Work slots.


Leader- Puduhepa
UA- Gift of the Storm Gods: They begin with the Mining technology and receive extra Strategic Resources in Cities with Holy Sites. They also gain Science and Faith whenever they upgrade a Unit.
UU-Three-Man War Chariot: It replaces the Heavy Chariot. It has more base Combat Strength receives extra Combat Strength against Melee Units but is more expensive to produce.
UI- Bloomery: It is unlocked with Bronze Working. It provides Production, Gold, and Science, and provide those bonuses to adjacent Mines that are built over Resources.

(Thanks to William The Conquer for this one)

Leader: Joseph Brant

Civilization Ability: The Five Nations
+2 Combat Strength to all Military Land Units for every City-State You are Suzerain of. City-States the Iroquois are Suzerain of provide a free Military Unit every 50 turns.

Leader Ability: Brant’s Volunteers
Land Units gain +4 Combat Strength for every adjacent Allied Unit. +3 Combat Strength to all Land Units for every Alliance the Iroquois have.
Gain the Brant’s Volunteer Unique Unit with Rifling.

Unique Unit: Brant’s Volunteer
Iroquois Unique Industrial Era Recon Unit that replaces the Ranger when Joseph Brant is their leader. Costs no Movement Points to pillage Specialty District and Improvements.

Production Cost: 225

Gold Cost: 900

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 55

Sight Range: 3

Leader Agenda: Irregular Warfare
Will pillage as many Improvements and Specialty Districts, and likes those who do the same.
Dislikes those who do not pillage Tiles.

Greeting: We meet for the first time, stranger. I am Joseph Brant, the war chief of the Iroquois, and protector of my people.

Agenda Approval: We both show the same resolve, and that resolve leads us to do things we wish we didn’t have to do.

Agenda Disapproval: You show cowardice in the faces of your enemies. You would rather have them enslave your people than do the necessary evil.

Attacked: It seems that peace was never an option between our nations. I weep at the fact.

Declares War on You: Our warriors cry for blood and plunder. Our fury shall sweep aside your forces and raid your lands.

Defeated: The warrior spirit in me has left, and it has been replaced with one of defeat.
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Expansion about religious splits and no Bohemia?

I would say you could expand great prophets to be able to do a religious split. You would have to expend them. So you get Great Prophets like Jan Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, Shinran, etc. after all religions are established.
Sirsquier, if you want, you could use my Civilizations for your expansion ideas. :)

Kings and Generals: Focuses on revamping the military with attrition, strategic fronts, training, etc. Adds mercenaries into the game as well as revamping how barbarians work.

Into the Unknown: Will rework the Natural Wonders system, as well as exploration in general. Will also rework some stuff in diplomacy and economics.

Dawn of Man: Reworks the Ancient Era, how Population works, and also adds those Culture ideas there.

Eternal Legacy: Will rework Loyalty, as well as add Random Events like what Beyond Earth had in it.

Old Faith: Reworks the way Religion works in the way you describe it, as well as Pantheons.

Sapere Aude: Reworks the Civic and Tech trees, and reworks how Science and Culture work, as well as Districts and Specialists.

We the People: Reworks Diplomacy, Government, Espionage, City-States, and so-on.

You may fill in the blanks as you please. :)
Sirsquier, if you want, you could use my Civilizations for your expansion ideas. :)

Kings and Generals: Focuses on revamping the military with attrition, strategic fronts, training, etc. Adds mercenaries into the game as well as revamping how barbarians work.

Into the Unknown: Will rework the Natural Wonders system, as well as exploration in general. Will also rework some stuff in diplomacy and economics.

Dawn of Man: Reworks the Ancient Era, how Population works, and also adds those Culture ideas there.

Eternal Legacy: Will rework Loyalty, as well as add Random Events like what Beyond Earth had in it.

Old Faith: Reworks the way Religion works in the way you describe it, as well as Pantheons.

Sapere Aude: Reworks the Civic and Tech trees, and reworks how Science and Culture work, as well as Districts and Specialists.

We the People: Reworks Diplomacy, Government, Espionage, City-States, and so-on.

You may fill in the blanks as you please. :)
Could you link the threads with your civs?
Sure. :D

To make this easy, the pages where my Civilization Ideas are 1, 3, and 8.

My Civilization Ideas on this Thread are on pages 1 and 2.
For now I'll focus on the Old Faith and We The People civs as those best match the ideas I've come up with. I of course will tweak them a bit if I have an idea that fits with this expansion. However I'll try to stay faithful to your ideas as much a possible. I'll add the others over time as I flesh out the expansion idea more.
For now I'll focus on the Old Faith and We The People civs as those best match the ideas I've come up with. I of course will tweak them a bit if I have an idea that fits with this expansion. However I'll try to stay faithful to your ideas as much a possible. I'll add the others over time as I flesh out the expansion idea more.
Sure! :D I am a bit late to reply, though. :p
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